Reports - Page 6
A collection of posts on Reports
Coming off of the momentum we had in March, April was another solid month for the engineering team at Buffer. We really stepped up our game on the security front. We’ve also made strides to better scale Buffer, overhauled the ios7 app, and continued making progress with hiring. Here’s a tl;dr of how April looked • Over 20 security vulnerabilities were patched and we released some awesome security features • No systemwide downtime (win!) but still had a few hiccups • 1 new offer made, and 6
I’m thrilled to announce that Dave Chapman has completed his 45-day Buffer Bootcamp and is joining us full-time as Buffer’s newest Weekend Warrior! Chats with Dave are one of the things I look forward to all week. He approaches his work, his teammates, and his self-improvement efforts with a level of passion that is simply inspiring. Since he has come on board for Buffer Bootcamp, he has read several books, run more every week than the last, se
Coming off of the momentum we had in March, April was another solid month for the engineering team at Buffer. We really stepped up our game on the security front. We’ve also made strides to better scale Buffer, overhauled the ios7 app, and continued making progress with hiring. Here’s a tl;dr of how April looked * Over 20 security vulnerabilities were patched and we released some awesome security features * No systemwide downtime (win!) but still had a few hiccups * 1 new offer made, an
April was a really exciting month for Buffer’s content marketing efforts. We tried some new things on both of our blogs, published a lot of content that seemed useful for people and—as always—had a lot of fun learning and experimenting. Let’s take a dive into the numbers! Quick summary of the Buffer blog In April we saw nice steady growth over March’s totals . (Full disclosure: Since April has only 3
I’m thrilled to introduce Kevan Lee as Buffer’s newest Content Crafter—but for those of you who frequent the Buffer blog, he hardly needs an introduction. So many of you have already grown to know and appreciate Kevan from his thoughtful, thorough and impeccably researched posts on the Buffer blog over the past 6 weeks. Thanks to his open, personable and honest writing, we’ve all watched as Kevan grew his Twitter account from newbie status [http://blog.bufferapp.
I’m so excited to announce that Dan Farrelly is Buffer’s next engineer! Dan now lives in San Antonio and has been tremendous in helping us further our front-end. The thing that amazes me the most is how Dan is completely self-taught. He started in Civil Engineering, previously working in construction management and made the switch to web development. He worked at Slated, a startup that connects independent filmmakers with investors, before joining Buffer. In Dan’s short time at Buffer he’s
I’m happy to announce that Steven Cheng is Buffer’s first growth engineer! Steven—who lives in Taipei, Taiwan—works on all things growth at Buffer, building out the growth dashboard, analyzing experiments and other data, and making recommendations to the product team. Steven has a ton of startup experience under his belt, spending 4 years at security startup Amorize Technologies through its acquisition 2013. He then worked in Beijing on a location startup, before joining Buffer earlier this ye
We’re excited to share with you an inside look at Buffer’s revenue and growth stats for the last month. If you read our monthly overview , you likely have an idea of the big-picture progress of Buffer, and we hope the revenue and growth stats here illuminate some of the finer details of our journey. Our revenue is earned primarily through two subscription sources: Awesome Plan and Business Plan. In the charts below, you can see how each o
March was an incredible month for the engineering team at Buffer. Looking back, it’s pretty exciting to see what all we’ve accomplished for moving the ball forward and how we’ve executed on some of our engineering goals. Here are some stats and tl;dr for March: * 1 person converted to full-time (yay Dan Farrelly !) * 6 “5 whys” conducted * 1 new open source project started * 15 minutes of system wide downtime * Switched to New Relic for platform monitor
It’s been a great month for growing the Buffer team in March. The team is currently 20 people, compared to 17 in February . Here’s an overview of everything happening in the individual areas: Applications overview We saw an incredible amount of 1,944 applications come in in March, which has been absolutely, positively overwhelming. Here is a breakdown of the different areas: Engineering Happiness Commun
March was a really amazing month for us at Buffer: 10% MRR growth and awesome increases in daily and monthly active users, too! I’m happy to share with you our update for March that I just sent to Buffer investors. Let me know if I can answer any questions about this. :-) If you want to read our update from February, you can take a look here . Traction update * New users: 71,000 (Total: 1,407,000, fro
March was an incredible month for the Buffer blog, not only in terms of traffic but also in terms of change—so much so that calling this update the Buffer Blog Report doesn’t seem to do the month justice. At the very least, we’d have to call it the Blogs Report (plural on blog; more on that below). Big changes were afoot in March: blog strategies, audits, goodbyes, and so much more. It’s exciting to share this all with you and see what you think. So without further ado … Quick summary of the
