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A collection of 2,526 blog posts

News and TrendsOct 6, 2011
Watch Out! How Twitter Can Block You From Following ANYONE

Suddenly one day you wake up, and discover that…Twitter won’t let you follow anyone anymore. Oh no! What happened? I get this question a LOT. People ask: * What can I do? People are following me and I can’t follow them back! * Why didn’t Twitter tell me about this when I joined! Unfortunately, you’ve run up against one of Twitter’s limits. Twitter won’t let you follow an unlimited number of people unless enough people also follow you back. To get past the limit, you’ll either need to get

The Top 4 Challenges of Following Everyone Who Follows You On Twitter

Ever notice how some people will follow back anyone that follows them first? It might have got you thinking: “If I did that, wouldn’t I get more followers?” Yes, sometimes you will. But once you become known as a “followbacker” (rightly or wrongly) it’s unlikely that the right kind of people will begin following you. And that’s not the only downside of this dangerous tactic. Here are the four worst things that can happen to you if follow back everyone that follows you: 4. Your DM spam coul

Tips / How ToMay 12, 2011
10 Handy Twitter Tip Posts

Swiss Army Knife of Twitter TipsOver the past few months there were quite a few guestposts I wrote for several reputable Social Media sites. I thought summing them up for you in a concise way here might be a good resource to check on some of them. Thankfully they all received very good exposure and feedback from readers. So hopefully some of them will be useful for you too: 1.) Are Your Twitter Efforts In Vain? on Social Mouths [

Buffer NewsMay 11, 2011
How I tripled my @Klout using @BufferApp [Case Study]

Yesterday, a very special tweet reached our inbox from @TaureanBryant: “just wanted to say thank you to the guys at @bufferapp my @klout jumped from 12 to 38 in about three weeks.” Immediately I got in touch with him and wanted to hear the full story. Klout? Times 3? With Buffer? You can imagine how excited I was. Joel always had a feeling that to do well on Twitter (whatever your goals), all you have to do is keep sharing good content

Is Empire Avenue Today Like The Early Twitter?

Is this more than playing games?Last week Robert Scoble sent us an email, addressed to all his shareholders on Empire Avenue. What struck me was this very early and spot-on analysis of this newbie in the world of Social Media. Although the site has been around for about 1,5 years it is just now that it is gaining an insane amount of traction. You have probably noticed this. Robert pointed out that we shouldn’t forget that after all it will always be real

Customer ServiceMay 5, 2011
Things You Can’t Buy In Life [Real Story]

Over here at Buffer, Joel and I want to provide the warmest welcome and the best customer care we can to each and every person using Buffer. Today, we were just completely overwhelmed by our users chipping in and helping us to let everyone new to Buffer feel welcome and cared for. So today this tweet reached our inbox: How our users responded Joel was just about to get in touch with Elisabeth and offer help or the chance to ask any questions if she needed answers. Yet, what he didn’t know w

Guides & CoursesMay 4, 2011
How To Use Twitter for Relationship Marketing [Free Book Reviewed]

Free Twitter Candy For You “Twitter is responsible for getting me my current job” Is what Antonia Harler said when I briefly interviewed her about her recently published book  “Twitter as a tool for relationship marketing” and the true power of Twitter. The book, as I like to call it, is actually her Master’s Thesis, which she finished last year and is finally available to the public. What’s in it for me? What struck me whilst reading this piece was that it achieves something phenomenal. It i

Buffer NewsMay 3, 2011
Why we are particularly thankful for Twitter

We’ve talked before about why we think Twitter is awesome , and why we even think it can make you a better person . Today, I want to share with you why we are particularly thankful that Twitter exists. If you’ve been following along with our progress for a while, you might know that it’s still fairly early days for us. We only launched 5 months ago, but w

Life HackingMay 2, 2011
6 steps to complete distraction on my way to productivity

Organised chaos or easily distracted?Today I wanted to Buffer a few tweets from my Twitter stream. Yet this is not quite how my venture turned out. Here is what happened instead: 1.) Should I Buffer Tweets? I wanted to Buffer a few tweets from, and found one interesting user with a blog about Social Media and Web development. So I thought about getting in touch and dropping him an email if he was interested in a guestpost. 2.) Or write an Email? Whilst writing the email, I reali

Buffer NewsApr 30, 2011
Buffer Tweets from

We have some more great news for you. Joel has just pushed the latest Buffer feature live. Please note that in it’s first version it will only work if you have the Chrome Extension for Buffer installed. 1.) Add Tweets from It means that you can now add tweets to your Buffer right from inside If you click it, it will allow you to do old school RTs , so others will see that you have retweete

Life HackingApr 29, 2011
10 New Inspirational Quotes For A Great Friday

Here are 10 new quotes by our amazing users and friends. They will all be officially added to Buffer Tweet Suggestions . I hope they give you a boost for your day and set you off to a great weekend: “It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.” – Jim Rohn Via @DanielSharkov “As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one

Buffer NewsApr 27, 2011
The Buffer Browser Extension Gets A Facelift

This is just a quick update on the latest happenings over here at Buffer. The browser extensions (Chrome, Safari, Bookmarklet) just received a major revamp and the changes are now available for you to use. You DON’T have to do anything, your extension is updated automatically. ? The 3 major new things are: 1.) The Buffer Box is now draggable We thought that sometimes you might want to add something to your tweets that the Buffer Box is hiding. So from now on drag the box across the page as y

