Join us as we share what we’re learning as we build a company that approaches work from a fresh perspective. We write about workplace culture, our finances, and our business decisions and strategies.

OpenSep 27, 2016
My First 30 Days as a Manager: The 3 Biggest Questions I’ve Asked Myself So Far

It feels ridiculous for me to write about being an engineering manager. It’s a job I’ve done for not even 30 days yet. But that’s what I want to know from others —how did you start? How did you make it through your first month? No two first rodeos are ever alike. But they’re all rodeos, and falling off is falling off. There’s some kind of pattern. So here I am, writing the post that I want to read. What is this job, anyway? I had a rough idea what I was getting into from the internal job des

OpenSep 26, 2016
When Unlimited is Limiting: Why We Changed to Minimum Vacation Recommendations

It’s one of those mythical and vaunted startup perks, and one of the Buffer perks that tends to entice folks the most: unlimited vacation time. When someone new joins the team, they’re immediately granted as much time away from work as they’d like, no questions asked. Under this non-policy policy, teammates have had some great vacations, including cruises around the world and even a month of sailing the Atlantic. But is it really that simple? Well, yes and no. Buffer’s unlimited vacation po

OpenSep 21, 2016
I Failed Buffer’s Bootcamp…Successfully

Heads up! This is an older post that references some outdated processes at Buffer, specifically the “Buffer bootcamp.” Feel free to see the latest information here , including all the reasons why we retired this concept! We’re Retiring The ‘Buffer Bootcamp’ Period For New Teammates – Here’s Why Every new person who joins the Buffer team starts with a 45-day bootcamp trial period [

OpenSep 20, 2016
I Didn’t Mean to Lean Back: The Unexpected Story of Being a Working Mom at a Startup

I’ve “leaned back.” And I’m okay with it. Sort of. As the first teammate to have a baby while working at Buffer, I was able to create our initial family leave policy before I used it. Even that wasn’t enough to prepare me for the reality of being a working mom. Going into motherhood , I had a lot of grandiose ideas, preconceived notions and expectations. The biggest of which was that I’d be able to jump back into m

OpenSep 19, 2016
From Maker to Manager: The Most Challenging and Rewarding Transition of My 5-Year Startup Journey

January 3, 2011, was my first day at Buffer as sort of the social media intern. The introductory task that Joel and I came up with was fairly simple: Spend 30 minutes a day on Buffer’s Twitter account and help it grow . We had about 78 followers at the time, and the 100 follower mark was in sight. I had just turned 20 years old, was halfway through my second year in college and I was ready—for anything really. It di

OpenSep 15, 2016
Buffer in August: Cashflow Positive, Buffercelerator Results and Highest MRR of 2016

* Last month’s report * All Investor reports * All Buffer reports In August, we had our best MRR numbers of 2016 and wrapped up our first “Buffercelerator” project. Here are the highlights: MRR: $947.7k ARR: $11.4m MoM: 4.7% from July Note: We adjusted our calculation of MRR as we discovered we were overreporting our MRR by around $20k, which was due to the portion of MRR coming from Apple in-app subscriptions. We’ve now corrected this, and so if you were to compare our revenue growth to l

OpenSep 14, 2016
Working From Home with Kids: 21 Tips From Our Remote Team

It’s perhaps a daily occurrence for a cat, dog, child or significant other to appear in a meeting between Buffer team members. And we’re okay with that. More than okay. We love these moments and we encourage them. Here is my son, Anthony’s, appearance at his first Buffer all-hands meeting when he was three months old (we’re towards the top left): As a fully distributed team, many of us work from home. For the parents of Buffer, this allows for the opportunity to work from home with their kids

OpenSep 13, 2016
Using Values and Philosophies as a Guide: How Hiring has Evolved at Buffer

Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Go here to view the latest version of this post. We’ve shared a bit in the past about what we believe creates a great fit at Buffer , but the hiring process is so much more than these factors alone. How do you create a positive experience for all candidates, regardless of the outcome? How do you avoid bias and view all candidate

OpenSep 12, 2016
Leaning Into our Strengths: The Editor/Operator Experiment

Hi there! This is an older post that we’ve kept around for transparency but that means that sometimes the information is no longer accurate. Head to our homepage to view our most recent posts. What combination of strengths help a team thrive? We’ve written before about the “bias toward action” mindset that we believe creates a great fit on the Buffer team, and we’re always experimenting, evolving and fine-tuning the way

OpenSep 7, 2016
Virtual Team Building and Monthly Reports Launch

Buffer People Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All People reports * All Buffer reports Key Stats Applicants 365 –49% Offers completed 0 Open blog posts published 15 +87.5% Team NPS score 54% –5.3% Hello from Buffer’s People team, which works to build,

OpenSep 7, 2016
Learning from a System Outage, Our First Hackdays and Engineering Team News

Buffer Engineering Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All Engineering reports * All Buffer reports Key stats Requests for 68.3m Avg. response for 220ms Requests for 944m Avg. response for 88.1 ms Bugs & Quality * 2 S1 (severity 1) bug reports – 2 closed 100% (In July: 9 S1 Bug reports – 6 closed 66%) * 24 S2 (severity 2) reports – 17 Closed 71% (In July: 38 S2 reports – 23 Closed 61%) Welcome to this

OpenSep 7, 2016
Inside Buffer: Improving our Forecasting Model, Introducing eShares and More

Buffer People Ops Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All People Ops reports * All Buffer reports Key Stats: Net Revenue $983.7k +12.4% MRR $941 ARR $11.2m +0.9% Expenses 9,450 +11.8% Expenses 9,450 +11.8% August has been a month of continuing good trends: increasing revenue and remaining cash flow positive. We’re also examining a lot of our internal vendors, too

