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Mike San Román is Buffer’s Newest Web Developer

Sep 2, 2014 2 min readOpen
mike san roman

I’m so happy to announce that Mike San Román will be joining our team as our next web developer!

Mike will be focusing on our Buffer for Business offering.

In the short time Mike has been working with us, he’s accomplished quite a lot. Mike focused on understanding our Business customers through survey forms and running various experiments.

He’s also implemented some key performance improvements including client side caching with IndexedDB. Since launching our Business offering last December, we haven’t had the resources to fully focus on the experience—until now.

Mike lives in Barcelona. He’s absolutely incredible at the electric guitar!

We ask new team members to write a little something about themselves for Buffer’s team page as well as answer a few fun questions (adapted from Vanity Fair‘s famous Proust questionnaire). Read on to get to know Mike a little better:

Straight from Mike

On Buffer

Seeing how the whole team serves the users and then learning about the Buffer culture & values made me want to be here. Sharing this amazing journey with this awesome team is a unique and wonderful experience. 

Which talent would you most like to have?

I’d love to sing. I love music and playing guitar is a beautiful experience, but somehow the ability of making melodies with my own voice feels magical, and is something that I’d love to be able to do.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?

Maria, my girlfriend. There aren’t words to express how thankful I feel to be able to wake up each morning and see her smile, and how precious to me are all the moments with her. Her bravery, wisdom and positivity are an inspiration to me.

What is your current state of mind?

Thankfulness. I’d say that I can’t be more fortunate in life, but life always finds a way to surprise us even more! I feel the luckiest man in the world, doing what I love everyday and surrounded by such inspiring people as my family, my friends and the wonderful Buffer team.

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

I’d say as a cat but since I can’t be as awesome as Otto, our marvelous kitten, the most reasonable pick would be a platypus!

otto the kitten

They have lots of biological perks (they look like an animal kingdom swiss army knife), no-one knows how they ended up here, and their babies are super cute.

What is your motto?

“When there’s a will, there’s a way.” It reminds me that nothing is impossible if you have passion for it.


Mike has been so much fun to work with and I’m really excited to see where he’ll help take us! You can follow him on Twitter at @msanromanv.

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