ResearchApr 27, 2011
What Children and Twitter have in common

The other day Joel and I went to the beach for a quick break in between work on Buffer. At home I love to do a few pull-ups in my breaks, but I forgot to bring my pull-up bar to Spain. So instead we would every few days cycle to the beach where there is a playground right next to it. It has a somewhat similar installation to a pull-up bar built for children to play on and jump around. This time there was a bunch of children playing vividly and it didn’t make the impression they wanted to take

Life HackingApr 22, 2011
10 Motivational Quotes to round up your Friday

Today is the kick off of our post series on new quotes. They are now officially added to Buffer Tweet Suggestions . Take a look below, I hope they inspire you and make you laugh in the same way they did for me. Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. – Suzanne Weyn ~ Via @BeingSridhar Great twitterer show their greatness by the way they treat new twitterers ~ @RuhaniRabin Via @AnnTran_ [

News and TrendsApr 21, 2011
Is Tweet Scheduling Mainstream Now?

Yes, yes, I know, Joel and me are running a Tweet Scheduling App , so the answer to the above question might be well anticipated. Yet this post is about to drift off in a quite different direction. I want to share my thoughts with you about how perception of using optimization or automation on Twitter changed. [blackbirdpie url=”!/marketingwizdom/status/60088402967666688″] This quote from Robert Clay, someone I truly respect for his fine thoughts on S

Buffer NewsApr 18, 2011
You can now add to our “Suggested Tweets”!

You have most likely noticed our built in “Tweet Suggestion” feature, which is a set of quotes Joel and me have collected, which we found truly inspirational. Now, how could it be otherwise, one of our users approached us with an amazing suggestion. Jonny Rowntree alias @JonnyRowntree sent me an email saying: “Why not make this a crowd sourced project everyone can participate in?” Hell yes, I thought. So here we are offering anybody and everyone the chance to suggest tweets we will make part

Buffer NewsApr 18, 2011
We Upgraded All Buffer Plans to Unlimited Daily Timeslots

Here is just a quick post for you to tell you about the latest happenings over here at Buffer. We have upgraded the Free Plan and the Pro Plan so you can now set an unlimited number of daily timeslots in your Buffer. This means you can go to your “Settings” page and set as many timeslots as you wish tweeting as frequently as you want. Why did we do it? Joel and me are convinced that by continually improving our free version we can improve the experience people

Buffer NewsApr 15, 2011
Buffer gets a “Tweet Now” function

We have another feature ready for you. From now on you can “Tweet Now” via Buffer with both the browser extensions and from your home account. Here’s how it looks: Why did we do it? From the outset of the Buffer journey we always stated we wanted to stay on the genuine side of things and help make Twitter easier to handle. Therefore the step to real time tweets was a logical one for us as it helps everyone to create either real-time or Buffered tweets. This means we can help you to optimize fu

News and TrendsApr 15, 2011
3 new Twitter Stories we want to share

If you want to walk fast, walk alone – If you want to walk far, walk together ~ Chinese Proverb 1.) Becoming Part of Aaron’s Tribe Starring Aaron Lee alias @AskAaronLee If you are only slightly interested in the things going on around Twitter and Social Media I am sure you came across Aaron already. Either via his great resources on his blog or his insightful Twitter account. I like to say that Aaron is Gary Vaynerchuck focusing on Social Media instead of wine. The e

Buffer NewsApr 14, 2011
Add to Buffer from your Mobile!

Update: We have brand new email version ready for you! You can now include which account it goes into and customise your message a lot better than before. You can find your personal details by simply heading over to Buffer Email Function. After lots and lots of you have checked in with us for when a mobile version will be ready, we have good news for you: You can now add to your Buffer via mobile. How? “Add to Buffer via Email” is our first step towards making Buffer awesome to use on all mob

5 Reasons Twitter makes you a better person

Twitter teaches me to care in a new wayIt was something I have asked myself a lot recently: Can a Social Media Tool, as powerful as Twitter might be really help you with personal development and make you a better person? The short answer I concluded: Yes, it most certainly can. Here are 5 reasons that make me think it does: 1.) Everything is public – Being nasty can backlash. Twitter’s openness is the first and foremost reason I believe it makes as better and nicer people to converse with. W

Buffer NewsApr 11, 2011
The Buffer Guys in Spain [PICS]

As some of you might know we are currently residing in Javea, Spain for two weeks in order to do two things: * Fully focus on Buffer. * Have a great time in the sun. The mantra we are embracing is very simple: “We do what we love and do it where we love to be” Joel has also reflected more thoroughly on this in his recent blog post , explaining how this can pay off with an increased efficiency and love of life overall. So without f

Case StudiesApr 8, 2011
3 More Amazing Twitter Stories to share

“Let other companies, brands, apps battle with one another over who has the most awesome product, while the REAL battle is over who has the most awesome users.” ~ Kathy Sierra 1. From great encouragement to job promotion Starring Janet Aronica alias @JanetAronica Being able to meet some of our users for more than a quick “Hi!” is really what makes us get up every morning. The conversations and connection enable us to make the Buffer service better every day, but more importantly, we learn abou

Tips / How ToApr 7, 2011
How to make your Tweets stand out with Buffer

Here is just a quick video of a not very well known Buffer feature I am using very heavily though. I think it can add a lot of value to your tweets. It really helps to make your tweets stand out from others as you are not plainly tweeting the page title and link as everyone else is: What do you think about that? Could it be useful for you too to try tweeting some things other than the headline sometimes?