Buffer News - Page 5

A collection of posts on Buffer News

Buffer NewsMay 10, 2012
The Complete Guide To Social Sharing: The Brand New Buffer Browser Extensions

A couple of weeks ago, we sat down at Buffer HQ and thought to ourselves: How can we make sharing much smarter and easier than it is now? We realized one thing. Smarter sharing comes with posting algorithms , analytics and other tech improvements. At the same time, talking to lots of your and other awesome Buffer users, what makes sharing smarter, is to be able to do it right where you actua

Buffer NewsApr 30, 2012
4 Tips To Get More Out Of Twitter.com With The Brand New Buffer Plugin

Twitter.com has a gorgeous interface I believe. It is extremely simple, without any bells and whistles. A t the same time, if you are trying to make your workflow more efficient, getting by with just Twitter.com is a little difficult, you probably already know this. As of a few days ago, we have therefore added a brand new Chrome extension that will give you a great new experience right on Twitter.com. With the Buffer button inside Twitter, you can add retweets to your queue, post to multiple

Buffer NewsApr 24, 2012
Thanks for being on board, together we’ve Buffered 10,000,000 updates

Quick update: Big thanks to Anthony Ha over at TechCrunch who wrote a terrific story on us hitting 10,000,000 updates . What an incredible journey looking back. It was a little over one year, in December 2010, that Joel first launched Buffer from his bedroom in the UK. Since then things have changed upside down – lots of times. Today is a huge moment, and we wanted to take a time-out from our busy days and say thanks. Thanks to you and eve

Buffer NewsApr 13, 2012
How To Buffer Your Pictures For Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

There is a big thing happening right now I believe: the web is going all in with pictures. It’s something you have probably already discovered. Instagram, Pinterest, 9GAG are the top sites who have embraced this and made it super simple to work with pictures in an enjoyable way. At the same time, pictures on Facebook for example, continue to drive the most engagement. And frankly, we can’t blame anyone. Pictures are just awesome! They carry a message over to you in just a second, this is cer

Buffer NewsApr 11, 2012
How To Tweet At The Best Times For Your Followers – Tweriod & Buffer team up

It’s one of those big mysteries that a lot of people on Twitter (myself included) desperately want to know: “When is the best time for me to Tweet?” To get an awesome and accurate answer for this question isn’t always easy. So I am very excited to tell you about an awesome new partnership we have done recently. Teaming up Tweriod & Buffer is one of those matches you have probably already thought about once. Tweriod analyses your Twitter followers, past Tweets and the people you follow an

Buffer NewsApr 5, 2012
How I Increased my Facebook Engagement by 200% with Buffer [Case Study]

This is a guestpost by Brandon “Oxhorn” Dennis of Scotch and Smoke Rings , more about him at the bottom of the post. Here is how it all started. I was super excited, when I opened my inbox one day and discovered this: Gilt, a website with accessories for only the classiest of gents, was giving a huge discount to people based on their Klout score. Over the years, I’ve built up a following because World of Warcraft machinima and musi

Buffer NewsApr 2, 2012
How To Read and Share More Efficiently From Your iPad: Mr. Reader and Buffer Team Up

Today, I’ll have to let you in on a little secret. Despite a lot of great people who have suggested many times to start using RSS feeds, I never got around to do it. Yet, a few weeks back it happened. Why? A gorgeous iPad app for RSS reading called Mr. Reader, has freshly added Buffer support for sharing of articles. It was the kick-off of a lot of app integrations lying ahead for Buffer in the coming weeks. And having Mr.Reader as one of the first ones couldn’t be any more amazing: How To A

Buffer NewsFeb 23, 2012
HOW TO Use The Brand New Buffer For LinkedIn

There was some great news from LinkedIn announced recently. The 3rd largest Social Network, announced that over 150 million users are now on board using the platform. Hitting that milestone couldn’t be timed any better. Over here at Buffer , we are excited to let you know, that from today onwards, you are able to Buffer your LinkedIn updates very easily. It is the third Social Network we are supporting now, on top of Twitter and Facebook [https://buffer.com/resources/buffer-a

