Joel Gascoigne

Joel Gascoigne

CEO and co-founder @ Buffer

A collection of 131 posts

ThreadsJun 25, 2024
Buffer for Threads is Here: Plan, Schedule, Cross-post, and Analyze Your Content

The decision to integrate Threads came directly from you — our community. We received over 7,000 requests for this feature, and each one was a reminder of why we do what we do at Buffer.

OpenJan 25, 2024
Introducing our Open Salary System: Reflecting on a Decade of Transparent Salaries at Buffer

Buffer has been in business for 13 years now, and we’ve had transparent salaries for 10 of those. This means that for over a decade, all Buffer salaries have been publicly viewable, and we’ve shared our approach to salaries and the formula we based them upon openly. We’ve maintained transparent salaries through significant market (and world) changes and through ups and downs in our performance as a business. I’m proud of the fact that we never took away that transparency, internally or external

OpenAug 18, 2022
Build Week at Buffer: What It Is and How We’re Approaching It

Read all about the idea behind Build Week, what it means, and how we're approaching it.

OpenFeb 22, 2022
Our Vision for Location-Independent Salaries at Buffer

We eliminated two of our lower cost-of-living bands in our salary formula at Buffer. Here's my thinking behind this change and our approach to pay overall.

Buffer NewsOct 13, 2021
New from Buffer: Start Page

Today, we’re launching Start Page by Buffer for anyone who wants to create a beautiful, mobile-friendly landing page in minutes and update it in seconds, and it’s free.

OpenApr 26, 2021
Caryn Hubbard is Buffer’s VP of Finance

I'm happy to share that Caryn Hubbard was recently promoted to Buffer's VP of Finance. 🎉 Caryn has been on the Buffer team for over five years now and has made huge contributions in her time on the team, both as the leader of our Finance team and as a member of our Executive team. She was instrumental in our $3.3M buy back of VC investors , in helping us navigate the turbulence of the financial impact of the pan

OpenApr 26, 2021
Tyler Wanlass is Buffer’s VP of Design

I’m happy to share that Tyler Wanlass recently became Buffer’s VP of Design. 🎉 Tyler has been on the Buffer team for over five years now, initially joining as a Product Manager before he transitioned to our first Head of Design. Throughout 2020, while we were hiring for a new Product leader, Tyler took on that role in the interim and did an incredible job. I’ve been impressed with how he’s juggled so much, operated at a high level, and contributed at layers from

When Taking Fridays Off Can Help Our Team Get More Done: An AMA on the 4-Day Work Week

Since we first kicked off a 4-day work week in May 2020, people have had a lot of questions about it. What day are we taking off? How long will we continue this practice? Is everyone really working four-days a week or are some people working more? Some of the answers to these questions have changed over the last few months, and I’m sure some will continue to change and evolve as we learn more about operating within a four-day work week. A little while ago, I decided to answer questions about o

Crafting a Support Network as a Founder and CEO

This post was originally published on . Sometime in late 2018, the concept of having a support network clicked for me. This was the year that I started working with Mandy, my second Executive Assistant. Caryn, who I worked with in that capacity for around a year and a half, had transitioned to lead Finance. The gap without this type of support helped me to reflect on the most ideal setup. The journey to a support network The first time around that I w

OpenJan 6, 2021
Welcoming Maria Thomas as Buffer’s Chief Product Officer

In July, we shared that we were looking for a product leader to help us take Buffer forward in our next phase. After speaking to an incredible group of talented folks in product, I’m happy to share that Maria Thomas has joined us as our new Chief Product Officer. We’re now a 10-year old company , and in the past year, I’ve done a lot of reflection on the purpose of the company an

OpenNov 30, 2020
Reflecting on 10 Years of Building Buffer

Today marks ten years since I launched the first version of Buffer. What started as a landing page to gauge interest, and then a very basic product that I worked on alone, has become so much more. Buffer is now a leading social media management platform and a team of nearly 90 people working remotely worldwide, with our own approach and culture. Reaching this milestone means a lot for me, and I thought it would be interesting to reflect on each year of the Buffer journey. As you’ll see, things

The Evolution of Product at Buffer and the Next Step: We’re Hiring a VP of Product

We've been building Buffer for coming up to ten years now. We’re currently a 90-person fully remote team with over 70,000 paying customers and $20M in annual revenue. We’re proud to be a leader in the space of social media management, and to operate long-term as an independent and profitable business. As a company, we’ve rallied around serving small businesses. We’re also passionate about challenging suboptimal approaches to how work happens and how employees are treated. Our current 4-day work

OpenMay 30, 2020
We’re Trying a 4-Day Workweek for the Month of May

As April comes to a close, and we look ahead to another month where our global team is living in various forms of lockdown and isolation, I decided that for the month of May, Buffer will operate under a 4-day workweek (at full pay) across the whole 89-person team. We’re in a period of time where there’s a layer of added anxiety and stress in all of our lives. At Buffer, we’ve been encouraging taking time off, and relaxing productivity expectations, in addition to shifting internal deadlines, bu

OpenMay 25, 2020
Snowmelt Meetings: Why I’m Meeting With My Team Even More Right Now

