Blog - Page 89

A collection of 2,474 blog posts

Customer ServiceFeb 20, 2014
The Complete Guide to Using Social Media for Customer Service

Ready to do something really groundbreaking and revolutionary in social media marketing? I’ve got just the thing: customer service. We talk a lot at Buffer about customer happiness, and it’s because we truly believe in it. Here’s how our Leo Widrich puts it: “Customer support is the very rare opportunity to connect to your customers on an emotional level. You can’t do that in any other way.” And while there are a growing number of other awesome companies who feel the same way we do, there’s

ResourcesFeb 19, 2014
How These Six Highly Productive Bloggers Get So Much Done

“Routines are important, but only if you make them your own. Simply copying someone else’s routine probably won’t work.” — Jeff Goins Although I’ve researched daily routines and habits often, I still find myself constantly coming across great ideas from other bloggers, marketers and entrepreneurs about how they manage their time and productivity. Productivity and using time wisely is always on our minds at Buffer as we develop our social media management tools. In fact, “work smarter, not hard

ResourcesFeb 18, 2014
5 Unusual Ways to Start Working Smarter, Not Harder, Backed by Science

One of the things I love about the culture at Buffer is the emphasis on working smarter, not harder. Our team is all about getting plenty of sleep, exercise and recreation time so that our time spent working is as productive as it can be. Working harder can be an easy habit to slip into, though. Sometimes it’s hard to switch off at the end of the day, or to take time out on the weekend and stop thinking about work. With a startup of my own to run, I find this even harder to manage lately. Whene

Online MarketingFeb 17, 2014
5 Simple Ways To Improve Your SEO Today

You don’t have to know everything about SEO to start reaping the benefits of it. There are some small but important search engine optimization changes you can make right away. Here are 5 simple things you can do today to improve your SEO. 1. Sign up with Webmaster Tools On-site optimization (making sure all the technical details of your site are how they should be for both search engines and searchers) can be complicated. Luckily, both Google a

Life HackingFeb 14, 2014
Inactivity: Why Exercise is More Important than Ever

I know exercise is good for me. I know it’s important for my health and happiness and that it’s necessary for general fitness. That part’s easy — we hear about how we should exercise more all the time. What I didn’t realize was how being inactive is really detrimental to the brain and body. I didn’t understand all of the specific ways regular activity can be beneficial, either. With a little digging around, I found some research that made me realize there’s much more to exercising than just ge

ResourcesFeb 13, 2014
The First Version of Google, Facebook, and YouTube and More (and What They Can Teach Us About Starting Small)

“The best things we know and love started as tiny things.” — Joel Gascoigne Buffer’s CEO, Joel, wrote a post not too long ago about the importance of starting small with new projects. He makes some great points about how easy it is to see the finished product of someone else’s hard work and forget about how long it took them to get to that point: “It’s difficult to understand how the evolutionary process of products and brands contributes and is vital to what they are today.” Joel goes on to

OpenFeb 13, 2014
Brian Is Now Our Product Manager

I have some really exciting news to share: Brian has become our Product Manager. He’s been in this role for 2 weeks now and even after 1 week he was doing a better job running Product than I ever managed to do. It’s been incredibly fun to work with him and help him thrive in the role, and now it’s time to make things official. How the idea of stepping away from Product came about During our retreat in Thailand I had a chance to spend some time thinking on a hig

Life HackingFeb 13, 2014
How to Optimize Your Environment for Creativity with The Perfect Temperature, Lighting and Noise Levels

I’ve written about how creativity works in the brain before, and I found it really useful to understand this process. Or, I should say, multiple processes. There’s so much going on in the brain during creativity that science is still trying to pin down exactly how it all works. What we do know is which three parts of the brain work together to help us create and come up with new ideas: The Attentional Control Network helps us with laser focus on a particular task. It’s the one that we activat

ResourcesFeb 11, 2014
What Would Happen If You improved Everything by 1%: The Science of Marginal Gains

In 2010, Dave Brailsford faced a tough job. No British cyclist had ever won the Tour de France, but as the new General Manager and Performance Director for Team Sky (Great Britain’s professional cycling team), that’s what Brailsford was asked to do. His approach was simple. Brailsford believed in a concept that he referred to as the “aggregation of marginal gains.” He explained it as the “1 percent margin for improvement in everything you do.” His belief was that if you improved every area re

ReportsFeb 11, 2014
Insights into the Hiring Process at Buffer in January: 3,864 Candidates, 13 Interviews, 3 Offers made

It’s been a great month for growing the Buffer team in January. With the fantastic responses to previous reports on in revenue , customer happiness and content , we thought we might be able t

Online MarketingFeb 10, 2014
29 Free Internet Tools To Improve Your Marketing Starting Today

Aren’t shortcuts just the best? While everyone else takes the long way, you and your shortcut get to breeze right through, skipping a few steps and feeling pretty smart doing it. Finding a good marketing shortcut feels especially great, considering all that we marketers have to do in a day. That’s why I went hunting for the top free marketing tools in a variety of marketing categories. These tools – all quick hits you can get started with easily – focus on everything from research and writing

From Taiwan to Bali: How I Toured Asia, While Working as an Engineer for a Distributed Team

In August I was given the amazing opportunity to join Buffer as a front-end developer. At that time I was living in Taipei teaching English. Buffer is a distributed company so while I coded for them I was able to continue teaching. At the end of October, I left my teaching job because I just couldn’t do both jobs for much longer. It left me exhausted with no time for side-projects. Wi

Life HackingFeb 8, 2014
The Two Brain Systems that Control Our Attention: The Science of Gaining Focus

I’ve noticed lately that my mind has been wandering a lot so I wanted to see how attention works and how to manage it better. It turns out a lot of us have wandering minds and struggle to stay focused. In fact, when we’re reading, our minds typically wander anywhere from 20 to 40 percent of the time. Voluntarily keeping our attention on one thing continuously can take a lot of effort, so it’s not surprising that I struggle with this sometimes. Luckily, there are ways to keep our attention span

ResourcesFeb 7, 2014
The Beginner’s Guide to Putting the Internet to Work for You: How to Easily Save 60 Minutes Every Day

One of the most fun and useful things I’ve been doing lately is automating small processes I do all the time. It took me a while to work up the courage to dive into automation, as it always seemed like a really difficult, technical thing to do, which should be left to programmers. Luckily, there are lots of tools being created lately to make automation much easier for those of us without a solid understanding of how our computers really work. Sometimes repetition is good for us [https://buffer

Guides & CoursesFeb 6, 2014
A Guide to High Quality Social Media Sharing: What, When and How to Share

The currency of social media is the share. We all want to be the go-to person with the latest news, the most intriguing viral content , or the best hidden gems followers wouldn’t have found otherwise. Some people just have a knack for finding and crafting the perfect share. The rest of us have to work a little harder. Really, great social media sharing is a skill. And like all other skills,

ReportsFeb 6, 2014
How the Buffer Happiness Team did in January: 9771 Emails Sent, 5700 Tweets & 265 Live Chats

Hi team! I’m so excited to tell you about January. This was a really exciting month for us as we tried several experiments to still deliver lots of happiness during higher than ever volume. What a luxury that Buffer is growing so fast that we can barely keep up with customer emails! Exciting people news I was thrilled to share that Mary and Adam have completed their 45 day Buffer Bootcamp periods and have come on board with us full time [

ReportsFeb 5, 2014
Buffer January Update: $3,900,000 run rate, 1,320,813 users

I’m delighted to share a strong update for our first month of the new year. I wanted to take a second and publish the email I just sent to our investors this morning. I hope you enjoy the insights into what we’ve been working on at Buffer in the last month and the results we’re seeing. I’d love to hear from you in the comments if you have any thoughts or questions about what we’re up to! If you want to read about how December went, you can take a look here [

Tips / How ToFeb 5, 2014
How to Write a Professional Bio For Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook & Google+

Talking about yourself is hard. Doing it in 160 characters or less is even harder. That’s probably why so many of us end up stressed about crafting the perfect professional bio for Twitter – or LinkedIn, Facebook or other social networks. It has to set you apart, but still reflect approachability. Make you look accomplished, but not braggy. Appear professional, with just a touch of the personal. Bonus points for a bit of humor thrown in, because hey, social media is fun! All that in just a fe

ReportsFeb 5, 2014
The January Engineering Report at Buffer: Growing the Team, Security Changes, Hiring and more

As you may know, transparency is one of the key values at Buffer.  We’re striving to be fully open about how Buffer and how our happiness team is doing.  As we’ve finished the first month of 2014, I’m happy to introduce the first monthly Engineering Report at Buffer!Let’s start off with a brief summary: * We had 355 people apply for engineering positions at Buffer * 2 new engineers joined the team and 2 more offers were made * We launched 1 new Open Source project with Share.JS * There were

Self-ImprovementFeb 5, 2014
Work Harder on Yourself Than You Do on Your Job

This is the 7th article in our new series with advice on building a business, company culture and life-hacking from Joel, CEO here at Buffer. You can grab all posts here. “Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.” – Jim Rohn A long time ago, I came across the amazing quote above, which was said often by Jim Rohn. It stook in my mind, and as the years have gone on, I feel I’ve increasingly started to learn the true meaning of it. I feel that in a startup, the quote is even more relevan

Life HackingFeb 3, 2014
How The “Big Five” Personality Traits in Science Can Help you Build a More Effective team

I was reading an excellent book recently when I came across the concept of the “Big Five” personality traits. I’d never heard of these before but I found them fascinating. You’ve probably taken personality tests in the past—the Meyers-Briggs test is a popular one. The Big Five are more often used in scientific circles for personality research, so I think they’re handy to know. I also enjoyed reading about the implications these could have for managers or anyone in charge of groups of people (te

ReportsFeb 3, 2014
How Buffer’s blog developed in January: 654,126 Uniques, 18,497 Email Subscribers

January has been an incredibly exciting month for the Buffer blog. We managed to increase our overall traffic by 32.6% compared to December. We expanded the team and we’re working more closely with the growth team to make the blog more data-driven. Let’s dig into the details! :) Quick summary In January, we had 654,126 Unique visitors (32.6% growth over December). There were 839,846 total visits, resulting in 1,061,032 page views. We had a total 59 Buffer for Business trial starts resulting

OverflowFeb 1, 2014
The January Engineering Report at Buffer: The first one! Looking forward to a great 2014

As you may know, transparency is one of the key values at Buffer.  We’re striving to be fully open about how Buffer and how our happiness team is doing.  As we’ve finished the first month of 2014, I’m happy to introduce the first monthly Engineering Report at Buffer! Engineering Goals One of the first things Joel and I did at the start of this month was reflect back on how 2013 went and set down some key goals for 2014.   At a high level, here are the most important ones. Transparency As a

Tips / How ToJan 30, 2014
17 Tips, Tools and Tricks to Improve your Pinterest Marketing Strategy

Have you heard the good news? You can now share, schedule and measure your Pinterest Pins through Buffer! Buffer Awesome and Buffer for Business customers can: * Pin from anywhere on the web, or upload your own image * Create a variety of unique daily Pinning schedules customized just for you * Track and measure repins, likes, and comments Anyone can try out this fun new feature! Authorize your Pinterest account now and try scheduling to Pinterest for 7 days free: Pinterest just