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A collection of 2,487 blog posts

BufferchatFeb 25, 2016
Digital Mindfulness: A Bufferchat Recap

In #bufferchat this week, we explored the concept and practice of digital mindfulness. We discussed how to define it, what it looks like to each of us, and how we can bring more mindfulness into our lives. Read on to read some of the awesome thoughts and insights shared by our community during the chat! Catch ourweekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, every week on Wednesd

Facebook Reactions: Meet Facebook’s New Supercharged ‘Like’ Button

Your Facebook newsfeed is about to get a whole lot more meaningful. After nearly a year of testing in various markets around the globe, Facebook has now released their new, supercharged ‘like’ button. For the first time, Facebook users globally can now react to status with more than just a thumbs up. Facebook Reactions enable you to express yourself with five additional emojis, alongside a “like.” The new Reactions are: ‘love,’ ‘haha,’ ‘wow,’ ‘sad,’ and ‘angry.’ Curious to learn more about t

OpenFeb 24, 2016
Why Startups Are So Hard, The Future of Buffer and My Biggest Mistake (So Far!): Tweets From My Airplane AMA

On a recent flight to Hawaii, I tried a little experiment and did an “AMA in the Sky.” On a flight (sitting in a chair in the sky with wifi!) ✈️? Got a little time, ask me about @buffer / startups / anything and I’ll reply! — Joel Gascoigne (@joelgascoigne) February 20, 2016 It was incredibly fun and kept me busy for about 2.5 hours, nicely passing some of the flight time. I think I ended up answering

OpenFeb 23, 2016
A Tale of Two Books: How What I Read Affects How I Lead

“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.” – Bruce Lee I’ve felt lucky to learn so much from being an avid reader in the past few years. I’ve come to believe that there is such immense power and knowledge contained within books. As a natural introvert, I’m a reflective person and love to read books and think about what we could try to apply at Buffer. In fact, we’re such believers in the power of reading at Buffer that all new team members (and family members

Working Remotely: How we develop Buffer over 10 different timezones

At Buffer, we’re a fully distributed team. We recently closed our office in San Francisco and now have a team in 12 different timezones . One of the frequent questions we receive is, “How do you work as a remote developer with so many timezones?” It’s such a great question and helps me reflect on some the unique aspects of working as a full-time developer at Buffer. It’s been such a fun journey working remotely for over t

News and TrendsFeb 18, 2016
Everything You Need to Know About The Latest Twitter Features (And Some Thoughts on Its Future)

This post originally published on February 18, 2016. We’ve updated it here with the latest change to Twitter’s algorithm-based timeline. Over recent months, there has been a lot of debate about the future of Twitter. Growth has halted, share prices have fallen, and some are even saying #RIPTwitter . With all that in mind, the future of Twitter still feels extremely exciting, though. It feels like something big is afoot. And in order to kick

BufferchatFeb 18, 2016
B2B Strategies for Social Media: A Bufferchat Recap

This week in #bufferchat, we were joined by Amanda Vera to explore B2B strategies for social media! We discussed how B2B social media marketing differs from B2C, the particular social media platforms that work well for B2B companies, what metrics are important to focus on, and so much more. Catch our weekly Twitter chat [https://buf

OpenFeb 16, 2016
From the Other Side: What I Learned As a Partner On a Buffer Retreat

As a psychotherapist in the mental health and counseling industry and the partner of a Buffer team member , I jumped at the chance to attend Buffer’s recent retreat in Hawaii . I was curious to learn more about the world that my partner is so passionate about—this particular job has affected him so profoundly. And as my own industry is built on ideas of empathy, relationships, and human interaction, I hoped to ge

Self-ImprovementFeb 15, 2016
Productive Failure: How to Keep Going When You Feel Like Your Work Sucks

“Everyone sits in the prison of his own ideas; he must burst it open.” — Albert Einstein Einstein was right about a lot of things, but in my mind this sentiment is one of his finest discoveries (OK, the general theory of relativity is pretty good, too). Creating—building something from nothing and sharing it with the world—requires a lot of bravery. In the end, it can feel a bit like breaking yourself free. I’ve chronicled both my own idea prison [

Tips / How ToFeb 15, 2016
11 Facebook Tips, Tricks and Facts You Probably Don’t Already Know

Over 1.5 billion people regularly use Facebook. And as the social network has grown, the rate at which Facebook shares news, and releases new features and products has accelerated. It can be a little hard to keep up sometimes. With this in mind, I’d love to share 11 Facebook tips, tricks, and facts with you. This post will give you plenty of great stuff to help you get the most out of and better understand Facebook. From why you get shown certain ads and which types of posts get the most eng

OpenFeb 11, 2016
The Transparent Pay Revolution: Inside the Science And Psychology of Open Salaries

How many people know your salary? Your boss, of course. Your partner, perhaps. Maybe a few friends you can trust. What if everyone knew it? And not just everyone at your company; everyone like everyone—Internet commenters. Friends of friends. People you’ve never met. This is the experience of every team member at Buffer, where we’ve been sharing our salaries with the world since 2013. And we’re not alone in breaking the salary taboo: * The startup SumAll shares employee salaries within the

BufferchatFeb 11, 2016
Developing a Design Mindset: A Bufferchat Recap

One of Buffer’s awesome product designers, Steve Dixon , joined us in the #bufferchat this week to talk about what it means to develop a design mindset! We discussed many meanings of “design” and how design can tell stories, solve problems and help us overcome challenges. Catch our weekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, every week on Wednesdays, 9 am PT / 12 p

Slack meet Looker. An experiment in bringing data to the team.