“When spring comes, snow melts first at the periphery, because that is where it is most exposed”Andy Grove This quote comes from Andy Grove , Intel’s former CEO, and which I was reminded of in the most recent book I finished reading, Seeing Around Corners by Rita McGrath. The idea is that snow melts first from the edges, at the periphery. This is where the first c

We Are Sunsetting Reply, Here’s Everything You Need to Know

In 2015, we made Buffer’s most significant acquisition and acquired Respondly , which became Reply, our solution to help businesses deliver fast and responsive customer support on social media. We originally acquired it intending to diversify Buffer’s core product offerings. While it served that purpose, it has become clear over time that Reply is better suited for larger organizations and is not the best product for Buffer’s core custome

Buffer Shareholder Update: COVID-19 Impact and Approach

Ever since the world got turned upside down by COVID-19, it’s been “business as unusual” for everyone – Buffer included. I sent this update out to Buffer’s investors one week ago. I hesitated on whether to share it more widely, as I know a lot of companies have been impacted more severely in these times. That said, I believe it makes sense to lean into our company value of transparency, since there may be some companies this could help, and it shows Buffer customers that we will be around beyon

OpenAug 13, 2019
Buffer’s Evolution and Expansion

Almost exactly two years ago, I wrote this blog post about the next step in Buffer’s social media journey . I described Buffer’s multi-product vision of the future, which included Reply and Analyze . This idea was such a huge vision and change for us as a company, and it’s taken a few years to fulfill it. But now, looking back the vision in that blog post, it’s our current reality at Buffer. W

OpenApr 10, 2019
My Experience with Burnout as a Startup Founder

In mid-2017, I hit burnout in a really big way and wound up taking a 6-week break to recharge. I want to fully share my story here and include some things I wish I’d done differently in the hope that this can help anyone else experiencing burnout. How it began: A year of change, stress, and loss Looking back, the lead-up to my burnout goes back to the end of 2015. My co-founder and I were growing apart on our vision for Buffer’s future, which continued throughout 2016 despite several in-perso

Z - PopularSep 16, 2018
The Joys and Benefits of Working as a Distributed Team

Buffer is a fully remote team . It’s a decision I made at the end of 2012, when Buffer was in its infancy, and it’s interesting to reflect on that decision now. I am happy to report that I am in love with the choice we made to be distributed all across the world. When I say that we’re a remote, distributed team, I mean that we’re literally spread across the whole world. Buffer is a team of 79 right now , and we have teammates on a

OpenAug 29, 2018
We Spent $3.3M Buying Out Investors: Why and How We Did It

Last month, Buffer spent $3.3 million – about half of all the cash we had in the bank – to buy out our main venture capital (VC) investors. Starting the conversations, negotiations, and process of this buy out was one of the most important decisions I’ve made in the Buffer journey so far, and it was the culmination of more than a year of work. This is a key inflection point for Buffer that puts us truly on a path of sustainable, long-term growth. Here is the full journey of how we decided on t

ReportsAug 2, 2018
Buffer in Q2 2018: Our 9th retreat, GDPR compliance, and being named one of Inc’s Best Workplaces for 2018

MRR $1,498,636 ARR $17,984,388 EBIDTA $1,340,654(+15%) Paying customers 79,665(-2%) Q2 Revenue $4,527,930(+6%) EBITDA Margin 29.61% This quarter was Buffer’s 9th company-wide retreat and it was a joy to get to see the entire team in Singapore for a week. Our People team did an incredible job of creating a relaxing and productive space for the team to gather and it was a week packed with insightful sessions and team-bonding. In addition to being able to spend time together, in Q2 were deep

OpenMay 23, 2018
My Morning Routine As A Remote CEO And Why It’s Always Changing

Prefer to listen? Here’s the audio version of this post! Working remotely and having the opportunity to work from home, coffee shops, coworking spaces, or wherever else I might feel the most productive, means that I can design my own mornings because they don’t necessarily need to be spent commuting. I’ve gone through many different morning routines over the years, and I don’t believe there is one perfect routine for everyone or even just for me. My morning routine is constantly changing and e

ReportsMay 16, 2018
Buffer in Q1 2018: Kicking Off The New Year With Momentum

MRR $1,478,344 ARR $17,740,128 EBIDTA $1,178,687(+38%) Paying customers 82,156(+5.12H%) Q1 Revenue $4,273,171(+3.62%) Cash in bank $6,285,455(+18.74%) Prefer to listen? Here’s the audio version of this post! These first few months of 2018 have been very active for everyone in the social media space, and that was especially true at Buffer. In this report, we’ll go through how we’re dealing with API changes from Facebook and Twitter on our Product and Engineer teams. On the financial side,

OpenMar 12, 2018
Why We’re Changing the Buffer Free Plan

Note to existing Buffer users: We are bringing back two Free plan features: default profiles and an option to turn off link shortening. More on this decision and the complete “why” behind all changes below. Thank you for your support, and we are sorry if the changes came as a surprise. We strive to offer all Buffer customers a seamless, intuitive experience with the product. Recently, we’ve put that experience under the microscope to see where we can improve and how we can better serve our gro