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A collection of 2,484 blog posts

AnalyticsJun 3, 2016
Snapchat, Launching a Podcast, Social Ads, and More: Behind-the-Scenes of Social Media at Buffer in May

It’s been an exciting month at Buffer – Tons of fun social media initiatives, experiments, and thinking ahead on innovative ideas to continue to grow on all of our channels. Ideas like: * How can we best market our new Buffer CultureLab podcast? * What does our audience enjoy on Snapchat ? How can we grow and stand out? *

OpenJun 2, 2016
These Are Buffer’s Top 10 Lessons from Growing to $10 Million ARR

In five-and-a-half years of Buffer (wow!), we’ve been fortunate to cross many milestones — 3 million registered users, 90+ team members, and most recently, $10 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR). Along this journey, we’ve been grateful for the support of the community and for the chance to gather new learnings along each step of the way. Some of these lessons we gleaned easily — others we learned the hard way. We’ve discovered the value of masterminds, data, and customer research. We e

ResourcesJun 2, 2016
11 Simple Yet Effective Edits to Instantly Improve Your Social Media Content

As marketers, writers and crafters, we spend hours on bringing our content ideas to life and after all that effort, want our content to be seen. Writing powerful social media copy to grab people’s eyes and win their hearts is a challenge, though. And often, when our content isn’t breaking through the noise we can fix it with a few slight edits and tweaks. Editing content and copy is a key part of the creative process but is often overlooked. In this post, I’d love to share 11 editing tips and

BufferchatJun 2, 2016
Creating the Event Experience: A Bufferchat Recap

This week, Laurence Hebberd stopped by #bufferchat to share his insights on creating an event experience! We discussed creative ways to promote events , strategies for encouraging people to talk at events, how to measure event success, and much more. Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, [

ResourcesJun 1, 2016
How 8 Departments That Aren’t Marketing Can Use Social Media

Whole Foods has gone all in on social media. In addition to its main Twitter account (boasting 4.83 million followers), there are hundreds of smaller ones run by individual stores. Many locations also have their own Facebook pages, with follower counts any marketer would be happy with. For example, Whole Foods Austin has more than 32,000 fans. Clearly, there isn’t a single department that “owns” social media at Whole Foods. It belongs to everyone: from the CEO, who blogs about the natural food

News and TrendsMay 31, 2016
A First Look at New Instagram Business Tools (And What They Mean for Your Business)

Want to make your business stand out on Instagram? Check out our complete guide to Instagram marketing and get the playbook that drives results for Instagram’s top profiles. Businesses have been using Instagram as a way to build their audience and connect with customers for a while now without too much insight on how their content is performing. But soon, they’ll be able to dive way beyond total likes and views. Instagram has officially announced the launch of its tools for business users, inc

PodcastsMay 27, 2016
Buffer CultureLab Episode 5: Skinny Jeans and Snake People (with Kanyi Maqubela)

I can’t believe we’re on Episode 5 of the podcast! Every time we get together for Buffer CultureLab it is both fun and educational, and this week is no exception. On this episode Carolyn and I talk about Millennials at work, and then welcome Buffer investor Kanyi Maqubela, who is a partner at Collaborative Fund. It’s a very different kind of investment fund that looks beyond traditional investing criteria to think about things like creativity, values and culture. Language alert! Things get a l

BufferchatMay 26, 2016
Supporting Accessibility on Social Media: A Bufferchat Recap

This week in #bufferchat, we discussed and learned all about supporting accessibility on social media with the incredible insights and knowledge of the founders of #AXSChat: Neil Milliken, Debra Ruh and Antonio Santos! We touched on a broad range of interpretations of “accessibility”, including how to be accessible to those with physical or intellectual disabilities, the blind and visually impaired communities, those with invisible diseases, those who are different ages, those who speak differe

OpenMay 25, 2016
From Startup to Scaleup: What We’re Changing As We Make The Transition

In the past couple of months, I’ve had a number of thoughts around the growth Buffer has experienced in the last year and some interesting challenges and paradoxes that seems to be bringing us. I’ve had a number of conversations with people in the team on this and I recently shared a version of what follows with the whole company to get their thoughts. It resonated with almost everyone, and as a result we’ve started to put in place some changes based on these realizations. I’d love to share it

OpenMay 25, 2016
14 Quotes That Celebrate a More Accessible World

Accessibility isn’t a topic that just affects some of us. As no less of an innovator than Google puts it , “the accessibility problems of today are the mainstream breakthroughs of tomorrow.” We at Buffer are delighted to have Neil Milliken (@neilmilliken ), Debra Ruh (@debraruh ), Antonio Santos (@akwyz ) of AXSChat

News and TrendsMay 25, 2016
New Twitter Update Coming: How Marketers Will Soon Be Able to Maximize All 140 Characters

What was once a rumor that Twitter would update its 140 character count guidelines is now official in the social media sphere: Twitter announced Tuesday morning that within the next few months, usernames, quoted tweets, photos, and other media attachments will no longer count against the tweet’s 140-character limit. Twitter co-founder and chief executive Jack Dorsey tol

Buffer NewsMay 23, 2016
Inside Buffer’s New Blog Design (And a Behind-The-Scenes Look at Our Content Strategy)

