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The Best Personal Improvement Books, Blogs, Tools and More: A #Bufferchat Recap

Jun 20, 2014 2 min readSelf-Improvement
Photo of Nicole Miller
Nicole Miller

Director of People @ Buffer


Our second weekly #Bufferchat focused on personal improvement. Thank you to everyone who was able to participate!

Here’s a brief overview of the amazing discussion:

Some personal development goals of attendees

Here’s a look at many of the blogs, books, and tools mentioned in the chat.

Books for inspiration

Blogs for motivation

Tools to reach personal goals

Other important items for reaching goals

  • Paper notebooks
  • Egg timers
  • Accountability partners

Personal improvement tips

There are a ton of great tips and amazing people to connect with — check out more at our Storify recap of the #bufferchat. Join us next week for another great discussion!

Did any of these goals resonate with you? Share your own development goals in the comments!

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