Blog - Page 85

A collection of 2,492 blog posts

The 10 Phrases You Hear the Most at Buffer (And How They Might Help Your Culture, Too)

I’m pretty big on words. As Buffer’s content crafter, I guess that kind of comes with the territory. However, I’m not alone on this. Words are an extremely valuable component to the way we get work done at Buffer. As a distributed team, the words we use in our communication with each other carry extra significance. As a company focused on culture and customer support, the words we use are vital to getting across our message in the most accurate, positive way. As such, we’ve developed a bit of

19 Improvements the Buffer Team is Working on This Week

The entire Buffer team starts each week fresh with new goals—both work and personal. One of Buffer’s 10 values is a focus on self-improvement, and it’s a lot of fun to share our personal improvement goals and cheer each other on each week with our daily pair calls. Improvement goals can be almost anything, from exercise and eating better to home projects to learning a new language to listening more. Since we all receive free Kindles (and Kindle books) and a Jawbone UP, there’s generally a lot

Case StudiesJun 4, 2014
Case Study: How Saves Hours Every Day on Social Media With Buffer

It’s a great problem to have—tons of content and lots of social media channels to connect to your audience. That’s where—one of the most visited sites on the Internet—found itself. Team members wanted a way to streamline their social media publishing process so they could have more time to connect with fans and build relationships with users. Buffer’s simple scheduling and intuitive team management quickly earned it an important place in the team’s workflow. Now members wor

The Skrillex Way of Content: Build and Drop for Better Blog Balance

What does Skrillex have to do with blogging? It took us awhile to put the pieces together ourselves. We’ve been thinking a lot about the optimal way to produce content for the Buffer blog. We’ve pivoted the blog multiple times before—the latest came just in the past two months when we shifted from lifehacking and productivity to a purer focus on social media. The blog is both a huge driver of conversions for us and an ongoing experiment. What kind of content works best on the blog? And, more j

The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Slide Decks: 10 Actionable SlideShare Tips for Maximum Results

Is SlideShare part of your content strategy? Truth be told, we have yet to fully integrate it into our content creation process here at Buffer. We’ve felt lots of great nudges, though. We’ve heard tell of the amazing opportunity on SlideShare, how it’s a primed network of highly engaged influencers just itching to find and share your stuff. What might ultimately sell us, though, is the response we got from a single slide deck, created in a hurry, that garnered over 5,000 views in one weekend.

OpenJun 3, 2014
Why Buffer Has Transparent Salaries and How The Open Salary Formula Works

We’ve updated our transparent salary formula since this post originally was published. Learn more about the latest formula and see all the team’s current salaries here . Joel and Leo discuss one of the best-known elements of Buffer’s culture—transparent salaries—in this Founder Chat. Here are a few more resources for additional information on Buffer’s transparent salaries: • Take

OpenJun 2, 2014
Crowdsourced Productivity Tips: 13 Ways to Live Smarter, Not Harder

Live smarter, not harder. This principle is one of the 10 Buffer values that form the backbone of our company culture. We love experimenting with new ways to live out this value, and we’ve found productivity tips to be instrumental in this equation. What are some of our best productivity discoveries so far? We’ve written about a few before on the Buffer blog. • Ultradian rhythm and the 90-minute work cycle • How we’ve turned a 2-day writing process into a 4-hour process • The valu

Get the Most From One Blog Post: 21 Advanced Content Tips

Variety is the spice of life … and digital marketing? Variety can certainly make a digital marketer’s life a little easier. When you’ve worked hard to create a perfect piece of content , you can help that content go the extra mile (and then some) by repurposing and recreating the content in a huge number of ways. Is it easy? Well, I wanted to find out. I took a favorite piece of cont

OpenMay 29, 2014
The Paradox of How Bugs And Downtime Can Be An Opportunity

Often if I give a talk or I speak with someone about getting their idea off the ground, the topic of how solid the product should be comes up. In particular, people very frequently wait far too long before launching. One of the key learnings for me with Buffer was that the impact of problems people have and downtime they experience are directly tied to how we, as a startup, choose to handle it. In fact, downtime is an opportunity to make people love you more than they did before you went down

Online MarketingMay 29, 2014
10 Marketing Lessons From Billion-Dollar Businesses: Inside the Strategies of Facebook, Mint, and AppSumo

I’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of some amazing companies such as Facebook, Mint and now (including our latest products: and Collectively, these companies have reached nearly 1.5 billion people, and each has taught me many marketing methods that are extremely effective. Here are the 10 most important marketing lessons I’ve learned along the way. Lesson 1: Incentivize your audience (with something they want) It’s not just any incentive that get

OpenMay 28, 2014
When to Teach and When to Fish: 3 Times We Skip the How-Tos in Customer Support

Anne Isabelle Ritchie coined a concept in the 1880s that we still use today. Modernized, it is: “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; show him how to catch fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.” The conventional wisdom is that it’s always preferable to teach someone how to fish. However, the Buffer support team has been thinking about this concept a lot lately. We’re learning that often there is a huge market for skipping the lesson completely. This can be a stretch for tech suppo

Content MarketingMay 28, 2014
The Anatomy of a Perfect Blog Post: The Data on Headlines, Length, Images and More

Phew! Talk about pressure. Writing a blog post about how to write a perfect blog post is the most meta of burdens. It’s a bit different than writing about perfect tweets or ideal Facebook posts. There’s nowhere to hide when you’re blogging about perfect blogging. So I hope you’ll still trust the advice here even if you don’t find this post itself to be flawless. I’m sure we’d all love for each of our blog posts to be absolute perfection—however it is that you measure perfection—so I researched

