Blog - Page 96

A collection of 2,550 blog posts

Self-ImprovementOct 16, 2013
What These 13 Successful Entrepreneurs Wish They Knew 5 Years Ago

Five years ago I was re-doing my last year of high school, managing a retail store full-time and performing in a play five nights a week. Suffice to say I burned out pretty quickly and in hindsight I can see why. Hindsight is a grand thing, but we don’t all go through the same experiences, so the hindsight of others can be beneficial to us as well. These 13 successful entrepreneurs and startupers have some great stories to tell, and I thought asking what they wish they knew five years ago would

ResearchOct 15, 2013
8 Surprising New Instagram Statistics to Get the Most out of the Picture Social Network

While just a little over turning 3 years old, Instagram has made huge strides in social media. With over 150 million users on the platform, 16 billion photos shared, and 1 billion likes happening each day, the photo-sharing and editing platform is one of the most engaging channels on social media. Instagram has some pretty different functionalities in comparison to other social media sites and is fundamentally based on being able to simply upload and share beautiful images instantly. Except, lo

Life HackingOct 14, 2013
Happiness Is Not Enough: Why a Life Without Meaning Will Make You Sick

When I wrote a recent post for Buffer titled 10 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier , I didn’t even consider the possibility that striving for happiness might not be in our best interests. Who wouldn’t want to be happier? Happiness isn’t necessarily bad for us, but I did find out recently that happiness alone isn’t enough for us to feel fulfilled. Sadly, chasing happiness is really common thes

Buffer NewsOct 10, 2013
The 10 Most Useful Buffer Features for a More Powerful Social Media Presence

When Joel started Buffer , its aim was to help you schedule Twitter updates for smarter sharing. It’s come a long way since then, and now we have lots of features to help you improve your social media presence across a whole bunch of networks. To help you get the most out of Buffer, we collected 10 of the most useful features together into this post. 1. Using Feedly and Buffer [

OpenOct 9, 2013
Niel de la Rouviere is part of the Buffer team

I’m super excited to share that Niel de la Rouviere has finished the 45 day Buffer Bootcamp* and recently accepted our invitation to join the Buffer team full-time! Niel is from South Africa and works on Buffer all the way from Taipei (we’re a distributed team ). Niel has lots of experience with various different JavaScript frameworks such as Backbone.js and AngularJS. It has

Life HackingOct 9, 2013
Handling Criticism: How to Deal with People Judging You and Your Work

It doesn’t matter how you choose to live your life — whether you build a business or work a corporate job; have children or choose not to have children; travel the world or live in the same town all of your life; go to the gym 5 times a week or sit on the couch every night — whatever you do, someone will judge you for it. For one reason or another, someone will find a reason to project their insecurities, their negativity, and their fears onto you and your life, and you’ll have to deal with it.

6 Ideas to Reduce Your Product’s Churn Rate We Found to Work

At Buffer we recently spent the past 6 weeks focusing on one key metric – reducing churn rate.  Comparing to the initial setting up of the growth effort with lots of experimentation and exploratory data analysis, it was a conscious shift to align the team’s focus on one key metric. Here are 6 ideas for those of you who run subscription-based businesses.  Churn rate can be broadly defined as the prop

Email MarketingOct 8, 2013
8 Effective Email Marketing Strategies, Backed by Science

The cutthroat inbox of your standard consumer roils with marketing messages, competitive subject lines, and scores of attention-seeking emails. With over 144 billion emails sent each and every day, email marketing remains one of the elite channels for business communication. So how does the signal separate itself from the noise? To be sure, finding the key to a stand-out message is critical to your bottom line—whether that bottom line is cold, hard cash or community engagement or anything in be

Online MarketingOct 7, 2013
Google Hides Keywords From Marketers: The Complete Guide to Using Alternatives From the Experts

The internet went nuts a couple of days ago (or at least, the SEO world of it did) when Google confirmed that it would be encrypting almost all keyword searches in the near future. The Not provided Google Analytics section has easily become the most talked about thing in the past. Various industry professionals weighed in on the change, what it means for marketers and what other options we have to inform our marketing choices. Let’s take a look at what happened exactly, and then we’ll explore

ReportsOct 4, 2013
Buffer September Update: $2,088,000 run rate, 1,046,000 users

Below is the monthly update email I have just sent this morning to all our investors. I hope you enjoy taking a read about the full details of our work on Buffer in the last month. I’m excited to hear from you in the comments if you have any questions about what we’re up to! Traction update: * New users: 66,000 (Total: 1,046,000, from 980,000: +7%) * Daily active users: 30,000 (from 29,000: +3%) * Revenue: $174,000 (Annual: $2,088,000 up from $1,968,000: +6%) * Business revenue: $12,340 (up

ReportsOct 3, 2013
How much revenue did Buffer for Business generate in September, 2013? All stats and numbers

The below are all the stats and actual revenue numbers from Buffer for Business. Buffer for Business was soft-launched a few weeks ago and we were lucky about the strong responses so far from users. As we default to transparency and want to try and help as many people as possible with our own learnings and failings, we thought about making these numbers public too! (Granted, this was a bit scary, but here we

ResourcesOct 3, 2013
The Surprising History of the To-Do List and How to Design One That Actually Works

The list is the origin of culture. Wherever you look in cultural history, you will find lists. – Umberto Eco When I was a kid, I read a book called The Listmaker. It’s about a young girl who uses lists to organize and make sense of her life. At the time I didn’t read any more into it besides the fact that this was an odd hobby for a pre-teen girl to spend s