It is our greatest marketing asset. And we just keep changing it. Kevan Lee, October 2015 And now things have changed again. We’ve flipped the switch, and our new design is here. From where it started with Leo over five years ago to where it stands today, the Buffer Social blog has evolved a great deal over the years, and we’re extremely grateful to have built up a great reputation and sizeable audience along the way. The Buffer Social blog now attracts over 850,000 readers and averages ove

PodcastsMay 20, 2016
Buffer CultureLab Episode 4: Hello, I Know Your Salary (with Maurice Cherry)

(Editor’s Note: Hi there! We’re experimenting with sharing the transcripts of our new podcast, Buffer CultureLab , on the Open blog. Would love to hear how this feels for you!) This is Buffer CultureLab, a podcast by Buffer – where we’re slightly obsessed with creating happier more human work. Here are your hosts, Courtney Seiter and Carolyn Kopprasch. Carolyn Kopprasch: Welcome to the show, this is episode 4. Courtney Seiter: Woohoo! Courtn

BufferchatMay 19, 2016
Making Time for Reflection: A Bufferchat Recap

This week in #bufferchat, we explored one of the core Buffer values : making time for reflection. In the discussion, we talked about what reflection can look like from person to person, how it can impact one’s life, strategies for building a habit of reflection, and more! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #b

ResearchMay 18, 2016
6 Proven Strategies for Successfully Promoting Content Across Social Media

You’ve crafted the perfect blog post: Well-researched, SEO optimized, contains the ideal keyword ratio with trustworthy outbound and internal links, and it even has a nifty infographic that you spent hours to create. All you have to do is queue it up in Buffer and watch it take off, right? I’ve been there, and I wish it were true! Social media managers and marketers know that sometimes even the most epic material requires love and hard work when it comes to promoting content across social med

Self-ImprovementMay 17, 2016
How to Survive (and Thrive) When Life Punches You in the Mouth

A few weeks ago, one of my students posted this in my Facebook mastermind group (emphasis mine): Let me start by saying that I applaud this woman for having the courage to step up, share her story, and ask for help so she can overcome this and move forward again. It’s actually pretty damn hard to admit when you’re not in a good place professionally and to then ask for help. I wrote an initial response with my thoughts (below) but I wound up thinking more and more about this topic and it got m

OpenMay 16, 2016
Introducing Our New Podcast: Buffer CultureLab

Whenever I’m working on a new challenge and keep getting stuck, there’s one post that I seem to return to again and again. It’s by our CEO, Joel, and it’s called “I Have No Idea What I Am Doing.” We’ve likely uttered that exact sentence 30 times over the course of the last month as we worked to figure out the ins and outs of launching our new podcast today. Despite talking a lot about podcasts at Buffer—sharing the podcasts we love [

Case StudiesMay 16, 2016
How Product Hunt Grew to 140k Fans with Automation, Scheduling, and 8 Twitter Profiles

When you’re a fast-growing startup, with social media as part of your company’s DNA, it’s extra important to get social media marketing right. Product Hunt is definitely getting it right. The company—just two years old—has amassed over 168,000 followers on Facebook and Twitter, and their content performs doubly as well as other brands in their industry. Plus, whenever there’s a new network (Peach , Periscope [

Buffer NewsMay 15, 2016
Introducing Feeds: Share Links From Your Favorite Sites Right Inside Buffer!

Our community has always been great at driving us forward, suggesting new tools , helping us better understand the challenges and workflows of a daily social media user . Listening to our community is perhaps our best source of information and ideas, so when you asked for the ability to add feeds within Bu

BufferchatMay 12, 2016
User-Generated Content: A Bufferchat Recap

This week in #bufferchat we were joined by Buffer’s very own social media manager, Brian Peters , to learn all about user-generated content ! We discussed the various forms of UGC, how it can be valuable to a brand, why it’s so influential, and much more. Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, [

News and TrendsMay 12, 2016
The Psychology of Change: How We React When Our Favorite Social Networks Shift

Instagram changed its logo on Wednesday, and as with almost any significant change to a popular social network, the internet was split. Some loved it. Others disliked it. And the memes started flowing . The Facebook-owned company moved on from its old-fashioned camera icon and embraced a new, minimalist design across its suite of products: Instagram,  Layout, Boomerang, and Hyperlapse. The design changes swept through

ResourcesMay 11, 2016
The Top 100 Blogs to Curate for Social Media Power Users

Looking for some fresh content to curate and share on social media? It’s out there — in spades! Almost too many spades, right? With so many blogs to choose from , the challenge can sometimes flip from finding content to share to choosing which content to share. We’d love to help. At Buffer , we’re lucky to have some data on the most

OpenMay 10, 2016
Transparency, Meet Community: Here’s What’s New for the Open blog

At Buffer, our journey has been full of experiments, pivot points, reflection and transitions, and it is our privilege to share them all with you here. Today, we’re excited to update you on a few changes here on the Open blog! For a while now, Courtney has been the incredible shepherd and heart of the Open blog, reporting on the lessons we’re learning at Buffer and sharing insights on happier, more productive, more creative work from all kinds of smart folks

News and TrendsMay 6, 2016
This Week in Social: Instagram Business Profiles, Twitter Connect and Some New Facebook Engagement Stats

It’s been another fast-paced, exciting week in the world of social media. In this latest weekly roundup, we’ll discuss the latest news from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook as well as share some super-interesting insights into how people are using Facebook Reactions. Let’s dive in! What’s new in social this week Facebook testing content categories Facebook’s mission is to make News Feed content as relevant as possible to users and as screenshots from Social times show, it appears they’re t