Jeffrey Kranz

Jeffrey Kranz

A collection of posts by Jeffery Kranz

A collection of 8 posts

I Failed Buffer’s Bootcamp…Successfully

Heads up! This is an older post that references some outdated processes at Buffer, specifically the “Buffer bootcamp.” Feel free to see the latest information here , including all the reasons why we retired this concept! We’re Retiring The ‘Buffer Bootcamp’ Period For New Teammates – Here’s Why Every new person who joins the Buffer team starts with a 45-day bootcamp trial period [

Content MarketingNov 16, 2015
How to Write a Content Marketing Strategy Step-by-Step [w/ Strategy Template!]

The good news: your boss or client is totally on board with your running content marketing. (SCORE!) The challenge: she wants to see a content marketing plan . . . and you have NO IDEA what that’s supposed to look like. I’ve been there. It’s a tough situation, because you’ve been doing content marketing with your gut this whole time, and now you’re being asked to put all that into a document. (And the gut-to-document process can be pretty painful.) Plus, you know that awesome content marketin

Guides & CoursesNov 2, 2015
The Beginner’s Guide to URL Shorteners: How to Shorten and Track Links for Social Media

I sometimes feel like URL shorteners are some of the most understated tools in internet marketing, and there have been more than a few times that I wished I’d had someone share some advice on URL shorteners earlier in my marketing career . For instance: What do you do with really long links? What if you want to track the results? What if the link—long and unwieldy—upstages the content? So, if you’re new to the world of URL shorteners—much

AdvertisingOct 14, 2015
4 Ways Facebook Lead Ads Can Change the Social Advertising Game

Facebook lead ads are here! Facebook has rolled out a new form of advertising that’s now available to marketers everywhere. Lead ads make the process seamless for marketers to ask for info like emails, names, job titles, and more. The process is smooth and easy for Facebook users, too, as they never need to leave Facebook. (It’s very similar to how a Twitter lead gen card might work.) I find this p

AnalyticsSep 23, 2015
The Complete Guide to UTM Codes: How to Track Every Link and All the Traffic From Social Media

Quick: which social network is bringing in the most traffic to your website right now? It’s OK if you don’t know off the top of your head. (I don’t memorize that sort of stuff either!) But wouldn’t it be great if you could pull up the answer in just a few seconds whenever your boss asks you this? What about revenue broken down by social network? What about the percentage of traffic generated by social versus email? You can track it all, and you can track it for free: all you need are Google

AnalyticsSep 21, 2015
7 Social Media Engagement Metrics for Tracking Followers and Growing Community

By now, you’ve heard a great deal about social media engagement. You know that it’s not all about getting a big following. You know it’s about getting a big following of the right people. You know that building an awesome, engaged community around your brand, product, or idea is key to tapping into existing markets—and creating new ones! And you know that social media is a great place to maintain relationships with your customers long after they’ve decided to pay you. But how does that happe

Content MarketingMay 26, 2015
How to Create Content That Your VIPs Will Love to Share

One of the worst feelings in the world of inbound marketing and enrollment is to write an incredible blog post, publish it, share it, and then … crickets. I actually just shuddered a little bit thinking about it. (Because I have been there way, way too many times!) It’s a lot better when the opposite happens: when you experience the thrill of seeing an expert in your space share and promote your content for you. This post will give you a practical, actionable approach to writing and designing

Content MarketingMar 10, 2015
6 Foolproof Methods for Creating the Top Content on Any Topic

We’d all love to show up first in Google for something. There’s likely at least one golden search term or keyword you’re striving for —and we’ve all heard plenty of different get-to-the-front-page-of-Google formulas. It can get a little dizzying keeping all the approaches straight. But it can be done. If you’re willing to invest some time, resources and brainpower, you can create the top content on any topic. To share exactly how, I made an infographic mapping out not one, but six foolproof,