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Tom Redman is Buffer’s New Android Developer

Aug 20, 2014 3 min readOpen
Tom Redman

I’m pleased to announce that Tom Redman has completed his 45-day Buffer Bootcamp and is joining us full-time as Buffer’s Android Developer!

And I’m super pumped to announce that this means we are now 100% focused on building out our Android app! For the longest time, our Android app was on the back burner as I would switch between Android and backend development.  Tom has been the man to bring Android to the forefront!  In the short time that Tom has been on board, the Android app has had a major UI overhaul with a flat design.  Tom brought a much more ‘Androidy’ feel to our app and I’ve been blown away at how quickly he’s had an impact across the board.  What impresses me the most is Tom comes from more of an iOS background.   It’s been a lot of fun handing off the Android app to Tom (though I do miss it). His attention to detail and continued interactions individual users, through our beta group and on Twitter, has me confident our Android app is heading in the right direction.

We ask new team members to write a little something about themselves for Buffer’s team page as well as answer a few fun questions (adapted from Vanity Fair‘s famous Proust questionnaire). Read on to get to know Tom a little better:

Straight from Tom

On Buffer

I have always adored technology and design. I love to learn new technologies, particularly mobile programming, platforms and paradigms (I also adore alliteration). I transitioned to Android development at Buffer after several years as an iOS developer and I’m loving every minute of it. It’s a real privilege to work beside some of the most positive, smart and talented people I’ve ever met (no exaggeration!).

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Camping on a California beach with my dog and my love.

What is your current state of mind?

Happiness, gratitude, appreciation and peacefulness. I’m a very lucky person. Lucky to have such a great family, lucky to have to an amazing, eclectic collection of friends and lucky to work with such a ridiculously talented team at Buffer. I try never to forget that.

What is your most treasured possession?

Since it wouldn’t be fair to Jessie to call her a possession, I would have to say my old, cheap – err, inexpensive – Yamaha acoustic guitar. It’s a simple item that has never missed a camping trip or a spare 5 minutes. We go way back. (Jessie is our dog, by the way.)

What do you most value in your friends?

Reliability and honesty. Friends that do the right thing, especially when that might not be the easiest thing. The ability to be frank and open. That, and if they own a truck that’s a huge plus.

What is your motto?

If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.

Share a picture of something important to you.

Jessie, my dog.

Jessie, Tom's dog


You can find Tom on Twitter at @redman. We’re so excited to have you, Tom!

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