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Tips / How ToNov 2, 2011
3 Ways To Easily Go Viral On Twitter

This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti, more about him at the bottom of the post. With the worldwide presence of Facebook, and the recent release of Google+ to the public , you’d wonder what’s the point of marketing on Twitter anymore… But you’d be dead wrong if you thought Twitter was a platform that has passed. Twitter grows in popularity by the day, and is still one of the biggest traffic sources for sites all over the world, and in every niche you can imagine. Thus, it is obvious that goi

20 Great People That Taught Me The Power Of Twitter

There are so many people who continue to support and shout for us wherever we go on the internet. This is just amazing! So I thought, it’s time to give back. The thing is, it’s not just that they are supporting us, they are actually teaching us, what it really means to create a lasting presence on Twitter. I tried to think hard about what that one thing is I appreciate the most, that I want to tell you about them So here are the top 25 people that continue to teach and remind me, what it means

Tips / How ToOct 31, 2011
7 Tips For Making Your Marketing Message Go Viral [INFOGRAPHIC]

Ever wondered what it takes to make your content or marketing message go viral? Look no further than this. Our friends over at KISSmetrics have created a wonderful cheatsheet for you to help you succeed with this task. After browsing through this there are two most crucial aspects that one has to focus on in order to create a viral marketing element. The “emotional hook” together with the “technical hook”. What does that mean? One of the most viral marketing messages of all times captured this

Buffer NewsOct 31, 2011
Discover The Brand New Buffer For Android

Yes, it is ready. One of the most awaited products our awesome users wanted to have has been released. Buffer for Android is out and you can grab it from the Android market. Developed by the one and only aimee daniells (you can give her a shout @sermoa) we did a complete overhaul. Our goal was to bring you the simplest way to share updates and Tweets with highest i

The Great Twitter Automation Debate

Two great Twitter heavyweights had a detailed conversation over Twitter a few hours ago about the purpose of Twitter, and where automation fits in. The way Scott Stratten (@Unmarketing ) sees Twitter is for real-time conversation: However, for Michael Gray (@GrayWolf ), Twitter can be more efficient: By carrying on a live conversation, both showed they valued Twitter as a communication platform, but they differed over to what degre

News and TrendsOct 30, 2011
Twitter Tips, Tools And News You May Have Missed This Week

In this week’s headlines we saw thousands of hijacked Twitter users have their passwords reset again. (Of course, we also learned that Facebook fights 600,000 compromised logins every day!) This was the week Twitter began testing an expandable timeline,  the first user reached 15 million followers (@LadyGaga), and a new tool was released to show you the demographics of all your followers. Oh, and we learned that the “real” Voldemort has a problem with Twitter, when Ralph Fiennes blamed Twitter

Tips / How ToOct 28, 2011
5 Keys To Making Google Plus Work For You

“If Facebook and Twitter had a baby, they’d call it Google+.” ~ Olaf Wempe The important thing about Google Plus is to make it work for you. This is even more true nowadays with so many social networks vying for our attention. You don’t want to miss out completely, but you don’t want to add one more thing to your already busy day. So whether you’re already on Google Plus or just wondering whether you should give it a try, here are five keys to m

News and TrendsOct 27, 2011
Klout’s Recent Changes Explained By Their CEO [EXCLUSIVE]

Wow, what can I tell you guys? Last night’s #ToolsChat has just been completely out of control. Not only did Klout’s CEO Joe Fernandez join us to explain the recent changes, but the stream and discussion from everyone joining in was purely amazing. After Joe joined, everything got seriously heated up. People, pro and con Klout joined in from all sides. Here is a summary and highlights from the chat for you: What has changed? Joe explained [

The 3 Funniest Twitter Infographics

There are useful infographics…and then there are these infographics: * All of Social Media Explained in One Diagram * The Four Stages of “Getting” Twitter * Profile of a Twitter User Of course, you can click any infographic to enlarge it. But enough talk! Let’s get to the first infographic: 1. All of Social Media Explained in One Diagram: 2. The Four Stages of “Getting” Twitter 3. Profile of a Twitter User Back To You Had a laugh? Know of something funny that we missed? Leave a com

5 Misunderstood Great Benefits Of Twitter

Imagine you were alive hundreds of years ago, and wanted to meet the world’s greatest thinkers and hear their thoughts. If you were independently wealthy, you could devote your life to traveling the world and finding those wise men and women, talking to them and listening to them. But it would’ve taken you your whole lifetime. Today, thanks to Twitter, you can find the thoughts of many of the world’s greatest thinkers in art, business, politics, technology – almost any area of human achieveme

Tips / How ToOct 24, 2011
5 Reasons Why Your Twitter Efforts Aren’t Working

There were some great conversations I had led recently with people in the startup scene here in San Francisco. Quite a few people, for both their personal and business use haven’t “gotten” into Twitter yet. Words they mentioned were that “I heard Facebook works a lot better than Twitter” or “I am not sure I have enough time to be on Twitter too.” We spoke further and I jotted everything down which I thought could use a little further explanation. From our research we found that Twitter is hand

ToolsOct 23, 2011
Infographic: Twitter Tips, Tools And News You May Have Missed

We learned some amazing new things about Twitter this week (details at “9 Stunning New Facts …”) and there’s a great infographic of them for you in just a moment. But first, check out some of the great Twitter tips and tools posts from this week: * 5 Great Things Twitter Helps You Do * 5 Ways Detailed Tweets Get You More Followers [

Tips / How ToOct 21, 2011
5 Ways A Simple Twitter Chat Trick Brought Me Thousands Of Followers