ReportsOct 2, 2013
The Complete September Stats for the Buffer Blog

Note from Leo: The below is an email Belle sent to the whole Buffer team on the 1st of October. It features our latest thoughts, ideas and questions about content and the Buffer blog . Since we default to transparency with our culture , we thought making this public could be useful for others too. Quick Summary In September we published 15 posts on the Buffer blog, 3 of which were guest posts. Our total uniques we

How To Create a Content Style Guide to Improve Your Blog’s Quality

What governs the way you write? Consistency in style, tone, grammar, and punctuation is essential to an enjoyable blog experience. Successfully done, these elements go unnoticed by readers who are too busy consuming the easy, breezy content. That’s the way it should be. Style guides create uniform content and allow that content to shine. Invisibility is the hallmark of a well-used style guide. You may not even notice the hundreds of subtle decisions that make browsing a blog seamless, but know

News and TrendsOct 1, 2013
7 Big Facebook Changes You Should Know About for a Better Facebook Strategy

Facebook changes so fast, I often miss new features or updates to existing ones. Since there have been a few changes recently, I thought it would be helpful to do a bit of a wrap-up of what Facebook’s been up to. 1. Images are now bigger and wider – Here are the right sizes to use Some recent changes to how Facebook displays thumbnail images mean that we need to be more aware of the size and aspect ration of any pictures we post. Because Facebook will automatically resize images that don’t matc

Life HackingSep 30, 2013
8 Common Thinking Mistakes Our Brains Make Every Day and How to Prevent Them

Get ready to have your mind blown. I was seriously shocked at some of these mistakes in thinking that I subconsciously make all the time. Obviously, none of them are huge, life-threatening mistakes, but they are really surprising and avoiding them could help us to make more rational, sensible decisions. Especially as we strive for continued self-improvement as we build Buffer’s social media management platform, if we look at our values, being aware of the mistakes we naturally have in our thin

Buffer NewsSep 26, 2013
Introducing Smart Twitter Autocomplete for Web and Mobile

I’m really excited to write this post today! It’s the feature I’m most excited about, and I hope that it’ll be equally helpful for you to start using it! If you’re anything like me, I’ve had this one on my Buffer wishlist for a long time. Since at Buffer we want to focus the most on helping you share better on social media and saving you time by scheduling your updates, we’re really ex

ResourcesSep 25, 2013
The Habits of Successful People: They Start Before They Feel Ready

In 1966, a dyslexic sixteen-year-old boy dropped out of school. With the help of a friend, he started a magazine for students and made money by selling advertisements to local businesses. With only a little bit of money to get started, he ran the operation out of the crypt inside a local church. Four years later, he was looking for ways to grow his small magazine and started selling mail order records to the students who bought the magazine. The records sold well enough that he built his first

ResearchSep 24, 2013
The Surprising History of Twitter’s Hashtag Origin and 4 Ways to Get the Most out of Them

Twitter hashtags are so ingrained in Twitter now that I rarely second-guess them. They seem so much a part of the service, it’s as if Twitter shipped with them in its original version, even before it had vowels in the name. But actually, Twitter’s version of the hashtag has a vibrant history which is really fascinating. Let’s take a look at the origins of the hashtag and how to use it best on Twitter. The origin of the hashtag The very ephemerality of hashtags is what makes them easy and com

Life HackingSep 23, 2013
The Daily Routines of 7 Famous Entrepreneurs and How to Design Your Own Master Routine

Our daily routines can make a huge difference to how healthy, happy and productive we are. I’ve recently tried adjusting my own routine in the hopes of getting more done and wasting less time in-between tasks or activities. While it’s important to understand how your own brain works and what routine will suit your body best, I always find it interesting to see what works for others when planning something new for myself. Amazing routines of 7 successful entrepreneurs In the hopes of building

From 0 to 1,000,000 users: The Journey and Statistics of Buffer

Wow! We couldn’t believe it. With all of you on board, we’ve hit the milestone we didn’t even dream about when starting Buffer: 1,000,000 people have signed up for Buffer as of today. We thought, what an incredible opportunity to reflect on the journey up until this point. To breakdown some of the core numbers about Buffer, take a look at the infographic below: Along the way to reach 1m users a lot has happened for us. Here is a brief review of the last 2.5 years: The journey to the 1 millio

Customer ServiceSep 17, 2013
10 Tales of Remarkable Customer Support That Will Restore Your Faith In Humanity

This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti, a contributing Buffer Blog columnist. Read more about Greg at the bottom of the post, or read his latest piece on how to build customer loyalty . Why are we, as consumers, so captivated by stories of great customer service? Perhaps it’s because they serve as a much needed reminder that there are still companies out there who care about their customers. Every company says customers are their #1 priority, but st

Tips / How ToSep 16, 2013
The 7 Biggest, Counterintuitive Social Media Mistakes You May Be Making

I’m pretty well known for making mistakes. It’s kind of a known trait of mine. Just this weekend I walked into a door because I didn’t open it properly first. When it comes to social media, though, I try hard to learn from mistakes since they’re all saved for me to reflect on. Plus, I research and write about social media enough to have access to stats that make it easier to

Life HackingSep 13, 2013
How to Never Forget the Name of Someone You Know: The Science of Memory

How would you like to be able to recall the name of a client or associate you just met? How would you like to go to the bank and not fumble for your account number every stinking time? Everyday scenarios like these are classic examples of our need for memorization. The function of memory has so many more applications, too—public speaking, schoolwork, studying, research, the list goes on and on. Memorizing is a key function in so many areas. Imagine if we could be better at it. Would you belie