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A collection of 2,509 blog posts

Life HackingJul 11, 2012
How Our Brains Stop Us Achieving Our Goals and How to Fight Back

As admittedly wonderful and fascinating as the human brain is, it definitely can feel like our brain is out to get us sometimes. Summed up perfectly in the many observations of the “Scumbag Brain ” meme, our brain does seem to engage in “sabotage” in terms of how it naturally reacts to situations. The scary thing is that in some circumstances, these feelings are backed up by actual research! We’ve already discussed how poorly our brain operates while

Tips / How ToJul 5, 2012
My 5 Secrets to Sharing Great Content 15 Times a Day

I’ve been lucky enough to have people ask me fairly often how I continue to share great content on Twitter on a regular basis. Over the last year I’ve built up a number of different methods for doing this, as well as ways to keep to both high frequency and high quality. I’ve found 15 times per day a good number to aim for, since it is a Tweet every hour in the peak times of the day for my followers, and once every two hours at other times. With my spontaneous Tweets from random thoughts during

Customer ServiceJul 3, 2012
7 Ways To Stop Satisfying Customers And Start Wowing Them

How well are we doing in terms of customer satisfaction? That seems to be a pretty standard question when it comes to dealing with people who are using your product or service. Satisfaction? I’ve always felt that focusing on “satisfying” someone who is using what you have built is pretty lame. It’s quite demotivational actually. It doesn’t get me excited to get up and “satisfy” that next user who comes in. And neither does the person I have spoken to go away, telling everyone how satisfied they

Life HackingJun 26, 2012
What Multitasking Does to Our Brains

We all know this and have heard it hundreds of times. To work efficiently we have to single task. No multitasking. And yet, we let it slip. We end up eating lunch in front of the TV with our laptop open. We browse Twitter and Facebook while sending emails and chatting in multiple Gchat windows. We know we really should be focusing on just that one assignment, blog post, proposal or piece of code but we just can’t. For the vast majority of us, multitasking by working on different things at the

Buffer NewsJun 25, 2012
Welcome to the New Buffer Blog

Here at Buffer we’ve always been very proud of our blog and that has been mainly down to you guys. It has served us well for more than a year and over that time we’ve had many guest authors, over 200 posts as well as thousands of likes and comments from the incredible community that has formed. The blog definitely wouldn’t be where it is today without your discussion and insights! But, as with all good things there comes a time for a bit of a change and we’re excited to u

Buffer NewsJun 20, 2012
Introducing the Buffer Awesome Plan

Update: Our pricing has changed quite a bit since the Awesome Plan was announced in June 2012.  We’ve updated this post, and you can also find the new Awesome plan details here and our new Buffer for Business plans here . It’s been a fun last few weeks here at Buffer HQ and we very happy to announce a brand new plan for you today: The Awesome Plan. We sat down and thought a lot about how we can provide the best product for you. How we c

Guides & CoursesJun 20, 2012
The Ultimate Guide To Smarter Social Sharing

Over 400 million Tweets are posted every day on Twitter. And close to 8 billion items are posted on Facebook. How can you make sure you are part of the mix every day? And most importantly how can the updates you throw in be of great value? The answer is somewhat simple: Use the right tools with the right workflow. That way you can make sure that you will be at the edge of efficiency and also build a great following. Providing your friends and followers with amazing content from across the web,

Tips / How ToJun 14, 2012
3 Little Known Ways to Significantly Improve Your Social Sharing Today

This is a guestpost by Andrew K Kirk the Founder of Face The Buzz, more about him at the bottom of the post. The social web is awesome. And I’m not only talking about Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or even social networks in general. Social has become part of the fabric of almost every web application and webpage. Through social sharing buttons, like those provided by Digg Digg, we easily share our world online with our followers, fans, and connections. However, we can run into a slight problem

Buffer NewsJun 14, 2012
HOW TO Use Reeder and Buffer for smarter reading and sharing

If you are a die-hard iPhone user and love sharing from the iPhone like me, today is an awesome day for you. Reeder just released a brand new version of their iPhone app, 3.0. What is Reeder ? Reeder is an incredibly beautiful and intuitive RSS newsreading app. It is packed with lots of features to make reading your favorite articles as easy as possible. With the latest update to a brand new 3.0 version, it now has also got native Buffer

ToolsJun 12, 2012
What’s The #1 Social Networking Tool In Your Arsenal? (Hint: It Definitely Isn’t Your Twitter Account)

Human beings are social animals. We absolutely depend on interaction to survive. (Don’t believe me? Check out how solitary confinement destroys our brains) Is it any wonder that social “networking” has taken off like a rocket in the last few years? The thing is, the #1 social networking tool sadly isn’t getting utilized by most people. It’s a shame, because practically everyone (especially college students, prospective jo

ToolsJun 7, 2012
7 Great Tools To Make Your Twitter Account Stand Out

This is a guestpost by Mary Weinstein (@MerryWhy ). Mary is a blogger and data feed management consultant.  More on her at the bottom of the post. I love an ice cream sundae, but it’s not quite as amazing without that cherry on top. Similarly, Twitter is an amazingly helpful tool and with the help of some apps can take it to the next level of deliciousness. Below are the most useful applications which have served as the toppings

Content MarketingMay 31, 2012
8 Important Actions For Making The Most Of Your Guest Post

This is a guestpost by Matt Ragland (@mattragland ). Matt is a blogger sharing lots of great productivity tips . More on him at the bottom of the post. On Tuesday, April 17, my 1st guest post 10 Free Tools to Help You Organize the Internet was published on the Buffer blog. I was excited, nervous, and hopeful. As an “aspiring blogger”, to have someone else dec

