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Revenue and Growth Report: How Our Awesome and Business Plans Fared in March

Apr 17, 2014 2 min readReports
Buffer monthly revenue and growth

We’re excited to share with you an inside look at Buffer’s revenue and growth stats for the last month. If you read our monthly overview, you likely have an idea of the big-picture progress of Buffer, and we hope the revenue and growth stats here illuminate some of the finer details of our journey.

Our revenue is earned primarily through two subscription sources: Awesome Plan and Business Plan.

In the charts below, you can see how each of these plans did for us in March, with breakdowns for revenue, churn, conversions, and more. If you have any questions on this data, we’d love to answer them in the comments! We’re interested in making these numbers as helpful as possible for you. :)

Awesome Plan

Below is an overview of how the Awesome Plan performed in March. If you’re interested in even more data on this, you can find some additional detail in our spreadsheet.

Awesome Plan conversion rates

Business Plan

Below is an overview of how the Business Plan performed in March. We have additional data in our Business Plan spreadsheet, if you’re interested.


Business Plan conversions by source

Key findings and next steps

  • We’re looking to try experiments on queue limit since this prompt was hit an amazing 126,000+ times in March.
  • Conversion rate on Business trials dropped to 3%, so we’re looking to improve here.
  • We’d like to improve trial starts for Awesome users since conversion rate is very high (20-30%) – especially from analytics page.
  • We’re hoping to check on the 113 Business users who churned and break this down by where they were before, i.e. Awesome user or free user.
  • Our web analytics has the highest trial starts and the lowest conversion rate. We’re keen to see some ways to improve conversion rate here.

If you have any questions on these numbers or anything else you’d like to see with this report, we’d love to hear from you!

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