Buffer News - Page 4

A collection of posts on Buffer News

Buffer NewsJun 5, 2013
How to Share Your Tweets at Optimal Times: Followerwonk and Buffer Team Up

Ever since I’ve started blogging about topics on social media and especially Twitter, one of the questions that I have by far heard the most often is the following: “When is the best time to Tweet for me to reach more followers?” A lot of this requires a lot of data-analysis and whilst a ton of tools exist out there, they aren’t always terribly accurate. That’s why we’ve come up with this: We couldn’t be any more excited to have teamed up with the folks from Followerwonk [https://follower

Buffer NewsFeb 7, 2013
How to Discover and Share the Best Content on the Web – Feedly and Buffer Partner

We’ve been super hard at work here at Buffer over the past few weeks to make one of the most awesome new integrations available today: Buffer and Feedly are teaming up to make discovering and sharing awesome content easier than ever before. Feedly is one of the smartest and most beautifully designed newsreading apps for iOS, Android and web. Intuitively it syncs across all your devices and lets you find and read the best content from across the web. It came as no surprise that so many of you we

Buffer NewsDec 11, 2012
How to Get the Most out of the New Buffer iPhone App

With the brand new web app we are launching today, we’ve got another special gift ready for you, just in time for Christmas. The brand new Buffer iPhone app has hit the app store today. We’ve made tons of improvements and revamped the app to work with some exciting new features. Most importantly, you can do nearly all the things you can already do from the web app in the iPhone app now too. The Buffer iPhone app is

Buffer NewsDec 11, 2012
The Complete Guide to the Brand New Buffer Web App

What a crazy few weeks here at Buffer HQ in San Francisco to make everything work out in time for Christmas. The last thing we wanted to happen was for you to not get your shiny new presents. And fortunately, it all worked out. The brand new Buffer is ready today. We’re launching both a brand new web app and iPhone app today. So without, further ado, let’s dig in and have a look around about what’s new: Easily

Buffer NewsNov 6, 2012
3 Awesome New Ways to Share All Day Long With a Full Buffer

Every week, over 1 million posts are shared via Buffer. It’s an amount that always blows my mind. At the start of Buffer, it took 6 months to send 100,000 updates. Now there are more than 140,000 posts every single day. With so many updates being sent through Buffer every day, it can still be difficult to keep your Buffer full, day in day out. So, to make your life easier, we’ve started to get Buffer into various news reading apps you and lots of others have asked for. Today, I’m super excited

Buffer NewsOct 27, 2012
A Smarter Way to Read and Share on Your Mac – Pocket and Buffer Team Up

If you are a proud Mac owner yourself, you’ll know better than anyone that finding a good newsreading Mac app is hard (apart from Reeder). Fortunately, all of this changed this week, as Pocket have released their brand new Mac app to read or watch any items you have saved later on. The app comes packed with tons of details that allow you to make reading across different devices easier and more powerful. Luckily for all Buffer love

Buffer NewsOct 3, 2012
How to Automatically Archive All the Links You Share to Twitter and Facebook

Update: Sad news – on September 6, 2015, Kippt shut down for good. Every day, well over 250 million Tweets get posted.  This happens alongside 4 billion Facebook updates and comments. And yet, finding Tweets that you have shared a few weeks ago is almost impossible. Not to speak about the non-existent Facebook search. A lot of solutions let you archive or bookmark a link separately, after you’ve shared it. Personally, I’ve found that this can be a huge hassle to use two separate apps for shari

Buffer NewsSep 27, 2012
How to Post Your Tweets at a Better Time From the Top Twitter Clients – TweetCaster and Buffer Team Up

It’s finally here, one of the most requested things has gone live today: Buffer is now integrated with the biggest Android and iOS Twitter client TweetCaster. Keeping your Buffer topped up with lots of awesome Tweets and retweets should be made easier than ever before. All you have to do is be browsing through your TweetCaster app on your Android or iPhone and add everything you find useful straight into your Buffer with a single click. We’ve also looked into the other goodness that TweetCaste

Buffer NewsSep 19, 2012
How to Create and Share Your Own Beautiful Online Newspaper – Scoop.it and Buffer Team Up

If you are anything like me, then every day, you are finding lots of amazing content out there on the web. Of course, sharing the best bits and pieces with your followers and friends is an awesome of staying in touch with a large network. One thing, that I’ve always loved to do though is to put all these amazing articles and videos together on a dedicated site for everyone to browse through. Scoop.it lets you do exactly that and you can easily collect websites and create a beautiful newspaper o

Buffer NewsSep 18, 2012
Brand New Buffer Analytics for Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

What does it take to make analytics actionable, easy to understand and absolutely accurate? When we were brainstorming the latest analytics feature here at Buffer, this was the key question we asked ourselves. Our key goal with Buffer is not to build every feature in the world that has anything to do with sharing, but really to only focus on the few core aspects where we

Buffer NewsAug 30, 2012
How to Find and Share the Most Popular Links for the Topics You Are Interested In

“Bottlenose is to social networks what Google is to the web.” Is how Bottlenose CEO Nova Spivack recently explained the brand new version of its site. Intrigued as I was, I went ahead and checked out what the team has been up to. Bottlenose features now a real time search engine that queries all public information from Social Networks, groups and displays them in algorithmic order of importance. The result?

