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A collection of posts on Reports

ReportsAug 13, 2020
Shareholder Update: Q2 2020 and July

Note: This is the quarterly update sent to Buffer shareholders, with a bit of added information for context. We share these updates transparently as a part of our ‘default to transparency ’ value. See all of our revenue on our public revenue dashboard and see all of our reports and updates here . It's been quite the y

OpenApr 10, 2020
Pay Analysis Update: Examining Equal Pay at Buffer in 2020

Editor’s Note: Thanks for checking out this post! We’ve released our updated 2021 pay analysis here. You can’t improve something if you don’t know that it needs to be improved. That was very true for us four years ago when we first started looking into equal pay at Buffer. We have long used a salary formula to determine all of our salaries – the same role in the same part of the world receives the same salary. That m

Buffer Shareholder Update: COVID-19 Impact and Approach

Ever since the world got turned upside down by COVID-19, it’s been “business as unusual” for everyone – Buffer included. I sent this update out to Buffer’s investors one week ago. I hesitated on whether to share it more widely, as I know a lot of companies have been impacted more severely in these times. That said, I believe it makes sense to lean into our company value of transparency, since there may be some companies this could help, and it shows Buffer customers that we will be around beyon

OpenMar 29, 2019
Our Latest Pay Analysis: Examining Buffer’s Gender Pay Gap in 2019

Thanks for reading our equal pay report. See our updated 2021 pay analysis here.  Progress seldom looks like the straight line we all wish it might. Real life is much messier, filled with false starts, mistakes, and backtracks. That’s an especially tough truth when it comes to issues like the gender pay gap that affect real people’s lives so deeply. But in advance of this year’s Equal Pay Day, Buffer has a progress story to tell – and it looks nothing like a straight upward line. What is E

OpenDec 13, 2018
Babies, books, and more: Buffer’s 2018 in numbers

One of our favorite year-end activities — and one of our favorite everyday cultural values — is to pause and reflect on all that we’ve seen and done at Buffer over the past twelve months. (You can check out our reflections on the past two years: 2017 and 2016 .) We’ve done the same year-in-review again for 2018 , and having gathered this data for three years in a row now, we are able t

ReportsAug 2, 2018
Buffer in Q2 2018: Our 9th retreat, GDPR compliance, and being named one of Inc’s Best Workplaces for 2018

MRR $1,498,636 ARR $17,984,388 EBIDTA $1,340,654(+15%) Paying customers 79,665(-2%) Q2 Revenue $4,527,930(+6%) EBITDA Margin 29.61% This quarter was Buffer’s 9th company-wide retreat and it was a joy to get to see the entire team in Singapore for a week. Our People team did an incredible job of creating a relaxing and productive space for the team to gather and it was a week packed with insightful sessions and team-bonding. In addition to being able to spend time together, in Q2 were deep

ReportsMay 16, 2018
Buffer in Q1 2018: Kicking Off The New Year With Momentum

MRR $1,478,344 ARR $17,740,128 EBIDTA $1,178,687(+38%) Paying customers 82,156(+5.12H%) Q1 Revenue $4,273,171(+3.62%) Cash in bank $6,285,455(+18.74%) Prefer to listen? Here’s the audio version of this post! These first few months of 2018 have been very active for everyone in the social media space, and that was especially true at Buffer. In this report, we’ll go through how we’re dealing with API changes from Facebook and Twitter on our Product and Engineer teams. On the financial side,

OpenApr 10, 2018
Our Latest Pay Analysis: What Women and Men Make at Buffer in 2018

Editor’s Note: Thanks for checking out this post! We’ve released our updated 2021 pay analysis here. At Buffer, we’ve always marched to the beat of our own drum when it comes to how we pay our team. We make our salaries transparent to the whole world. We calculate all salaries with a fully transparent (and publicly available) formula. And we’ve been proud to be part of the Equal Pay Day conversation for the past two years, by sharing our full data in a transparent pay analysis. For Equal Pay D

OpenFeb 27, 2018
State of Remote Work 2018 Report: What It’s Like to be a Remote Worker in 2018

Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Go here to view the latest version of this post. What comes to mind when you think of remote work? In our experience, it’s not only one image. Remote work comes in many different shapes and sizes. We are a fully distributed team at Buffer, meaning that we have no office and everyone chooses to work from where they’re happiest: both geographically (we have teammates across the world) and functionally (we hav

ReportsJan 31, 2018
Buffer in Q4 2017: Profit Sharing, Reflecting on 2017, and Ending the Year With Rest

MRR $1,396,138 ARR $16,753,656 EBIDTA $854,325 (-10.81%) Paying customers 78,153 (+2.44%) Q4 Revenue $4,123,913.83 (+7.39%) Cash in bank $5,293,484 (+21.21%) The end of the year always brings about a lot of reflection and this year it also marked many milestones for the team at Buffer. One notable financial milestone for us is that we were able to deliver our first profit-sharing bonus with the entire Buffer team. It was heart-warming and uplifting to hear how each teammate planned to spe

OpenJan 10, 2018
Reflecting on Buffer’s 2017 in numbers

2017 was an exciting year for the Buffer team with some big changes, a few firsts, and some major progress forward. We set a new vision for the company and products , went on our 8th company retreat to Madrid , calculated equal pay at Buffer for the first time, and got to a very healthy place financially, among many other

ReportsNov 9, 2017
Buffer in Q3 2017: A New Product Vision, Retiring Bootcamp, and We’re Hiring Again

Buffer Transparency Report Q3 2017 * Last quarter’s report * All Transparency reports * All Buffer reports MRR $1,312,614 ARR $15,751,368 EBIDTA $957,883.16 (+38.3%) Paying customers 76,293 (+3.8%) Q3 Revenue 3,840,296.81 (+8.16%) Cash in bank $4,367,158 (+23.5%) In the past seven years that we’ve been building Buffer a lot has changed. The Buffer product has evolved, the social net