Content MarketingMay 27, 2014
A Complete Guide to Visual Content: The Science, Tools and Strategy of Creating Killer Images

We love setting goals for improvement here at the Buffer blog, and one of our most recent challenges has been this: Every post gets an original image. This might not sound like such a tall task until you consider that Courtney and I are journalism majors whose skills lie in painting pictures with words and not so much in painting pictures with Photoshop. We try our best, in the name of visual content. You’ve perhaps heard of visual content? The term seems to be everywhere these day

OpenMay 27, 2014
Why Full-time Programming is a Part-Time Job

The internet is not lacking tales of all-night coding sessions. Or non-stop, no-time-for-weekends crunch periods at critical and not-so-critical times. So, it would seems to be the case that it is possible to program constantly, only taking breaks for as long as it takes to answer a call of nature or maybe scarf down a pizza. Which is really strange to me. I feel like I have never been as productive as I have been since starting at Buffer . And yet, I have never spent as much time away f

OpenMay 26, 2014
Treat Your Product Like It’s Finished

One of the most important differences for me personally in how I run Buffer compared to the last one I founded has been how I treat the product at each stage of the process. With ideas such as the Lean Startup, there is a huge amount of pressure to ship very early, and rightly so—the sooner we can validate our assumptions and gain more understanding about how our users react to our product, the better. However, quotes such as the following can make us feel like we should believe our product is

OpenMay 23, 2014
From Android Contractor to CTO: My Story As An Engineer

In August 2012, my cofounders and I decided to pull the plug on Fancite , the startup I had been working on for over a year and half. Making that call was one of the toughest things I’ve had to do. The days that followed were highly existential. Initially, I was relieved and excited about doing something new, however as a few days passed my (perceived) reality hit me: “I wasted all that time building somethi

Online MarketingMay 22, 2014
The Science of Infographics: The Surprising Way The Brain Processes Visuals

Infographics can contain a wealth of useful, interesting, and captivating information—but only if readers take the time to survey the entire graphic . It’s no secret that the typical Internet user quickly bounces from site to site while shuffling among multiple tabs and windows. With the added distraction [http

Self-ImprovementMay 22, 2014
How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Goals: The Story of Fighting Alligators and Building Bikesheds

Web apps are great. Really they are – I’m a big fan! Using web apps has been a huge step forwards in so many ways. Productivity has sky-rocketed. Writing web apps is terrible. There’s so many things to think about that, to be honest, you don’t really need to think about and shouldn’t really be thinking about at all. But, when you spend an hour just trying to sign up for a web host to put your new world-changing app, you get time to think about other things that would also be amazing to do. An

OpenMay 21, 2014
How To Stay Focused on Your Goals When ‘Yak-Shaving’ Takes Over

At Buffer  we have a focus on self-improvement. We share what we are working on each week and get encouragement and tips from other members of the team. Here is  a recent example . One of my improvements recently has been to get a software side project up and running. As I’m a programmer by trade, this shouldn’t present any particular difficulty—but software has this uncanny knack of making things slightly more complicated than they really should be. This is the story of the last

OpenMay 20, 2014
The Power of Ignoring Mainstream News

“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.” – Thomas Jefferson Around two years ago I stopped watching and reading mainstream news. I don’t read a single newspaper, offline or online, and I don’t watch any TV at all. I mentioned this on Twitter and Facebook, and it created a lot of discussion, so I wanted to expand on my thoughts and experiences. When I first started ignoring news, I felt that I was simply making an excuse, that if I had

ResourcesMay 20, 2014
The Big List of 111+ Keyboard Shortcuts For Your Most-Used Online Tools

Isaac Newton discovered gravity. I discovered what a four-finger swipe does on my Macbook. The discoveries will not go down the same in history, but I have to admit: I was pretty stoked to find mine. Little epiphanies like these are hugely satisfying when I’m trying to squeeze just a little more time out of each and every day. A second or two here becomes a minute or two there. It’s an awesome feeling to sense that you’re working just as fast as possible. We’re always open for a good hack her

OpenMay 19, 2014
Warm Fuzzies: The Best Kept Secret of Customer Service

In most industries, including the tech world, “support” is a piteous word. Posts like this one, while written in jest, enforce the stereotype that working in support essentially sucks. We are known for getting abused by ranting, angry customers. We can’t take a day off, because the emails never stop flowing in. We must just be doing this to get trained with the company, right? Well, I’d like to offer a slightly different view into the world of customer service. While we do occasionally bear t

Tips / How ToMay 19, 2014
20 Crowdsourced Twitter Tips for an All-Around Amazing Twitter Experience

Can one ever have enough Twitter tips? I know I can never get enough of them. Twitter is a constantly evolving, constantly challenging place to experiment, enjoy, and discover, and we all have a unique approach to the way we get things done with our tweets and followers. I’ve shared some of my favorite tips before—both for beginners and for intermediates—and we thought it might be fun to tap you all to share your expertise! Below you’ll find some tips from the Buffer community, as well as a f

OverflowMay 15, 2014
How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Goals: The Story of Fighting Alligators and Building Bikesheds

Web apps are great. Really they are – I’m a big fan! Using web apps has been a huge step forwards in so many ways. Productivity has sky-rocketed. Writing web apps is terrible. There’s so many things to think about that, to be honest, you don’t really need to think about and shouldn’t really be thinking about at all. But, when you spend an hour just trying to sign up for a web host to put your new world-changing app, you get time to think about other things that would also be amazing to do. An