Jason Shen

Jason Shen

A collection of posts by Jason Shen

A collection of 2 posts

Life HackingMay 28, 2013
Why Practice Actually Makes Perfect: How to Rewire Your Brain for Better Performance

Growing up, we all heard the expression “practice makes perfect” from our high school coach/music teacher. Then Malcolm Gladwell went on to popularize the research that expertise developed over “10,000 hours” of deliberate practice. But how does that really work? In this post, I’ll share what science knows about learning and how special type of brain tissue called myelin, plays a key role in helping us a

Life HackingNov 15, 2012
What the Research on Habit Formation Reveals About our Willpower and Overall Well-Being

This is guestpost by Jason Shen, an entrepreneur, blogger, and athlete, more about Jason at the end of the post. In the past decade, there has been a lot of fascinating academic research conducted around habit formation and willpower. By examining things like how smokers quit and why student perform well, researchers are starting to piece together the answers to how we can build lasting habits and improve our ability to resist temptation. One surprising result is this: to improve your overall