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Katie Wilde

Katie Wilde

VP of Engineering @ Buffer

A collection of 13 posts

OpenJun 24, 2021
An Honest Look into our Engineering Team Engagement Survey

In the spring of 2021, we put out an engagement survey to our engineering team to understand their experience at Buffer. In this post, we share the very honest and eye-opening survey results, and the action steps we plan to take from our learnings.

OpenNov 7, 2018
Why Great Managers Matter

Having managers isn’t something we do at Buffer just because it’s what other companies usually do. We’ve always been proud to be different and to follow the path less travelled — even when it comes to people management. Over the past few years, we’ve tried it all: from experimenting with full self-management (no managers) to having leads and managers supporting our team [https://bu

How to Hold a Hackathon (When No One’s in the Same Room)

As a globally distributed team , one of the most interesting things to experiment with is how we collaborate and innovate when we’re all spread out. A couple weeks ago, we tried out that stalwart of engineering innovation – the hackathon! In researching hackathons, it was clear we needed to rethink a lot of the traditional structure … particularly this: As a remote team, we couldn’t all be in a room together, ordering in food and grouping around a laptop.

Inside Our Product Process at Buffer: 6 Week Cycles and How We Run Them

Until pretty recently, we didn’t have a “product process” at Buffer when it came to how we built the product. Initially, we were proud of our super lean approach with an engineer or two collaborating with a product manager and figuring it out as they went along. This worked well when we were smaller, but as our team grew and we wanted to build more ambitious products , timelines started to get unrealistically long and we were shipping cars all in

Self-ImprovementMay 11, 2017
Becoming a Better Manager: The 4 Playlists I Use To Help Me Context-Switch

Before you say context-switching is the worst, hear me out — being a manager , I’ll often have several calls back to back and need to shift emotional context quickly. I sometimes carry the mindset and energy of one meeting through to the next and it leaves me less emotionally attuned. I was getting tired from the effort of context-switching and sometimes would be visibly drained or stressed. This is a catching disease: second-hand stress [

ReportsFeb 14, 2017
Building with Atomic Design, Instagram Grid Preview Coming to iOS and Lots of Open Source

Buffer Engineering Report December 2016 * Last month’s report * All Engineering reports * All Buffer reports Requests for 215 m -13.7% Avg. response for 262 ms +3.1% Requests for 331 m +12.9% Avg. response for 264 ms -1.85% Code reviews given 83% of pull requests +32% Quality * 3 S1 (severity 1) bugs: 18 opened, 15 closed. (83% smashed, 6% up from December) * 9 S2 (severity 2) bugs: 33 opened, 24 closed (73%

OpenJan 26, 2017
Leading Ideas: Buffer’s new Engineering Career Paths Framework

During early startup days, everyone pitches into everything and just does what needs doing. The focus is on building a product: getting it out the door and delivering something great for our users. A small, flat team, a cluster of passionate engineers doing whatever it takes each day, works just fine. More than fine – it’s brilliant. It’s what got Buffer to where we are today, passing $12M in ARR with a team of 81 Bufferoos spread across the world, serving over 4 million users who send more tha

OpenJan 13, 2017
Working Toward Error-Free Buffer Posts, Plus New Twitter Analytics Coming Soon

Buffer Engineering Report December 2016 * Last month’s report * All Engineering reports * All Buffer reports Requests for 189 m -7.8% Avg. response for 254 ms -4.2% Requests for 288 m -33.9%* Avg. response for 269 ms -33.9% Code reviews given 51% of pull requests -12% Buffer Kubernetes Cluster * 9 nodes in cluster * 149 pods * 652million requests handled * Serving 58% of total traffic Bugs and Quality *

ReportsDec 7, 2016
Could Deep Work Wednesdays Help Your Team be More Productive?

Buffer Engineering Report November 2016 * Last month’s report * All Engineering reports * All Buffer reports Requests for 203 m -1.9% Avg. response for 265 ms -5.4% Requests for 430 m -59.8%* Avg. response for 196 ms +100% Code reviews given 63% of pull requests -3% *We offloaded nearly 60% of requests to onto the Kubernetes cluster with the new links service! The links service was heavily cac

ReportsNov 8, 2016
Perfect Images on Any Social Network, Accessibility Focus and Our Journey With Kubernetes

Buffer Engineering Report October 2016 * Last month’s report * All Engineering reports * All Buffer reports Requests for 206 m +4% Avg. response for 280 ms +4.8% Requests for 1.06 b +1.9% Avg. response for 98 ms +12.7% Code reviews given 66% of pull requests -2% Bugs & Quality * 13 S1 (severity 1) bugs: 2 opened, 11 closed (84% smashed) * 16 S2 (severity 2) bugs: 5 opened, 11 closed (68% smashed) Buffer

ReportsOct 6, 2016
Streamlining and Improving Buffer’s Video and Image Services

Buffer Engineering Report September 2016 * Last month’s report * All Engineering reports * All Buffer reports Key stats Requests for 196 m Avg. response for 226ms Requests for 1.04 b Avg. response for 86.8 ms Bugs & Quality * Code reviews given: 68% of Pull Requests were reviewed * 4 S1 (severity 1) bugs: 4 opened, 3 closed. (42% smashed) * 24 S2 (severity 2) bugs: 9 opened, 13 closed (59% smashed) Buffer

OpenSep 27, 2016
My First 30 Days as a Manager: The 3 Biggest Questions I’ve Asked Myself So Far

It feels ridiculous for me to write about being an engineering manager. It’s a job I’ve done for not even 30 days yet. But that’s what I want to know from others —how did you start? How did you make it through your first month? No two first rodeos are ever alike. But they’re all rodeos, and falling off is falling off. There’s some kind of pattern. So here I am, writing the post that I want to read. What is this job, anyway? I had a rough idea what I was getting into from the internal job des

OpenApr 11, 2016
‘I Didn’t Notice:’ Why I Trained Myself Not To Be a ‘Woman in Tech’

For a long time, almost as long as I’ve been a member of the exclusive “Women in Tech” club, I’ve avoided talking about diversity. I modeled myself after Marissa Mayer, who when asked what it was like being the only female engineer at Google (back in the day) said, “I didn’t notice.” I completely believe this. It’s often very useful not to notice. Perhaps her blindness came naturally. For me, I trained myself not to notice being the only woman in the Slack channel because noticing hurt me. It