Online Marketing

A collection of posts on Online Marketing

Online MarketingApr 25, 2024
Social Media SEO in 2024: How to Get Discovered on Social Media (And Beyond)

In this article, I’ll explain what SEO is for social media, why you should care about it, and how you can use it to your advantage.

Content MarketingJan 15, 2024
What is Good B2B Content? Content Leaders on 9 Must-Haves for Standing Out From the B2B Crowd

I spoke to leading B2B content marketers (an in-house content director, agency owners, top freelancers, and thought leaders) to find out what they think B2B brands can do to create good content in 2024.

Brand MarketingNov 13, 2023
9 Genius Ideas to Steal for Your Black Friday + Cyber Monday Marketing Campaigns (with Real-life Examples)

Black Friday and Cyber Monday marketing guidance to help you stand out from the crowd — complete with tried-and-tested examples.

Online MarketingJun 28, 2023
Experimenting in Marketing: What I’ve Learned Running 25 A/B Tests on Ads for Buffer

Over the past two years, Buffer’s Senior Growth Marketing Manager, Sophie, has run 25 A/B tests in Google Adwords. In this article, she shares her strategic approach to conducting successful marketing experiments, how to come up with new experiment ideas, and the lessons she’s learned along the way.

Online MarketingAug 19, 2019
A Crash Course in Microcopy: How to Craft the Perfect Words for Social Media Captions

Copywriting is one of the most essential skills for a marketer to have. Good copy is everywhere! Websites, advertisements, blog posts, and especially on social media. We want to give you the tools to write exceptional copy for even the tiniest of things on social: captions, tweets, Stories, and more. Consider this a crash course in copywriting for all the little

Online MarketingJul 29, 2019
10+ Indispensable (and Free!) Marketing Graders and Social Media Scores

You can audit your marketing in many ways—be it a quick-and-simple social media audit or a full-scale blog review. You can take the time to run the numbers yourself (a useful exercise!), or you can plug a URL into a new tool and have it tell you what it thinks. The more feedback, the better. That’s why we’re such big fans of quick and efficient marketing graders. You get actionable data, and you get it in seconds. I’ve bookmarked several of my favorites and dug up a handful of other useful gr

Guides & CoursesNov 5, 2018
7 Invaluable Marketing Skills That Help Teams Produce Consistently Great Content

How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud | Stitcher | RSS In speaking with thousands of marketers and businesses over the past several years, we’ve learned that marketing has an incredible potential to impact people’s lives. In fact, the American Marketing Association defines marketing as: “The activity, set of institutions, skills, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large

How Ahrefs and Buffer Drive 1 Million+ Sessions Per Month with Evergreen Content and Social Media

* Learn how we drive the growth of our blog here at Buffer using free, organic traffic strategies. * Understand how to amplify blog content by reverse engineering social media videos that your audience will love. * See how we generated more than 30,000 clicks to to our content using paid acquisition channels, and how we optimize ads to lower CPC while simultaneously increasing CTR. Building your website traffic in 2018 is no easy task. Today, businesses are faced with an ever-increasing amo

Online MarketingJul 12, 2018
How to Discover Irresistible Content Ideas Using Reddit

💡Looking for an easy way to save all your best ideas? Check out Ideas from Buffer → We’ve all been there. Staring at that dreaded blinking line on a blank page. Every marketer knows the pain of struggling to come up with a topic for their next article, email or social media post. And while there are lots of ways to come up with great content ideas, I’d like to show you one that doesn’t get talked about much. It’s a simple strategy that I’ve used to source content ideas for blog posts, work

Online MarketingDec 7, 2017
7 Tips for Building a Career in Marketing (Advice and Insights From Top Founders and Investors)

“How did you get into marketing?” At Buffer, members of our marketing team are often asked this question. And the truth is, the path looks different for each of us: * Alfred was in the army * Arielle was a health coach * Kevan, our Marketing Director, was a sports reporter But for those of you out there who want to start a career in marketing or maybe build from where you are in 2018, we’d love to help you figure out: * How can you transition from your current role into marketing? * Wha

BufferchatMay 4, 2017
Millennial Marketing: A #Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, we talked all about millennial marketin g: the habits, values and mindset of this generation. The community discussed how they incorporate this mindset into their marketing, shared advice for improving engagement with millennials, revealed the brands doing this work well, and much more! Read on to discover all of the awesome insights that were shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat [https://buffe

ResourcesApr 13, 2017
7 Secrets of Super-Successful Video Marketing

By now, it’s clear that video is an essential channel for marketers. But what makes a great video? And what keeps viewers engaged? Is it a good story? Or maybe it’s all about reaching the right audience at the right time. We teamed up with Wistia and sought to find out. We looked at some of our favorite examples of video marketing and uncovered some traits they have in common. Here are 7 secrets to creating successful video content. We hope these tips will help you as you plan and create your

Online MarketingApr 6, 2017
The Marketer’s Toolbox: The 60 Marketing Tools We Use at Buffer

