In this article, Mike San Roman details why and how the Engineering team is prioritising the builder mindset.

Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to see their own accomplishments, dismissing them as luck, timing, or as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent and competent than they believe themselves to be. Impostor syndrome is much more common that you’d think—o ver 70% of people have experienced it at one time or other in their lives . It is known that lots of entrepreneurial and high-achieving women have it, but I’ve also found th
As our CTO Sunil has explained previously , we make all our product decisions based on metrics, meaning that we try to launch features early and measure how they impact all our metrics in order to decide which path to follow. We had the intuition that our current analysis tab in the Buffer for Business area could be tweaked a bit to make the user experience better. And last week Niel, one of our awe