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Suprasanna Mishra

Suprasanna Mishra

A collection of 7 posts

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
Instagram Grid Preview Launched + New Signup Experiment Results

Buffer Product Report January 2017 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Weekly active Awesome + Individual plan users 175,751 +13% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,905 +6.8% Buffer for Business Monthly Recurring Revenue $534,828 +2.1% Social updates sent by Buffer for Business users 4,247,699 +11.7% Users starting Buffer for Business trials 7,581 +23% Converted Buffer for Business trials 314 +6.4% Users starting Awesome t

ReportsJan 13, 2017
New Composer Begins to Roll Out + Updated Signup Flow for New Customers

Buffer Product Report December 2016 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Weekly active Awesome + Individual plan users 155,013-6% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,594-6% Buffer for Business Monthly Recurring Revenue $523,973+2.9% Social updates sent by Buffer for Business users 3,801,986-0.3% Users starting Buffer for Busine

ReportsDec 7, 2016
More Features Coming Soon for Instagram Reminders

Buffer Product Report November 2016 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Weekly active Awesome + Individual plan users 164,945-1.8% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,887-1.1% Buffer for Business Monthly Recurring Revenue $509,313+1.8% Social updates sent by Buffer for Business users 3,815,321+15% Users starting Buffer for Busi

ReportsNov 8, 2016
Coming Soon: Instagram Grid Preview, Facebook Page Tagging and More

Buffer Product Report October 2016 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Weekly active Awesome + Individual plan users 167,987+1.7% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,945+1.8% Buffer for Business Monthly Recurring Revenue $500,161+5.6% Social updates sent by Buffer for Business users 3,273,927 +9.2% Users starting Buffer for B

ReportsOct 6, 2016
Inside Buffer’s Process for Product Development

Buffer Product Report September 2016 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Weekly active users (Awesome + Individual plans) 165,180 +5.1% Weekly active B4B users 4,854 +2.4% B4B Monthly Recurring Revenue $473,425 +4.6% Social updates sent by B4B users 2,998,879 -0.7% Users starting B4B trials in September 5,796 -44.4% Converted B4B tri

ReportsSep 7, 2016
Customized Composer, Trial Experiments and Product Team Adjustments

Buffer Product Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Key stats in August Weekly active users (Awesome + Individual plans) 157,194 +1.3% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,451 0% Buffer for Business monthly recurring revenue $445,334 +4.7% B4B trial starts 9,450 +9.9% August has been a month of progress across the pr

ReportsAug 4, 2016
Integrating Mobile Into Buffer’s Product Process, Plus a Sneak Peek at Our New Content Library

See all Buffer reports → Product Report July 2016 We’re excited for our first product report! Every month, we plan to update you on the latest goings-on within the Buffer product. Currently, we have three “tribes” underneath the Buffer product umbrella—Buffer, Buffer for Business and Growth. We’ll walk you through the product overall and then share some some key metrics and updates from each of those tribes! Key numbers to note: * 155,386 weekly active users (across Individual and A