Engagement can be quite a trick on Twitter. Do it right, and you gain followers. Do it wrong, and even people who already follow you will unfollow you. I’ve been on Twitter for years, and I’ve learned that there is a hidden trick to engagement that most people don’t think of. It’s really, really simple, and it’s brought me thousands of new followers over the years. It’s simply this: put more information into your conversations on Twitter. For example, if you can tweet to a friend “Here’s the

6 Crazy Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Twitter Support

Twitter problems can be very frustrating. There are far too many of them, far too often, and it’s unclear what you can do to get help. Many people start by asking their friends if they know what is going on, or what can be done. But the craziest thing of all is that some things about Twitter support are exactly the opposite of what you’d expect! I’m in my fifth year on Twitter now, and here are some of the crazy things I’ve discovered: 1. Don’t Send A Tweet If You Want Help. 2. The More Ti

News and TrendsOct 18, 2011
9 Stunning New Facts About Twitter

Twitter CEO Dick Costolo revealed nine stunning new facts about Twitter during an interview at the Web 2.0 Summit in San Francisco just a few hours ago (Monday, October 17.) 1. Twitter Is Growing 300% Faster…Thanks To “Mentor” Apple Buffer this iOS 5 Integration Made Signups Increase 3x, Costolo said. Signups began jumping on the first day of iOS 5′s availability, October 12.

Infographics: Building Your Twitter Reputation

Where do Twitter reputations come from? How can you build yours? You build your reputation through activity on Twitter—what you say and do. And by listening to feedback and paying attention to results to improve what you do. The Basics of Your Twitter Reputation Over time, you can keep refining every part of building your reputation to get better and better. For example, I recently updated the bio in my profile. Setting up your Twitter profile is the first step in creating a reputation. Then

Tips / How ToOct 17, 2011
5 Great Things Twitter Helps Me To Do

So my all time Nr.1 Twitter mentor Dave Larson from @TweetSmarter recently nudged me with a fantastic suggestion. Why not start a conversation around the already established #GreatThingsTwitterHelpsMeToDo hashtag? The hashtag is a great way to get to know what motivates and helps people on Twitter. I thought a lot about how to best make use of it and found, why not ask people this question and turn all the great responses into a blogpost. The feedback was amazing and here are the top 5 and rath

News and TrendsOct 16, 2011
The Hottest Twitter Tips, Tools, Topics And Warnings This Week

The Week in Twitter Tools A great post on 8 hot updates to some of the coolest free Twitter tools out there hit the web this week. Problogger talked about spending a month with Bufferapp, and we learned in 3 Tips To Make Your Daily Tweeting Easier how to use Buffer to make Twitter work for you even when you can’t or shouldn’t tweet, or are not in the mood. Hot news ► New Data On Sharing Some highlights from data released this week included: 1. Twitter had nearly seven times the growth

ToolsOct 15, 2011
HOW TO Tweet With Siri From Your iPhone

HOT Update: Siri for iPhone4 is being tested . All the buzz that has been happening around Apple’s new personal assistant was quite overwhelming. The things Siri can and can’t do have been documented very widely. The one question, we Buffer guys asked ourselves obviously was: How can I Tweet using Apple’s Siri? And fortunately there is already a solution for this, which is quite simple: 1.) Connecting your phone number wi

ResearchOct 15, 2011
Amazing Infocharts: How The World Shares Via Social Media

Once upon a time, long, long ago, in an age when there was no such thing as Twitter or Facebook, who decided what information we could access? Traditional media: the few controlling the gates of information to the masses. It was the editors and their bosses, publishers and corporations that decided for us. But who decides what’s hot today? You do! Thanks to social media, today it’s power to the people! And it’s no longer traditional media stories that are hot. Everyday it’s Twitter users, bl

Tips / How ToOct 13, 2011
How To Build A Great Twitter Reputation And Get More Followers And Retweets

If you can answer “yes” to any of these questions, then this article is for you. * Want more followers and retweets? * New to Twitter and want to make it useful for you? * Twitter isn’t working as well as you’d like it to? The three steps to a great Twitter reputation are content, style and connections. First—because this is what makes you really popular—we’ll cover making connections and b

Tips / How ToOct 13, 2011
Dozens Of Cool Ways To Use Twitter In Classrooms

Teachers have been taking advantage of Twitter’s format to keep their classes engaged for years now. Taking the time to learn how to use Twitter has proved worth the return for teachers throughout the world. Here is a collection of dozens of projects and ideas to get teachers started using Twitter to build a better learning experience for everyone, divided into five categories: 1. Expand Learning Possibilities 2. Build Writing Skills 3. Use Twitter’s Research Potential 4. Get Creative! 5

Tips / How ToOct 12, 2011
3 Tips To Make Your Daily Tweeting Easier

This is a guestpost from Carter Bailey (@carterbailey) and part of our series on “What our users have to say”. More on Carter at the bottom of the post: In the past two years, I got married, moved, and switched jobs three times. The last job move put a large amount of stress on my wife and I, and I realized that it was time to focus on networking among the tech community to avoid any future stress associated with job situations. Now I am searching for local memb

Tips / How ToOct 12, 2011
Five Keys To Getting More Followers And Keeping Them Happy

Everyone is different, and Twitter can be a place to celebrate our differences. But there are some things that are true for most Twitter users, most of the time. Figure out how to balance these five factors properly and people checking you out will be more likely to follow you, and people who follow you will be more likely to recommend you to others. The things you share should keep everyone happy and coming back for more! Get unbalanced, however, and you could find yourself losing Twitter fo