ToolsMay 24, 2012
6 Ways To Use Ifttt & Buffer For Social Media Success

Social media networking is fun, however to achieve success, maximize our efforts and time spent, we will need to use tools. This guide utilizes Buffer and If This Then That (IFTTT). For the benefit of readers that are new to Buffer and IFTTT, here is what these 2 free web tools can do for you: Buffer: Schedule Facebook status updates, tweets, and LinkedIn updates. I believe in the near future more will be added, and this will create more opportunities for us to leverage Buffer further. IFTTT:

Buffer NewsMay 24, 2012
3 Great New Ways To Supercharge Sharing With Buffer

Around 3 months ago, we have opened up the Buffer API to all the awesome app developers out there to build something amazing. And they did! Over a dozen cool integrations have been launched since and lots more are in the pipeline to be unveiled soon. Today, I thought I’d pick three of the most interesting and useful integrations to date and explain how you can make the most of them: Ifttt : Put the internet

Tips / How ToMay 22, 2012
8 Effective Ways to Increase Your Followers Outside Twitter

This is a guest post by Mandy Kilinskis from Quality Logo Products . More about her at the bottom of the post. If it was possible, I would spend all day on Twitter. What can I say? I’m a fan of the quick communication and the ease of retweeting. But I, like all of you, know it’s not possible. We have jobs to do, blogs to write, and projects to finish for clients. And while engagement [

Buffer NewsMay 17, 2012
Buffer acquires ShareFeed, Hiten Shah becomes advisor

Today is a big day for us here at Buffer. We are very excited to welcome ShareFeed users to Buffer, and couldn’t be happier that Hiten Shah, CEO of KISSmetrics is coming on board as a mentor and advisor to Buffer. Why ShareFeed? We always are on the lookout to be completely transparent about what we do and why we do it here at Buffer. To break it down, there were a few clear reasons the acquisition was attractive to us. Firstly, Hiten Shah (@hnshah), CEO of KISSmetrics

Buffer NewsMay 15, 2012
Twylah and Buffer Partner To Give Your Tweets Exponential Exposure

Here at Buffer, we are looking for the best and most awesome new ways for you to share on your social networks. Today, I’m very excited to have a powerful new integration ready for you. Twylah is a service that creates beautiful custom brand pages for your Tweets. And as of this week, you can Buffer Tweets through their most powerful feature: Power Tweets. Before we spill all the amazing stats that using Twylah and Buffer together will help you achieve, le

Buffer NewsMay 10, 2012
The Complete Guide To Social Sharing: The Brand New Buffer Browser Extensions

A couple of weeks ago, we sat down at Buffer HQ and thought to ourselves: How can we make sharing much smarter and easier than it is now? We realized one thing. Smarter sharing comes with posting algorithms , analytics and other tech improvements. At the same time, talking to lots of your and other awesome Buffer users, what makes sharing smarter, is to be able to do it right where you actua

ResearchMay 2, 2012
10 Proven Ways to Make Your Tweets More Trustworthy [STUDY]

Twitter has fast become not only a very important part of the web as a whole, but also a very integral part to how we consume important and breaking news. Twitter users are increasingly not only getting updates from those whom they elect to follow, but also by choosing to consume new information by searching for a topic in addition to following accounts. The Twitter search portal now receives over

Buffer NewsApr 30, 2012
4 Tips To Get More Out Of With The Brand New Buffer Plugin has a gorgeous interface I believe. It is extremely simple, without any bells and whistles. A t the same time, if you are trying to make your workflow more efficient, getting by with just is a little difficult, you probably already know this. As of a few days ago, we have therefore added a brand new Chrome extension that will give you a great new experience right on With

Buffer NewsApr 24, 2012
Thanks for being on board, together we’ve Buffered 10,000,000 updates

Quick update: Big thanks to Anthony Ha over at TechCrunch who wrote a terrific story on us hitting 10,000,000 updates . What an incredible journey looking back. It was a little over one year, in December 2010, that Joel first launched Buffer from his bedroom in the UK. Since then things have changed upside down – lots of times. Today is a huge moment, and we wanted to take a time-out from our busy days and say thanks. Thanks to you and eve

Life HackingApr 17, 2012
10 free tools to help you organize the internet

The internet is a big place. For a long time, I found the task of organizing and remembering all the articles, images, videos, posts, tweets, and sites to be formidable. The mass of information only continues to grow, but I have latched on to 10 free tools that help me organize my online journey. 5 are common, and 5 are just getting big on the scene. I hope you can find some that help you as well. 1.) Evernote I have been using Evernote [

Buffer NewsApr 13, 2012
How To Buffer Your Pictures For Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

There is a big thing happening right now I believe: the web is going all in with pictures. It’s something you have probably already discovered. Instagram, Pinterest, 9GAG are the top sites who have embraced this and made it super simple to work with pictures in an enjoyable way. At the same time, pictures on Facebook for example, continue to drive the most engagement. And frankly, we can’t blame anyone. Pictures are just awesome! They carry a message over to you in just a second, this is cer

Buffer NewsApr 11, 2012
How To Tweet At The Best Times For Your Followers – Tweriod & Buffer team up

It’s one of those big mysteries that a lot of people on Twitter (myself included) desperately want to know: “When is the best time for me to Tweet?” To get an awesome and accurate answer for this question isn’t always easy. So I am very excited to tell you about an awesome new partnership we have done recently. Teaming up Tweriod & Buffer is one of those matches you have probably already thought about once. Tweriod analyses your Twitter followers, past Tweets and the people you follow and gi