Buffer NewsJan 31, 2012
The Complete Guide To The Brand New Buffer iPhone App

Yes, it is finally here! The long awaited Buffer iPhone App is in the App store with the latest update as of this week. It has certainly been the most awaited feature and there wasn’t one day, someone nudged us on Twitter or via email. And that’s awesome. Having you and others on board, who tell us what they would like to see next is what keeps us going. With Buffer , we aim to give you a new and smarter way

Buffer NewsDec 20, 2011
The 19 Awesome Investors In Our $450,000 Seed Round And How We Met Them

Update: There were 2 amazing posts on GigaOM and TechCrunch featuring our story, check it out. Today is an amazing day. We are happily announcing the closing of our seed funding round of Buffer. We set out with the vision to make sharing content on Social Media a lot smarter and more efficient. And we were fortunate enough to have 19 awesome investors and advisors who shared this vision with us and came on board. Instead of the usual funding announcement, I wanted to to give you a complete ins

Buffer NewsDec 14, 2011
15 More Top Blogs With The New Buffer Button, And How To Get Yours

When we launched our button last week with 15 amazing partners , we added a bunch more blogs that you can all Buffer from now. In fact, there are close to 800 blogs out there with the new Buffer button . And we are adding a ton more every day. Since then, we had some of the most awesome bloggers out there put the Buffer button on. If you aren’t using Buffe

Buffer NewsDec 9, 2011
Edocr And Buffer Help You Schedule Document Uploads

Here is just a quick update of another integration that has gone live recently with Buffer. Edocr , a great app that helps you upload documents and allows you to share them publicly with anyone, just like Slideshare does with slideshows, now has a Buffer button. When you first sign up and wish to add all your new document uploads right into your Buffer account, simply head to your My Account page. From there, on the right hand side, you will see the Buffer icon. Simply click i

Buffer NewsDec 8, 2011
HOW TO Schedule Your Retweets From Any Twitter Client

Have you ever wanted to browse your Twitter stream and filter the best Tweets to be scheduled and retweeted later on? For long, this was one of those things that I always wanted to do. Whilst it is very easy to do this if you are using Twitter.com, it is a lot harder to schedule any retweets from our great dashboards at TweetDeck, HootSuite, Twitter for Mac or any other client you might be using. Fortunately, there is an awesome way for you to do exactly this: schedule retweets from any Twitte

Buffer NewsDec 1, 2011
The 15 Top Blogs With The New Buffer Button, And Why Your Blog Needs One

Things are moving very fast here at Buffer and we are excited to roll out the next big thing for you. A few weeks back we launched the Buffer button in a beta version. With the Buffer Button, you can add any article straight to your Buffer, for it to be Tweeted or posted to Facebook at a better time, well spaced out over the day. As we have shown to increase clicks on Tweets by 200%, I believe this should be a major benefit for any blogger too of course. With over 300 blogs using the button al

Buffer NewsNov 21, 2011
Ifttt And Buffer Team Up, Top 5 Ways To Use Them Together

We are thrilled to announce our latest partnership with ifttt today. Although TechCrunch beat us to the punch , I wanted to walk you through the features of the amazing new feature for you here. What is ifttt (If this then that)? Ifttt (If this then that) is a fantastic new way to connect any two web services together. Say, if there is a new photo tak

Buffer NewsNov 18, 2011
How I Managed To Handle Disaster Control With Buffer

This is a guestpost and in fact incredible story from Eddy Weiss, CEO at Chasing4Life. When Eddy approached me and told me how Buffer has helped him, I was blown away. Here is his story, it is amazing: It was a scary night and the sounds of sirens kept you and your family awake. Luckily, your home sustained minimal damage, but upon arriving at the office, you realize that the problem there is much larger. Trees are down, power lines are down, and it appears that a portion of the office building