Buffer NewsAug 21, 2012
Why Buffer Integrated With App.net From Day One

It’s been about 1 week now, since App.net has reached their funding goal via a Kickstarter like funding process. They’ve raised a total of $803,000 from the original $500,000 that were sought to raise. Around the same time as Dalton Caldwell, App.n

Buffer NewsAug 14, 2012
Kippt and Buffer Partner for a Smarter Way to Save and Share Your Links

Update: Sad news – Kippt shut down on September 6, 2015. Since the very start of launching Buffer, quite a while ago , there were a few things that you and lots of other users have requested time and time again. One of the things was to have an archive of all things that you have ever Buffered. This always made a lot of sense. You find something amazing on the web, that you want to share. Well, you also want to fi

Buffer NewsAug 2, 2012
The Buffer API Is Ready: Check Out 15 Awesome Apps You Can Use to Share With Buffer

When we first started out building Buffer, we were a tiny app. You should see how things were back when we started out super lean . Since then, we have focused on one aspect with our company only: How can we make sharing links, videos and images to your social networks easier and more po

Buffer NewsJun 25, 2012
Welcome to the New Buffer Blog

Here at Buffer we’ve always been very proud of our blog and that has been mainly down to you guys. It has served us well for more than a year and over that time we’ve had many guest authors, over 200 posts as well as thousands of likes and comments from the incredible community that has formed. The blog definitely wouldn’t be where it is today without your discussion and insights! But, as with all good things there comes a time for a bit of a change and we’re excited to u

Buffer NewsJun 20, 2012
Introducing the Buffer Awesome Plan

Update: Our pricing has changed quite a bit since the Awesome Plan was announced in June 2012.  We’ve updated this post, and you can also find the new Awesome plan details here and our new Buffer for Business plans here . It’s been a fun last few weeks here at Buffer HQ and we very happy to announce a brand new plan for you today: The Awesome Plan. We sat down and thought a lot about how we can provide the best product for you. How we c

Buffer NewsJun 14, 2012
HOW TO Use Reeder and Buffer for smarter reading and sharing

If you are a die-hard iPhone user and love sharing from the iPhone like me, today is an awesome day for you. Reeder just released a brand new version of their iPhone app, 3.0. What is Reeder ? Reeder is an incredibly beautiful and intuitive RSS newsreading app. It is packed with lots of features to make reading your favorite articles as easy as possible. With the latest update to a brand new 3.0 version, it now has also got native Buffer

Buffer NewsMay 24, 2012
3 Great New Ways To Supercharge Sharing With Buffer

Around 3 months ago, we have opened up the Buffer API to all the awesome app developers out there to build something amazing. And they did! Over a dozen cool integrations have been launched since and lots more are in the pipeline to be unveiled soon. Today, I thought I’d pick three of the most interesting and useful integrations to date and explain how you can make the most of them: Ifttt : Put the internet

Buffer NewsMay 17, 2012
Buffer acquires ShareFeed, Hiten Shah becomes advisor

Today is a big day for us here at Buffer. We are very excited to welcome ShareFeed users to Buffer, and couldn’t be happier that Hiten Shah, CEO of KISSmetrics is coming on board as a mentor and advisor to Buffer. Why ShareFeed? We always are on the lookout to be completely transparent about what we do and why we do it here at Buffer. To break it down, there were a few clear reasons the acquisition was attractive to us. Firstly, Hiten Shah (@hnshah), CEO of KISSmetrics

Buffer NewsMay 15, 2012
Twylah and Buffer Partner To Give Your Tweets Exponential Exposure

Here at Buffer, we are looking for the best and most awesome new ways for you to share on your social networks. Today, I’m very excited to have a powerful new integration ready for you. Twylah is a service that creates beautiful custom brand pages for your Tweets. And as of this week, you can Buffer Tweets through their most powerful feature: Power Tweets. Before we spill all the amazing stats that using Twylah and Buffer together will help you achieve, le

Buffer NewsMay 10, 2012
The Complete Guide To Social Sharing: The Brand New Buffer Browser Extensions

A couple of weeks ago, we sat down at Buffer HQ and thought to ourselves: How can we make sharing much smarter and easier than it is now? We realized one thing. Smarter sharing comes with posting algorithms , analytics and other tech improvements. At the same time, talking to lots of your and other awesome Buffer users, what makes sharing smarter, is to be able to do it right where you actua

Buffer NewsApr 30, 2012
4 Tips To Get More Out Of Twitter.com With The Brand New Buffer Plugin

Twitter.com has a gorgeous interface I believe. It is extremely simple, without any bells and whistles. A t the same time, if you are trying to make your workflow more efficient, getting by with just Twitter.com is a little difficult, you probably already know this. As of a few days ago, we have therefore added a brand new Chrome extension that will give you a great new experience right on Twitter.com. With

Buffer NewsApr 24, 2012
Thanks for being on board, together we’ve Buffered 10,000,000 updates

Quick update: Big thanks to Anthony Ha over at TechCrunch who wrote a terrific story on us hitting 10,000,000 updates . What an incredible journey looking back. It was a little over one year, in December 2010, that Joel first launched Buffer from his bedroom in the UK. Since then things have changed upside down – lots of times. Today is a huge moment, and we wanted to take a time-out from our busy days and say thanks. Thanks to you and eve

Buffer NewsApr 13, 2012
How To Buffer Your Pictures For Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

There is a big thing happening right now I believe: the web is going all in with pictures. It’s something you have probably already discovered. Instagram, Pinterest, 9GAG are the top sites who have embraced this and made it super simple to work with pictures in an enjoyable way. At the same time, pictures on Facebook for example, continue to drive the most engagement. And frankly, we can’t blame anyone. Pictures are just awesome! They carry a message over to you in just a second, this is cer