A while back I read a pretty inspiring blog post, Serving Analytics the Right Way It’s a great read by Kevin Teh, a Data Scientist at OpenDoor. Like at Buffer, they also use Looker as an analytics platform. One part of the post I really liked was the idea of ‘Bringing data to the Team’. “all of the data is updated in real time without requiring an analyst to do any repetitive manual work. However, t

OpenFeb 9, 2016
When Transparency Meets Inconsistency: My Philosophy on Sharing Openly Even As We Change Course

I’ve been fortunate to have many great mentors over the years, and as a result I try to spend a lot of time helping other founders. When Buffer was going all the way with our self-management experiment , I was meeting weekly with someone who championed this concept within her company and successfully got the team started in this direction. After several chats, Buffer hit a key phase of growth and I wasn’t able

Tips / How ToFeb 9, 2016
How to Add and Manage Multiple Accounts on Instagram

Instagram has now released one of its most requested features. The ever-popular photo sharing app announced that following the release of version 7.15 for iOS and Android users will have the ability to switch between multiple accounts. This news is sure to make power users and social media managers jump with joy as managing multiple accounts for brands (or your pets) has been a time-consuming task up until now. Here’s a super-quick guide on how to add and manage multiple accounts on Instagram

OverflowFeb 8, 2016
From Idea to App in 45 Days: How We Built a Mobile Tool for Our Remote Team’s Retreat

Solving the challenges we face at Buffer has always brought us to some unique places. From trying many different forms of management to recovering from a serious hacking incident, we are always learning valuable lessons along the way. Recently, we just wrapped up our 7th Buffer retreat. As our distributed team from corners all around the globe prepared to meet up in Hawaii, we thought one thing that we could improve would be a way of letting everyone on the team know where things are happening

AdvertisingFeb 8, 2016
The Best 5 Minutes We Spend on Ads: See the Daily Ritual We Use to Boost Traffic to Our Best Posts

The world of paid ads can sometimes feel a little overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the game and wondering where to even start. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a nice and easy (and effective) way of dipping your toes in? I’m only a few months removed from this post exploring paid ads as a total noob , which I remain, and I’ve done my very best since to be a sponge fo

Competition, Culture and Tough Feedback: 13 Questions with Buffer Founder Joel Gascoigne

Not too long ago, our pals at Product Hunt were kind enough to ask Buffer founder Joel Gascoigne to host an “ask me anything” chat session . 10,000+ words and many dozen questions later, we wanted to share some of our favorite questions and answers with you, too. 1. Joel’s average weekday Q: What’s your average weekday like? A: These days I generally have a lot of quick meetings with different people in the team.

The Joy of Presence: Reflections On My First Remote Work Retreat

The Buffer team has just returned from our 7th all-team retreat in Hawaii , during which more than half of the team was meeting face-to-face for the very first time. One of our first-timers, Ross Parmly, shares this reflection of the week. Celebration has followed so much of my Buffer journey. Celebrating the moment Carolyn ‘s name showed up in my inbox for the first time. Ce

BufferchatFeb 4, 2016
Collaboration: A Bufferchat Recap

In the #bufferchat this week, we were joined by coworking connoisseur and community builder Alex Hillman to talk about the why, what and how behind collaboration ! We discussed what makes collaborating work really well, how to tell when it’s not working, and lots of advice about how collaborating can lead to awesome experiences. Catch our weekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat,

Email MarketingFeb 3, 2016
Everyone Grows an Email List. Here’s Why We Stopped Growing Ours.

Awhile back, we were fortunate to try some neat email tactics that helped double our email list growth in just one month’s time. Then we stopped growing our list altogether. We shifted our learnings from growing an email list into growing Buffer signups. And we’ve yet to go back. Odd? Strange? Counterintuitive? Yep, probably all those things. Most online marketing advice today will advise you to build an email

AdvertisingFeb 2, 2016
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Carousel Ads

Facebook carousel ads are extremely engaging and fun way to promote your business. According to data collected by Kinetic Social , these ads can also drive up to 10 times more traffic to advertisers’ websites than static sponsored posts on Facebook. And LOVOO found that they got a 72%higher click-through rate versus single image mobile app ads. It feels clear t

OpenFeb 2, 2016
7 Tough Lessons I’ve Learned on Giving and Receiving Feedback at our Startup

It’s one of the biggest pieces that will make or break us as we try to become a great company, and I only recently realized it. We’ve been back and forth a number of times about the topic of feedback, and it’s an area where we still have a lot of work to do to get right. People often say, “You have this value of positivity and no complaining [

Self-ImprovementFeb 1, 2016
The Simple Way I Strengthened My Personal Relationships (Without Leaving Work)

A few years ago, my girlfriend proposed an interesting thought: How well do I really know my friends and family? My initial thought was that of course I knew these people. We all get along and things are great. I’m friendly, they’re friendly. What more is there? However, it wasn’t as simple as I thought. This simple question started a reflection over the past few years on how I really interact in my relationships. Was I really curious and deeply invested in the people who I call my family and