ReportsAug 4, 2017
Buffer in Q2 2017: Over $3 Million in the bank, all our new features, and experimenting with 360° reviews

MRR $1.23m ARR $14.8m QoQ 7.48% Paying customers 73,503+4.98% MAU 302,710+2.99% WAU 186,594+0.21% * Net income: $705,146 (+244.68%) * Cash in bank: $3.5m (+26.29%) 72 team members across the worldThings have been moving ahead at Buffer at a fast and exciting pace. This is partly as a result of our new experiment with six-week cycles as a team. These short periods of focused time working on key projects have been very impactful for us since we’ve implemented them. We’re keen to keep lean

ReportsApr 20, 2017
Buffer in Q1 2017: 4 Million Blog Sessions, Responding to Customers in 13 Seconds, and our 8th retreat in Madrid

Editor’s Note: We’ve switched our Investor’s Reports from monthly to quarterly.We’re excited to keep publishing them in full for our Buffer Open audience in keeping with our value of transparency . Buffer Investor Report Q1 2017 * Last month’s report * All Investor reports * All Buffer reports MRR $1.18m ARR $13.8m MoM 1.9% from

OpenApr 4, 2017
On The Journey to Equal Pay: Here’s Exactly What Men and Women Earn at Buffer

Thanks for reading our equal pay report. See our updated 2021 pay analysis here.  At Buffer, we feel a close connection to the conversation about salaries. We strive to pay all employees fairly and equally, as evidenced by our adoption of a transparent salary formula. We share this formula publicly (you can try it for yourself here), and we share the actual salaries of the entire Buffer team: Every one of our salaries is available in a transparent spreadsheet. We whole-heartedly embrace trans

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
How Managers Can Support Family Leave + New Reflection Experiment

Buffer People/People Ops Report January 2017 * Last month’s report Last month’s Ops report * All People reports * All Buffer reports Applicants 168-53% Open blog posts published 14-1 Open blog visitors 142,867 +19% Bimonthly team NPS score [

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
Live Chat Support Launched for Business Customers

Buffer Happiness Report January 2017 * Last month’s report * All Happiness reports * All Buffer reports Responses within 1 hour 35% 0% Customer satisfaction score 93+2% Email conversations 10,429 +17% Twitter conversations 6,801+33% Avg. Twitter response time 8 hr 58 min -20% Webinars hosted 6 Hello to live chat! At Buffer, we are committed to quality and s

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
Staying on Top of Alerts with Respond: Slack Integration, Inbox Filters

Respond Report January 2017 * Last month’s report * All Respond reports * All Buffer reports MoM: +9% Paying customers 90(+3%) Bugs fixed 34+ It’s February. 2017. No, you’re not alone. It’s amazing how fast this year is moving. But with the holidays behind us, our team is kicking off 2017 with a bunch of great new improvements and updates just for you. Let’s dig in :-) Facebook comments rolled

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
Building with Atomic Design, Instagram Grid Preview Coming to iOS and Lots of Open Source

Buffer Engineering Report December 2016 * Last month’s report * All Engineering reports * All Buffer reports Requests for 215 m -13.7% Avg. response for 262 ms +3.1% Requests for 331 m +12.9% Avg. response for 264 ms -1.85% Code reviews given 83% of pull requests +32% Quality * 3 S1 (severity 1) bugs: 18 opened, 15 closed. (83% smashed, 6% up from December) * 9 S2 (severity 2) bugs: 33 opened, 24 closed (73%

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
New Marketing Content Strategy for the New Year

Buffer Marketing Report January 2017 * Last month’s report * All marketing reports * All Buffer reports Buffer signups 18,922 +26% Buffer for Business trials 1,732 +16% Social blog sessions 1,321,003 +27% Email subscribers 89,424 -4% NPS 45 +10% Kicking off 2017 with a new strategy for content At the start of 2017, we launched a new approach to our content s

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
Instagram Grid Preview Launched + New Signup Experiment Results

Buffer Product Report January 2017 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Weekly active Awesome + Individual plan users 175,751 +13% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,905 +6.8% Buffer for Business Monthly Recurring Revenue $534,828 +2.1% Social updates sent by Buffer for Business users 4,247,699 +11.7% Users starting Buffer for Business trials 7,581 +23% Converted Buffer for Business trials 314 +6.4% Users starting Awesome t

ReportsJan 13, 2017
New Family Leave Policy + A Peek Inside our Executive Meetings

Buffer People Report December 2016 * Last month’s report * All People reports * All Buffer reports Applicants 360-24% Open blog posts published 15 no change Open blog visitors 120,065-7.3% Bimonthly team NPS score 60% Launching our new family leave recommend

ReportsJan 13, 2017
How (and Why) We’re Creating Brand Guidelines for Buffer

Buffer Marketing Report December 2016 * Last month’s report * All marketing reports * All Buffer reports Buffer signups 14,943 +5% Buffer for Business trials 1,497 +63%* Social blog sessions 1,041,679 -16% Email subscribers 93,232 -2% NPS 41 -4% * Trial starts in December were up in such an enormous way because of a change our growth team made to the upgrade flow. One of the things I enjoy most about working at a startup is that I’ll often have the chance to take on

ReportsJan 13, 2017
New Composer Begins to Roll Out + Updated Signup Flow for New Customers

Buffer Product Report December 2016 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Weekly active Awesome + Individual plan users 155,013-6% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,594-6% Buffer for Business Monthly Recurring Revenue $523,973+2.9% Social updates sent by Buffer for Business users 3,801,986-0.3% Users starting Buffer for Busine