OpenSep 7, 2016
Customized Composer, Trial Experiments and Product Team Adjustments

Buffer Product Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All Product reports * All Buffer reports Key stats in August Weekly active users (Awesome + Individual plans) 157,194 +1.3% Weekly active Buffer for Business users 4,451 0% Buffer for Business monthly recurring revenue $445,334 +4.7% B4B trial starts 9,450 +9.9% August has been a month of progress across the pr

OpenSep 7, 2016
A New Buffer FAQ, Tone Syncs and the ‘Happiness Newspaper’

Buffer Happiness Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All Happiness reports * All Buffer reports Key stats: Responses within 1 hour 47.85% -2.7% Customer satisfaction score 91 -2.1% Email conversations 8,478 -11.1% Twitter conversations 8,508 -11.1% Average Twitter response time 3.3 hours -19.5% Onboarding webinars 8 We’d be nowhere without our customers

OpenSep 7, 2016
How Much Should Marketing be Responsible for the Happiness of Customers? (Our Answer: More Than You’d Think!)

Buffer Marketing Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All marketing reports * All Buffer reports Key stats: Buffer signups 1,697 +33% Buffer for Business trials 266 -2% Social blog sessions 1,164,934 +14% Email subscribers 100,819 +1% NPS 57 -1% What are some of the metrics that guide the goals for your marketing team? Leads, signups, conversion rate, and traffic all seem to be popular ones. Some folks might be interested in social media reach or email subscri

OpenSep 7, 2016
Respond at 6 Months In: New Website, Moving Forward on Prototyping

Respond Report August 2016 * Last month’s report * All Respond reports * All Buffer reports Key Metrics MoM Revenue +4% Customer Churn Steady Replies sent via Respond 45,000 Six months ago Respond launched… It’s incredible just how fast time moves when building a startup. Massive highs and lows all in the course of a single week. In fact, I’ve heard some team

OpenAug 31, 2016
More than Cute Faces: The Pets of Buffer (and How Office Pets Benefit the Workplace)

If the Buffer team wasn’t fully remote, here’s how I’d picture our office looking: wide-open spaces with big tables for collaborating, children and babies hanging out on their parent’s laps; cats and dogs running around merrily with a scattering of pet toys littering the floor. We believe in bringing our whole selves to work, and that means family and furry friends alike! Thus, we all strive to know and celebrate each other’s pets, kids, signific

OpenAug 23, 2016
Starting My Work Day at 5 am is (Maybe) the Best Decision I’ve Made This Year

Many of the best experiences in life are totally unplanned. I remember one of my last days in high school when the entire grade 12 class (all boys) hopped over the fence of the neighboring girls’ boarding school in the middle of the night and went streaking. I made a wrong turn and — with nothing but running shoes on — stumbled upon a legion of young girls staring out of their dorm windows. Totally unplanned, 100 percent memorable. *Yes, I’m well aware that this story is a little odd for a po

OpenAug 17, 2016
Connecting Team Members on a Deeper Level through Personal Stories

Hometown. Siblings. Childhood memories. High school activities. Travel, spouses, friends. Life goals. These are things you might know about your significant other, close friends. How about your coworkers? At Buffer, we’ve discovered that sharing more of ourselves — our whole selves — is a key component in bringing team members closer together. At our past in-person retreats, we’ve called these exercises “personal stories,” and it’s become one of our favorite ways to connect. Now, we’re scaling

OpenAug 11, 2016
We Gave Our Community the Keys To Our Twitter Account: Why We Did It and How You Can, Too

We’d love to share what we’ve learned (so far) through the Twitter Squad experiment!

OpenAug 5, 2016
Buffer in July: Articulating our Vision, Instagram Launch Metrics and Cashflow Positive

See the most recent investors’ report → See all investors’ reports → See all Buffer reports → In July, we launched a big new feature, had our first cashflow positive month of 2016 and rallied around a strong vision for Buffer’s future. Here are the highlights: Key metrics * MRR: $926.0k * ARR: $11.1m * MoM: +3.1% Further metrics * 62,201 paying customers (+3.0% from June) * 255,158 MAU (+0.0% from June) * 159,995 WAU (-1.0% from June) * $1.29m cash in bank (+5.7% from June) * 80 t

OpenAug 4, 2016
Why We’re Uniting Our Community and Marketing Teams

See last month’s marketing report → See all marketing reports → See all Buffer reports → Marketing Report July 2016 This past month, we announced Buffer for Instagram to the world (go team!). We ran Facebook Live videos and Snapchat takeovers (we’re @buffersnaps for any Snapchatters out there). We set some exciting, audacious, fantastic goals for what we want to achieve between now and October. And oh yeah, the decision was made that community should combine with marketing, so in the

OpenAug 4, 2016
Staying Connected on a Remote Team: 3 Tactics We’re Trying at Buffer

See the previous hiring report → See all Buffer reports → People Report July 2016 As we’ve grown at Buffer, it’s been fun to watch the People evolve. This  group works to build, retain and encourage the best team we can at Buffer, and includes roles focused on recruitment, human resources, inclusivity, and team-building and togetherness. Here’s what we got up to in July! July’s People metrics Applicants: 543 Interviews: 18 first stage interviews Offers made: 1 (Full-stack Develope

OpenAug 4, 2016
Connecting the Team, Finessing our Finance Model

See last month’s finance report → See all Buffer reports → People Ops Report July 2016 The Buffer team has changed a lot in the last few months, and our People Operations team is focusing on helping the team grow through creating new guidelines and recommendations and updating the ones we already have. Our People Ops team covers many roles to foster the daily operations within the company. This includes finance, hiring, internal processes, benefits and more! Important numbers to note: