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A collection of 2,469 blog posts

ReportsMay 13, 2014
Revenue and Growth Report for April: 7% MRR Growth, $263k MRR Total

April has been a very interesting month. MRR growth has slowed to around 7.08% increase, which is the lowest over the past few months. What’s interesting is that most of the growth came from Business plans, which grew MRR by 15.6% in April. Awesome plan MRR growth slowed to 4.6% in March, and was 8.3% in the month before. At the same time, churn has decreased by almost 2 percentage points to 5.28% on the Awesome plan (compared to 7% in March) and also to 5.99% on Business plans. Awesome numbe

ReportsMay 12, 2014
How Buffer’s Happiness Team Translates Customer Emails Into Engineering Team To-dos: The April Happiness Report

Picture this: It’s your first month on the job as a Customer Happiness Hero. A core piece of your company’s app stops working. And 16 of the 20 team members of the team are on flights across the world. That’s exactly what happened to our newest two sweet, unsuspecting Happiness Heroes when Buffer stopped shortening links for a few days in April. (Both new heroes have since completed Buffer Bootcamp and come on board despite this. :) Sorry about that, Patrik and Dave! Lesson learned about all tr

Tips / How ToMay 12, 2014
The 8 Most Useful Buffer Features for a Powerful Social Media Presence

I manage the family budget with speed and efficiency. My spreadsheets are slick, my workflow is fast, and I’ve learned enough tricks along the way to shave hours off my process. I’ve also never bothered to teach anyone else how I do what I do. Don’t worry, this post isn’t about money management. (Phew!) Rather, I find that it can be hugely helpful to share the tools , tips , and trick

OpenMay 9, 2014
Patrik Ward is Buffer’s Newest Happiness Hero

I’m thrilled to announce that Patrik Ward has completed his 45-day Buffer Bootcamp and is joining us full-time as Buffer’s newest Happiness Hero! One of the most immediately noticeable qualities about Patrik is that he seems to exist with a laugh always just under the surface. Even when focusing, he is one conversational shift away from splitting into a huge, encouraging grin that spreads to every face and lifts every nearby spirit. It has an ef

How to Become a Columnist: The Ultimate Blueprint for Guest Blogging and Syndication

Being a columnist means something a bit different to me than it did growing up. When I started down my writing path, I adored magazines and newspapers and the superheroes who wrote weekly or monthly columns in the op-eds or the back pages. Now, I adore those who write at my favorite blogs and websites. The back page of Sports Illustrated has become, for me, the featured spot on Huffington Post. And the most amazing news of all is that being a columnist online is a dream that anyone—you, me, yo

ReportsMay 8, 2014
Buffer’s April Engineering Report: New Happiness Dashboard, New iOS App and 20+ Vulnerabilities Patched

Coming off of the momentum we had in March, April was another solid month for the engineering team at Buffer.  We really stepped up our game on the security front.  We’ve also made strides to better scale Buffer, overhauled the ios7 app, and continued making progress with hiring. Here’s a tl;dr of how April looked • Over 20 security vulnerabilities were patched and we released some awesome security features • No systemwide downtime (win!) but still had a few hiccups • 1 new offer made, and 6

OpenMay 7, 2014
Dave Chapman is Buffer’s Newest Weekend Warrior

I’m thrilled to announce that Dave Chapman has completed his 45-day Buffer Bootcamp and is joining us full-time as Buffer’s newest Weekend Warrior! Chats with Dave are one of the things I look forward to all week. He approaches his work, his teammates, and his self-improvement efforts with a level of passion that is simply inspiring. Since he has come on board for Buffer Bootcamp, he has read several books, run more every week than the last, se

OverflowMay 6, 2014
Buffer’s April Engineering Report: New Happiness Dashboard, New iOS App and 20+ Vulnerabilities Patched

Coming off of the momentum we had in March, April was another solid month for the engineering team at Buffer.  We really stepped up our game on the security front.  We’ve also made strides to better scale Buffer, overhauled the ios7 app, and continued making progress with hiring. Here’s a tl;dr of how April looked * Over 20 security vulnerabilities were patched and we released some awesome security features * No systemwide downtime (win!) but still had a few hiccups * 1 new offer made, an

Guides & CoursesMay 6, 2014
A Scientific Guide to Writing Great Tweets: How To Get More Clicks, Retweets and Reach

Last week Buffer had the great pleasure of co-hosting a webinar with Twitter (yes, THAT Twitter!) During the webinar, I talked with Jimmy Hang of Twitter for Small Business about how to make your Twitter content work harder for your business, focusing on three major areas: * Writing great tweets * Timing it right * Measuring and testing If you weren’t able to make it but still want to write must-click content on Twitter (and really, who doesn’t?), here’s your guide! (Psst: You can scroll t

ReportsMay 6, 2014
The Buffer April Content Marketing Report: 729,832 Uniques, 22,291 Email Subscribers

April was a really exciting month for Buffer’s content marketing efforts. We tried some new things on both of our blogs, published a lot of content that seemed useful for people and—as always—had a lot of fun learning and experimenting. Let’s take a dive into the numbers! Quick summary of the Buffer blog In April we saw nice steady growth over March’s totals . (Full disclosure: Since April has only 3

OpenMay 5, 2014
The 7-Day Work Week Experiment – And the Wisdom of The Day of Rest

Recently, I religiously tried to follow a new routine I created for myself: a 7-day work week routine. The idea was quite simple: I would work 7 days a week, rest 7 days a week, go to the gym 7 days a week, reflect 7 days a week. This was less about working lots, much more about feeling fulfilled every day, feeling stretched during the day but also rested. I aimed to work less each day, and replace two hours of work with a long break in the middle of the day. The biggest thing I wanted to do

The Busy Person’s Guide to Content Curation: A 3-Step Process for Your Blog, Newsletter, or Timeline

Museums curate works of art. We digital marketers curate blog posts. Though our link shares may not be artistic contributions, the idea of curation is at least the same at museums and online: We’re all seeking only the best material to pass along to our patrons, customers, fans, or followers. Finding and sharing exquisite content has never had more value than it does today. People love being told what’s good to read or essential to see. With that in mind, we’ve collected some ways to get start

OpenMay 1, 2014
How We Find the Perfect Fit With Our New Hires: Inside Buffer Bootcamp

Heads up! This is an older post and we’ve since retired the Buffer bootcamp . Feel free to see the latest information here , including all the reasons why we made this change! We’re Retiring The ‘Buffer Bootcamp’ Period For New Teammates – Here’s Why Some call it a trial. Some call it a probationary period. We call it the Buffer Bootcamp. Our intro period fo

Online MarketingMay 1, 2014
The Science of Social Proof: 5 Types and the Psychology Behind Why They Work

A lot of things go into a person’s decision to purchase a product , and social proof is certainly one of those important factors. Studies show that 70% of consumers say they look at product reviews before making a purchase, and product reviews are 12x more trusted than product descriptions from manufacturers. Product reviews [ht

AnalyticsApr 30, 2014
Which Stats Matter: The Definitive Guide to Tracking Social Media Metrics

Among the many superpowers I wish I had, one that would be quite useful is the ability to understand social media metrics. I know enough to get by, and I love learning the new techniques to get more from these numbers—and to make sure I’m seeking the right numbers in the first place. In an effort to understand the little bits I can, I’ve done some research into all the many different social media stats you might track and which ones are worthwhile. Wouldn’t you know it, social media stats aren’

OpenApr 30, 2014
Meet The Single Line of Code That Generates Nearly $4 Million a Year

At the core of how Buffer schedules posts is one line of a cronjob configuration that hasn’t been touched since the very start when Joel founded Buffer. We still rely on that single cronjob that runs every minute of every day. While this configuration is the same, everything else around it has evolved. Today, Buffer schedules on average 300 posts per minute and over 432,000 posts a day. Here’s a look at some of the challenges and iterations we’ve made to the core of wha

Online MarketingApr 29, 2014
How to Win Friends and Influence Your Audience: 10 Theories to Know For Greater Persuasion

What are we really talking about when we’re talking about conversions? Persuasion, right? Influence. When we talk about conversions, we are—most of the time—discussing ways we can be more persuasive, more influential. We’re interested in meeting the needs of customers, fans, and followers and doing so in a way that truly speaks to them. So how can you persuade—i.e., convert—better? Perhaps not surprisingly, the hacks for conversion and persuasion begin with psychology. Understanding why some

OpenApr 28, 2014
The Power of Every Word: Why I Stopped Using “Actually” and “But” In My Customer Service Emails

One of my favorite “happiness hacks” has been to attempt to remove the word “actually” from my vocabulary. This has been remarkably hard to do, and I still have to struggle not to let it past my lips or fingers. At Buffer , we have found that there is a small band of words that takes away from your message, and “actually” is their leader. It almost doesn’t matter how good the news is; if it comes after “actually,” I feel like I was somehow wrong about something. Con

Guides & CoursesApr 28, 2014
Unlock the Power of Google+: 13 Ways to Gain Engagement, Optimize Posts And Create Community

Few social media practices escape the arm of experiments here at Buffer. We love testing, iterating, and testing again to find ways to boost our metrics and explore new ways to interact better with our audience. Now Google+’s turn has finally come. We have made pushes on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to grow our numbers, and most recently we’ve been trying out some new tactics with Google+. And while doing so, we noticed that many others are talking about and testing out Google+ right alongs

OpenApr 25, 2014
Kevan Lee is Buffer’s Newest Content Crafter

I’m thrilled to introduce Kevan Lee as Buffer’s newest Content Crafter—but for those of you who frequent the Buffer blog, he hardly needs an introduction. So many of you have already grown to know and appreciate Kevan from his thoughtful, thorough and impeccably researched posts on the Buffer blog over the past 6 weeks. Thanks to his open, personable and honest writing, we’ve all watched as Kevan grew his Twitter account from newbie status [http://blog.bufferapp.

ResearchApr 24, 2014
The Scientific Guide to Pinterest Marketing: How to Create Popular Images for More Pins and Better Conversion

Have you heard the good news? You can now share, schedule and measure your Pinterest Pins through Buffer! Buffer Awesome and Buffer for Business customers can: * Pin from anywhere on the web, or upload your own image * Create a variety of unique daily Pinning schedules customized just for you * Track and measure repins, likes, and comments Anyone can try out this fun new feature! Authorize your Pinterest account now and try scheduling to Pinterest for 7 days free: What should I be doing

OpenApr 23, 2014
Dan Farrelly is Buffer’s Newest Front-End Engineer

I’m so excited to announce that Dan Farrelly is Buffer’s next engineer! Dan now lives in San Antonio and has been tremendous in helping us further our front-end.  The thing that amazes me the most is how Dan is completely self-taught.  He started in Civil Engineering, previously working in construction management and made the switch to web development.  He worked at Slated, a startup that connects independent filmmakers with investors, before joining Buffer. In Dan’s short time at Buffer he’s

Tips / How ToApr 23, 2014
The Twitter Strategy Guide: 14 Twitter Tips to Take Your Tweeting to the Next Level

The line between a beginner Twitter user and a seasoned pro is a fine one indeed. The distinction changes daily—sometimes hourly—for me. One minute I feel like I’ve got this Twitter thing figured out and the next I find myself overwhelmed by how little I really know . When I dove headfirst (or feetfirst? either way my eyes were closed) into Twitter, I tried just about everything to find the best

Content MarketingApr 22, 2014
The Power of Storytelling: How We Got 300% More People To Read Our Content

Imagine that you’ve written a blog post that can help thousands of people solve a really painful problem. You’ve written the post, edited it, looked it over a few times to make sure that you didn’t miss anything important, and hit ‘publish.’ You send the post out to your list, share it on all of your social networks , and settle in to see what