Blog - Page 78
A collection of 2,474 blog posts
You don’t need to ask IT whether your coworkers are on social media during the workday. It’s like asking if they are breathing. And that can be a great thing. Studies have shown that employees can post, tweet, and pin and still perform at peak levels—maybe even more productively than their less plugged-in counterparts. Instead of instilling policies to try to prevent team members from using social media at work, more and more companies are incorporating their employees’ social media enthusiasm
A few months ago, Joel discovered a fascinating book that he shared with all of us on the team. The title of the book was “The Decision Maker ” and it proposed a radically different idea to how companies are run. In short, it put traditional management on its head. Instead of higher-ups making decisions, often far removed from the real problems that
Update – we launched Pablo a new tool to create beautiful images for your social media posts in under 30 seconds You can use Pablo right from the get-go, no need to login or create an account. Just quickly create amazing images super fast. You can try out the first version of Pablo right now – no login
How do you know when spaghetti is ready to eat? Throw a noodle against a wall and see if it sticks. It’s a super simple hack for Italian dinner night. It’s not such a great metaphor for social media goal-setting. That being said, I have participated in more than my fair share of spaghetti strategy sessions, often times contributing to the “see what sticks” mentality with my suggested goals. It’s an area I’d be keen to improve. Have you ever felt a bit unsure when coming up with goals for your
When you find yourself using a product or tool on a daily basis, you get to know the tool inside and out, including all the helpful shortcuts and little-known features. We’d love to share our Buffer secrets with you. Here are some of our personal favorite Buffer features that might have flown under your radar. Enjoy! 1. Share to multiple profiles in one click with Groups Imagine you’ve got an update to share with your Twitter, Facebook, and Google+ followers. Imagine you typically share the
Social media advice seems to come in two flavors: what to do and how to do it. Take, for instance, the advice to reshare content from your blog’s archives. This strategy seems to pay big dividends for the accounts who’ve embraced it. They’ve seen more traffic, more reshares, and more engagement even though the content itself isn’t brand new. Sharing old content is awesome social media advice. So how exactly does one go about it? It’s a question I’ve been working to answer for myself as I sha
When it comes to planning where to spend your marketing budget effectively, advertising on social media is one of the most sound investments you can make. I often speak to marketers who are just getting started with online advertising, and I offer the same advice at the start of each call. Advertising is complex; it’s never a set-it-and-forget-it process. It requires testing and checking, and experimenting with all forms of advertising offers the best chance of showing you what is truly effecti
Hi there! This is an older post that we’ve kept around for transparency but that means that sometimes the information is no longer accurate. Head to our homepage to view our most recent posts. At Buffer, we’ve recently made a big change to how we build products and use the Lean Startup methodologies much more closely. It followed what I’d call a phenomenon that Hiten Shah, one of our closest advisors mentioned to us in a mentoring session: At Buffer, we have always taken a lot of pride
We’ve posted huge, helpful lists on social media tools for small business (61!) free Twitter tools (59!), and free marketing tools (29!). Facebook is next—though the list won’t be quite as huge. The built-in tools that Facebook offers to business pages and advertisers are robust and detailed. Hence, you’re likely to uncover a smaller stash of third-party tools than you might for a network like Twitter. Still, there are some fabulous Facebook tools out there, and they can help push your Faceboo
When I set up a daily to-do list, I often have a spectrum of tasks that need to get done. There are the big projects that figure to take multiple days to complete. There are medium-sized tasks that will require some long stretches of intense focus. Then there are the quick wins. I love the quick wins. These are the tasks that can be done in a matter of minutes. They’re super fast fixes or experiments that take little time but pay off with big dividends. And wouldn’t you know, quick wins are e
On September 10th, with all of the Buffer team members gathered in New York for our working retreat, the team of Happiness Heroes joined forces to lead a #bufferchat discussion on customer service (and cute animal gifs). Connect with the dynamic individuals offering support and smiles to Buffer’s community every day: (in order of photo, left to right) Dave , Colin (the Happiness Engineer), Adam , Nic
The other day I was discussing with my teammate and friend Carolyn how it had been months since the last time I attended a yoga class. I’ve been thinking about it occasionally and getting annoyed with myself for not practicing—almost feeling stressed. Like many other things—for example, blogging—I often ind it incredibly hard to get back to things that I “should” be doing. The stress increases and an inside feeling of pressure happens. Then I realized, yoga is in everything that I do. I took s
A while back, my co-founder Leo gave me an interesting suggestion: he said I should try disabling all notifications on my iPhone. I find this suggestion especially interesting because it is one that goes against the normal phone setup. It’s so usual to stick to how things are, and with iPhone apps the easiest thing to do is to “allow” all those notifications. It seems almost odd to even consider doing things any other way. I chose to go along with Leo’s suggestion, although I was admittedly q
Rest, and think. What does your ideal day look like? When do you wake up? Who do you spend time with? What do you do? What does your ideal work look like? What do you create? How does it make you feel? Where are you when you’re creating it? What is your ideal life? Picture it. Embrace it. Bearhug the living daylights out of it. Then go out and get it. You can be anything you want to be This seems impossible, right? At the very least impractical. People don’t just visualize what they want
We share, share, share to social media. How can we tell what works? This is a question I ask myself each week as I review the Buffer social media stats. How can I evaluate and optimize my best social media content? Where do I even start? Having asked the question myself so many times, I’ve found a few different options for analyzing how social media content performs. I’m still experimenting with which way is best, and I’m happy to share with you all the many different ways I’ve tried so far.
