Dave Chapman is Buffer’s Newest Weekend Warrior

May 7, 2014 3 min readOpen
Photo of Carolyn Kopprasch
Carolyn Kopprasch

Chief of Staff @ Buffer

I’m thrilled to announce that Dave Chapman has completed his 45-day Buffer Bootcamp and is joining us full-time as Buffer’s newest Weekend Warrior!

Chats with Dave are one of the things I look forward to all week. He approaches his work, his teammates, and his self-improvement efforts with a level of passion that is simply inspiring.

Since he has come on board for Buffer Bootcamp, he has read several books, run more every week than the last, set and reached goals on his mission to connect more with his local community, regularly practiced his Italian language skills, started piano lessons with vigor, and learned an amazing amount about Buffer in order to serve customers in a previously un-staffed timezone.

As a weekend warrior in London, he spends the majority of his work week as the only happiness hero on duty. Dave demonstrated grit and bravery by taking daily initiative and risk in order to overcome that challenge and be able to help any customer.

Having Dave on the team has encouraged us all to invest in each other more. He has deep interest in the health and happiness of those around him, even spending one of this days off each week as an osteopath at his private practice outside London. We are made better by his presence daily.

We ask new team members to write a little something about themselves for Buffer’s team page as well as answer a few fun questions (adapted from Vanity Fair‘s famous Proust questionnaire). Read on to get to know Dave a little better:

Straight from Dave

On Buffer
I’m incredibly proud to be part of a team of such hard working, talented people who are truly dedicated to what they do. I am regularly inspired by how completely focused everyone is on building the best product and providing the best customer experience, with such a great culture of positivity, transparency and improvement.

Which talent would you most like to have?
I would love be good at playing a musical instrument, and I recently started piano lessons. I also dream of having a circus skill like acrobatics or flying trapeze. To me, these things are such an impressive combination of skill and co-ordination as well as physical ability and the creative aspect of music and performance. And of course, fun!

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
I’ll take this opportunity to mention my partner, Tod. We met nearly 12 years ago and within weeks he told me we would be together forever. I’ve never doubted it. His family values, strength, loyalty and integrity are amazing, and he has a beautiful smile too.

What is your motto?
I’ve taken this one from Robert Baden-Powell, founder of the Scouting movement. Leave this world a little better than you found it. I think if you can make something better, make an improvement to something, to a situation, to someone’s life, and have that positive impact, then that’s a great way to live.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Such a huge question! I feel a deep and happy peace when I’m able to appreciate a beautiful or dramatic landscape. The ones that come to mind are the Lake District in England, the Grand Canyon in the US and the mountains of south Armenia. I love the feeling of awe and wonder, and having the perspective of being a tiny person in a vast place. I also really like cheesecake, and the endorphin rush of a good run.

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?
I love to think I’d be a big goofy dog with a very waggy tail!


You can say hi to Dave on Twitter here. We’re so thrilled that you’ve completed your Buffer bootcamp and come on board, Dave! Thanks for making us yours!

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