Buffer NewsNov 8, 2011
Buffer and Facebook, Together at Last

Here at Buffer HQ, we had our heads focused on baking the next hot thing for you. And we now have it ready. Fresh out of the oven, Buffer for Facebook is now available for everyone. Buffer for Facebook has been the top requested feature and we were keen to give it the looks and functionality it deserves for you to use it. Little things and attention to detail with picture and thumbnail preview as well as editing of summary and the full word count were key. Largely developed and designed by our

Buffer NewsOct 31, 2011
Discover The Brand New Buffer For Android

Yes, it is ready. One of the most awaited products our awesome users wanted to have has been released. Buffer for Android is out and you can grab it from the Android market. Developed by the one and only aimee daniells (you can give her a shout @sermoa) we did a complete overhaul. Our goal was to bring you the simplest way to share updates and Tweets with highest i

Buffer NewsMay 11, 2011
How I tripled my @Klout using @BufferApp [Case Study]

Yesterday, a very special tweet reached our inbox from @TaureanBryant: “just wanted to say thank you to the guys at @bufferapp my @klout jumped from 12 to 38 in about three weeks.” Immediately I got in touch with him and wanted to hear the full story. Klout? Times 3? With Buffer? You can imagine how excited I was. Joel always had a feeling that to do well on Twitter (whatever your goals), all you have to do is keep sharing good content and care for your followers. That’s why we built Buf

Buffer NewsMay 3, 2011
Why we are particularly thankful for Twitter

We’ve talked before about why we think Twitter is awesome, and why we even think it can make you a better person. Today, I want to share with you why we are particularly thankful that Twitter exists. If you’ve been following along with our progress for a while, you might know that it’s still fairly early days for us. We only launched 5 months ago, but we’ve been amazed and delighted by what we’ve managed to achieve in those five awesome months. We couldn’t have done it without Twitter, of cou

Buffer NewsApr 30, 2011
Buffer Tweets from Twitter.com

We have some more great news for you. Joel has just pushed the latest Buffer feature live. Please note that in it’s first version it will only work if you have the Chrome Extension for Buffer installed. 1.) Add Tweets from Twitter.com It means that you can now add tweets to your Buffer right from inside Twitter.com. If you click it, it will allow you to do old school RTs , so others will see that you have retweete

Buffer NewsApr 27, 2011
The Buffer Browser Extension Gets A Facelift

This is just a quick update on the latest happenings over here at Buffer. The browser extensions (Chrome, Safari, Bookmarklet) just received a major revamp and the changes are now available for you to use. You DON’T have to do anything, your extension is updated automatically. ? The 3 major new things are: 1.) The Buffer Box is now draggable We thought that sometimes you might want to add something to your tweets that the Buffer Box is hiding. So from now on drag the box across the page as y

Buffer NewsApr 18, 2011
You can now add to our “Suggested Tweets”!

You have most likely noticed our built in “Tweet Suggestion” feature, which is a set of quotes Joel and me have collected, which we found truly inspirational. Now, how could it be otherwise, one of our users approached us with an amazing suggestion. Jonny Rowntree alias @JonnyRowntree sent me an email saying: “Why not make this a crowd sourced project everyone can participate in?” Hell yes, I thought. So here we are offering anybody and everyone the chance to suggest tweets we will make part

Buffer NewsApr 18, 2011
We Upgraded All Buffer Plans to Unlimited Daily Timeslots

Here is just a quick post for you to tell you about the latest happenings over here at Buffer. We have upgraded the Free Plan and the Pro Plan so you can now set an unlimited number of daily timeslots in your Buffer. This means you can go to your “Settings” page and set as many timeslots as you wish tweeting as frequently as you want. Why did we do it? Joel and me are convinced that by continually improving our free version we can improve the experience people