Note: Updated Sept. 18 based on more details from Google’s John Mueller in the comments. Thanks again, John! We’re so grateful for Google’s help and guidance in solving our mystery and fixing our errors so quickly! The month of August gave the Buffer Crafters an unexpected SEO mystery to solve. When Google announced that https would become a ranking signal, we switched our Buffer Social blog over to https—and subsequently lost about 90% of our organic traffic! Here’s a look at our organic traf
Imagine you were compiling a course curriculum for a class on online marketing. What would be your go-to resources? In digging through my bookmarks and starred articles, I noticed a growing list of awesome stories and helpful links. If I threw them all together, it’d make for quite the collection! I’d love to share with you what I’ve got so far, and it’d be awesome if you’d consider adding any personal favorites in the comments. Here is what I’ve bookmarked as my must-read social media article
The ideal length of a blogpost is six minutes and 1,500 words. So every blog post you write should aim for that golden, gooey length, right? Well, there’s a bit more to it than that. We love digging up the latest stats and best practices on how to share better on social media. And our findings are just that: General statistics and ideas on what might work best in practice. Many stats are jumping off points for you to test and iterate on what’s best individually and personally for your sharing.
Have you ever discovered a life hack just when you needed to hear it? The timing and the solution perfect, and the next step so obvious that you acted immediately and have stuck with it ever since? When it comes to health, sweeping life changes are especially difficult to implement and even harder to sustain. But in my experience, it’s the small changes you adopt, maintain, and love that add up to a meaningful long-term difference. I’ve been collecting a list of these kinds of fitness, diet, h
Every single day, 4.75 billion posts go up on Facebook. To put that number in perspective, there have only been 129 million books published since the beginning of time, with an average word length of 64,000 words. That means we are publishing more content (by number of words) every single day on Facebook than is contained in every single book published since humans have existed! For us marketers, it’s our job to stand out in that absurdly large crowd of content. One way to do this is to have a
This may sound crazy, but here it goes… Building your email list isn’t as hard as you think. Really. In fact, when you know what to do and how to do it, list building is pretty darn simple. How do I know? I struggled with my blog’s conversion rate (1.4%) for over a year. That is, until I discovered the 5 secrets that I’m going to reveal to you in this post. After implementing these 5 simple techniques, my blog’s conversion rate skyrocketed by 134.85%. And today I’m going to show you exac
In February, my husband and I jumped head-first into urban farming — starting our summer garden from seeds. It then developed into an even larger endeavor when we added 13 chicks into our home. And then four ducks. And then three more chickens… The past several months have been a blur between brooding chicks, building coops, free-ranging, fixing fencing, gardening and finding eggs. As I look back upon these summer months, several distinct themes come to mind — and boy, do they ripple beyond ou
In August I think we really found our stride in a lot of ways, and hitting $4M is a huge milestone. At the same time, our MRR growth the last two months has been a lot lower than we’d like – 5% or 6% is not ideal for us. I’m confident with our hard work and new teams set up we can pull that up. (I also want to share some of July’s numbers—I went on vacation right at the start of the month and let the update slip by.) Traction update July * New users: 65,712 (Total: 1,663,761, from 1,598
My world at Blinkist revolves around books: self-help books, psychology books, books on business and marketing and persuasion. They’re full of colorful anecdotes and tried-and-true strategies for making just about anything in life easier or better. While having multiple options for mastering a skill is a nice luxury, too much of a good thing is still just that. At Blinkist, we condense nonfiction books into 15-minute summaries; even so, if you tried to read the entirety of the library, the onsl