Great news: Courtney Seiter has joined the Buffer team full-time as Head of Content Marketing! Courtney, who lives in Nashville, Tenn., wrangles the Buffer blog and Open blog, making sure they’re always full of useful content for Buffer’s audience. I remember when I first came across Courtney’s writing through her Marketing Land column over a year ago and I loved reading and following her posts there. In fac
Hey team! I’m excited to share a few bits of awesome people and numbers news this month. Let’s dig in. :) Numbers We set our sights on a big jump this month. :) It’s been really fun crashing toward these new highs! Goals set for March: * 76.5% within 1 hour (February was 64%) * 91.5% within 6 hours (February was 84%) * 189 live chats (February was 105) Actual numbers for March: * 67% within 1 hour (Missed the goal) * 93% within 6 hours (Exceeded the goal!) * 1% over 24 hours (Forgot
It is a great day in the land of Buffer. Daniel Feeney has completed his Buffer Bootcamp and come on board as our very first “Weekend Warrior” Happiness Hero, answering customer questions and keeping track of product feedback (not to mention impressing us with his biking) on Fridays through Tuesdays. Daniel has pioneered the “Weekend Warrior” position for us. Several months ago, we determined that customers weren’t having a very happy or consistent experience when they needed help on the weeken
It’s with very mixed emotions at Buffer that we bid farewell to Belle Beth Cooper , Buffer’s first Content Crafter. Today her final post appears on the Buffer blog. We’re happy because she’s going on to something really special: her own startup, Exist – a quantified self app that digs up insights from hidden connections in your data. (You can learn more about Exis
February was an exiting time for the engineering team at Buffer. Here are some of the numbers at a high level. * 2 new engineers joined the team (1 Growth Engineer, 1 Front-end) * 10,243,834 updates were posted to social networks in February * 0 mins of system wide outage (woohoo!) * 10 minutes of web dashboard outage * 405 ms: Our average api response time SSL and other security improvements We continued with our momentum with our security improvements in February. The Hall of Fame [htt
It’s been a great month for growing the Buffer team in February. The team is currently 17 people, with 3 new people who have started their bootcamp in February. There were also 3 more offers made in February and all 3 have accepted their offers and will join us in March. Here’s an overview of everything happening in the individual areas: Applications overview We saw an awesome amount of 2,024 applications from some truly amazing candidates come in in February for the 10 positions we’re current
I’m happy to share our update for February which I just sent to Buffer investors. I hope the insights into our progress and processes are useful. Just leave a comment if you have any questions :-) If you want to read our update from January, you can take a look here . Traction update * New users: 62,000 (Total: 1,383,000, from 1,321,000: +4.7%) * Daily active users: 36,000 (up from 35,000: +2.9%) * Monthly a
We had a fantastic February, reaching exceeding our goals due to the very hard work from the Heroes. Read on for some of the changes we made and lessons we learned! Numbers Speed Our goals for February were to hit 55% within 1 hour and 80% within 6 hours, a sizable but feasible improvement from January. At the end of the month, we reached: • 64% of emails within 1 hour • 84% of emails within 6 hours Volume We sent 9,800 replies in February, roughly the same as January, in order to assist 5,40
February was a month of big transitions for the Buffer blog. Our overall traffic decreased 8% compared to January (read on for our theory as to why) as Leo trained the new girl (that’s me!), Belle cut back on her posting schedule as she works on her own start-up and we worked on expanding the team further – more on that in a minute. Let’s take a look at the details!
I have some really exciting news to share: Brian has become our Product Manager. He’s been in this role for 2 weeks now and even after 1 week he was doing a better job running Product than I ever managed to do. It’s been incredibly fun to work with him and help him thrive in the role, and now it’s time to make things official. How the idea of stepping away from Product came about During our retreat in Thailand I had a chance to spend some time thinking on a hig
It’s been a great month for growing the Buffer team in January. With the fantastic responses to previous reports on in revenue , customer happiness and content , we thought we might be able t
Hi team! I’m so excited to tell you about January. This was a really exciting month for us as we tried several experiments to still deliver lots of happiness during higher than ever volume. What a luxury that Buffer is growing so fast that we can barely keep up with customer emails! Exciting people news I was thrilled to share that Mary and Adam have completed their 45 day Buffer Bootcamp periods and have come on board with us full time [