As a marketing team spread around the world — from the West Coast in the US to the East Coast in the US to Canada, to the UK and Singapore, we always keep an eye on the latest marketing and productivity tools to help us stay connected and do our best work. Our team also covers a range of marketing disciplines from social media to community building , to press relations, to con

Online MarketingApr 5, 2017
How to Become a T-Shaped Marketer: What Marketing Career Growth Looks Like at Buffer

Before becoming a marketer, Brian sold insurance. Alfred was in the army. Arielle was a health coach. I was a sports reporter. And now look at us! We’re a team of eight Buffer marketers, with vastly distinct backgrounds and educations, who collectively bring in 20,000 Buffer signups each week. Many of us fell into marketing, accidentally or on purpose. We’ve been learning as we go. And where exactly are we headed? Good question! We benefit a lot from free marketing courses and great educat

ResourcesFeb 11, 2017
A Video Marketing Guide On Creating Epic Content for Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and More

Video marketing has taken the social media world by storm. People watch more than 100 million hours of video on Facebook. YouTube brings in nearly 4,950,000,000 video views daily. Time spent watching video on Instagram is up more than 80% year over year What was just a blip on the radar a few years ago is now a top content marketing priority for brands and influencers everywhere. Yet the barrier to creating video marketing content that resonates with audiences can still feel high. You need …

Online MarketingAug 31, 2016
The Top Marketer’s Guide to the 30 Best Books for Business, Marketing, and Social Media

Most everything I’ve learned (and continue to learn) about marketing and the web has come via the inspiration and example of others—reading amazing blogs, learning from great content, and diving deep into favorite books. I’d love to share, in particular, the books that have been most influential to me and other digital marketers. I’ve put together a list of 30+ that include some of my personal favorites, some favorites from my Buffer teammates, and some favorites from a handful of the best mar

Online MarketingAug 10, 2016
Point of View Marketing: How Taking a Stand Wins Raving Fans

It’s hard to believe that this used to be a totally acceptable way to advertise a product in America: Thankfully, our world has taken quite a few steps forward since this ad of the 1950s. Today, the marketing that wins hearts and minds is likely to look more like this: Even as “masculine” a pursuit as beer-drinking is getting in on the act, with Budweiser going from an ad like this in the 1980s: …to an equal pay ad in 2016. Beer ads that support equal pay? Feminine hygiene brands redefining

Online MarketingJul 20, 2016
These Are the 9 Best Tips We Got on Medium Marketing: 3 Worked, 6 Didn’t

A few months ago, Leo and I decided that we really wanted to step up our Medium game to truly understand how the platform worked and how we can provide the best value to our audience there. Truthfully, I was pretty clueless to begin with. Logging into the Buffer account was likely my second time on Medium — ever. I was super excited to take on the challenge. Everything was started from scratch, with researching, creati

Online MarketingJul 11, 2016
28 of the Best Marketing Campaigns and Experiments of 2016 (and the People Behind Them)

It’s easy to get tunnel vision as a marketer. You’ve got lots of goals to achieve, and only so many hours in the day to get there. So you put your head down, get focused, and get results. At the same time, it’s important to let yourself be inspired by others. Our industry can be creative, groundbreaking and a lot of fun. If you’re in need of a marketing recharge, here are 28 amazing marketing campaigns and experiments—and the amazing people who dreamed them up. Read on, and get inspired to ad

BufferchatJun 23, 2016
Mapping Your Digital Strategy: A Bufferchat Recap

This week, Nick Westergaard stopped by #bufferchat to share his insights about mapping a digital strategy! We talked about exercises for deciding your main marketing objective, tools for mapping out your strategy , ways to decide which marketing practices to implement into your strategy, and so much more. Catch

Online MarketingJun 22, 2016
40 Core Philosophies From the Most Famous Marketers in History

I believe you can learn something from everyone—as long as you’re listening. We’re always building on the legacy and lessons of those who have come before us. For marketers, this is quite a legacy indeed. Although the discipline of marketing only emerged in the 1900s, it builds on a foundation of sales, advertising, copywriting and relationship-building that is much older. Some of its wisest teachings are hundreds of years old. Some of its big lessons happened only months ago. And for every br

Content MarketingApr 26, 2016
25 Simple and Free SEO Tools to Instantly Improve Your Marketing [Updated for 2019]

Whenever I dream up a home improvement project for my place, I end up working smartest and fastest when I have the right tools at my disposal. It’s amazing the difference a good tool can make – and the extra time it takes to get work done without a helpful tool. Fast-forward to online marketing. How can you work smarter and faster with SEO? It starts with having the right tools . I’ve collected

ResourcesDec 21, 2015
Twitter Video: The Marketing Advantage No One Is Using… Yet!

We’ve talked about how important of a tool video is becoming for marketers. Every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube , Facebook has 8 billion daily video views and Snapchat users watch 6 billion videos daily

Online MarketingOct 12, 2015
How to Use Evernote for Productivity, Marketing, and More

So much to do, so little time . I imagine many marketers might feel this way, what with all the wonderful hats we all get to wear. One of my favorite fixes for helping stay organized is Evernote . There are so many ways to use the app and since we talk a lot about productivity here [