15 More Top Blogs With The New Buffer Button, And How To Get Yours

Dec 14, 2011 7 min readBuffer News

When we launched our button last week with 15 amazing partners, we added a bunch more blogs that you can all Buffer from now. In fact, there are close to 800 blogs out there with the new Buffer button. And we are adding a ton more every day.

Since then, we had some of the most awesome bloggers out there put the Buffer button on. If you aren’t using Buffer yet, grab it for free here. So here are our next 15 top partners, that now offer you a Buffer button on their blog:

Mari Smith

Yes, I am super thrilled to tell you that Mari Smith, one of the most well known Social Media leaders out there, now also has a Buffer button for you to use. Mari gives away hands down the best Facebook tips and ways to expand your Social Media abilities.

With her new book about The New Relationship Marketing, she also produced an amazing piece to help you stand out from the crowd.  Hop over to her blog and see if you too find her posts as Buffer-worthy as I do.

Pushing Social

I am sure you ran into Stanford Smith’s blog over at PushingSocial in the past. It is one of my favorite blogs, as I feel Stan writes in the most humble and personalised way. I also love how easy he makes it for anyone to turn his blogging tips into actions.

If you are just getting started with blogging or Social Media, hop over to his site and check out his most Buffer-Worthy content. I have been subscribed for close to a year now.

Pam Moore

Another top Social Media blogger who needs very little introduction is Pam Moore from PamMarketingNut. What I love about her blog are the hands on posts and case studies. She also provides amazing commentary on the hottest topics in Social Media.

Pam is also the CEO at ZoomFactor, a full service social brand, reputation management and digital marketing agency where the new button has a happy home on each post and page. Hop over to her site and check out if you find some Buffer-Worthiness, like I did!

Wwwhat’s New?

Yes, you read correctly! The biggest Spanish tech news site now has a shiny new Buffer button. Run by Diego Polo, it is often incredible to see how they are beating TC or Mashable to the punch with their stories on many occasions. Even though my Spanish is limited, I regularly read their site, purely because they find the most amazing, undiscovered tools across the web.

Be sure to hop over and see if you find some tools and stories, you wouldn’t be able to read elsewhere, that you can now Buffer too.


Another amazing site I am very proud to have on board is the multi-author blog at Business2Community. Being one of the the top 100 AdAge, they share some of the best Twitter Tips and Social Media insights.

What is also fantastic is that the people behind it Brian Rice , Michael Brenner (@MichaelBrenner) and Dan Criel are awesome folks well worth connecting with. Check out their amazing amount of great posts and drop whatever you like into your Buffer – right from there.


With over 70,000 readers, it is amazing to have InspiredMag, one of the most popular design blogs out there on board. Run by Catalin Zorzini, it boasts a ton of inspiring photography and the best designed Apps for you to check out.

Of course, you will find a lot of tips on web design and development, alongside fantastic giveaways that you can check out. Happy Buffering on InspiredMag.


Cori Padgett, is one of my very recent discoveries and I quickly subscribed to her blog after reading a few amazing stories on entrepreneurship and dealing with customers. What I like best is how genuine and personal Cori writes all her posts.

This just makes Buffering those great articles a lot easier and I hope you might get a chance to check them out too.

Chris Voss

One person that I am also extremely thankful for having on board with the Buffer button is Chris Voss. With the amazing TheChrisVossShow, you will find the best reviews of Apps and hot new Social Networks all in one place. I also love how genuine and down to earth Chris always is, despite his tremendous success.

Be sure to hop over to his amazing site and I am sure you will be able to drop a few great articles into your Buffer.

Social Fish

Maddie Grant’s blog was one of the most recent discoveries of mine and I quickly fell in love. Her tips on building an awesome community blog, definitely rocked my socks off.

With her recent book, Humanize, she has also landed a big hit, even Danny Brown thinks so. Hop over to her blog and see if you like it as much as I do.


Mani Karthick from DailyBloggr is one of the blogs that I read since the very start of my internet journey. His great Twitter tips and blogging insights make it a must for me to come back every week.

Need any help with your SEO, blogging and Social Media? Have a go and hop over to Mani’s awesome site and see what is most Buffer-Worthy.


A blog that I absolutely had to add to this list was Gregory Ciotti’s SparringMind blog. This man goes out of his way, to produce the best blogging guides and Social Media tips on the web.  Seriously!

It makes me even happier to have him as a columnist here on the Buffer blog. His  blog is one of the very few I am subscribed via email, I hope you check it out too and see if this new blog in the Buffer button family entices you in the same way.


One site that I am also very thankful for having on board is Igor Ovsyannykov’s Inspirationfeed. His blog offers some incredible photography snapshots as well as awesome webdesign tips. On top of this Igor intersperses his blogposts with great Social Media and blogging tips.

Be sure to hop over to his site, hopefully you will drop as many articles into your Buffer with the shiny new button as I did.


A blog that has caught my attention for that pure “exactly my thinking” moment is Aaron Biebert’s 8pmWarrior. He writes great articles on leadership and living life. At the same time, his Social Media posts boast some great insights that I learnt a lot from already.

So if you find a minute, hop over to his blog and check out his latest posts. They all landed in my Buffer, how about you?

Ghostwriter Dad

Ever needed tips on improving your writing? I sure do. With Sean Platt’s Ghostwriterdad, you will find some amazing tips on which types of blogposts will grab major attention. I learnt everything from developing a distinct online voice through using Social Media as a writer right from his blog.

Hop over and check out what other good stuff he has and drop it into your Buffer right from there.

Why should you give the Buffer button a go on your blog?

So, what’s actually a good reason to put the Buffer button up on your site? There are a few great reasons, that will give your blog great exposure, here is a list of a few of them:

  • As Buffered Tweets get 200% more clicks on links, allowing people to add straight into their Buffer from your blog, can be a big win for traffic to your site.
  • The Buffer button consistently outperforms the Google+1 button, just check any of the blogs mentioned above.
  • Allowing your readers to add to Buffer, gives them a chance to stay longer on your site, add multiple articles at once, without ever flooding their stream.
  • Every Saturday, we will publish an article with the top 10 most Buffered articles for the week, so more people can Buffer your awesome content.

Get the Buffer Button

Or use Buffer with the floating Sharebar

If you put it up on your blog, please Tweet us @bufferapp, we would love to promote you and your posts with the shiny button.

Over to you now. What do you think about the Buffer button? Are there any other blogs or Apps you would like to be able to Buffer from?

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