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A collection of 2,492 blog posts

Self-ImprovementNov 10, 2015
A Personal Trainer for Your Goals: 4 Ways to Work with a Partner And Achieve More

In the world of weight training, it’s well known that having a partner can lead to seeing gains more quickly. And research has shown that those who switch from training alone to using a personal trainer see many improvements. Similarly, pair programming has been shown to improve quality of code, as well as keep both developers in “flow” state for a more sustained p

OpenNov 9, 2015
Hacking Our Brains Against Bias: 7 Lessons from Facebook, Pinterest And Google on Building Diverse Teams

Working on making Buffer an inclusive place where all kinds of people feel they belong and thrive is one of my favorite things. It’s a unique time to be working on diversity goals at a tech startup . On the one hand, there is quite a bit of work to do to make the strides we’d all

OpenNov 5, 2015
Beyond Spellcheck: 7 Web Tools That Check for Empathy, Inclusivity and More

Of all the things that have been known to keep me awake at night , one of the repeat offenders is thinking of times when I’ve said the totally wrong thing to a person. That embarrassment of putting my foot in my mouth or just rubbing someone the wrong way tends to linger long past the initial moment. Luckily, technology is working on making these sleepless nights a thing of the past! I’m always on the lookout for writing tools [https://blog.buffera

BufferchatNov 5, 2015
Using Video to Educate and Connect: A Bufferchat Recap

Sarah Quinn of Wyzowl stopped by #bufferchat to share her insights on the best practices for using video to educate and connect. We had a wonderful chat all about how videos can be engaging, the best recording and editing tools to use, the elements to great video content , and more! Catch ourweekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, [ht

7 Tools to Create an Infographic in 30 Minutes (Design Skills or Not)

Infographics are such a fun and effective visual way to display information . We at Buffer have certainly used them quite a few times to share information . I always enjoy looking at them, but always feel like there is no way I c

News and TrendsNov 4, 2015
Twitter Hearts: What the Change From Favorites to Likes Could Mean for Your Engagement

Twitter favorites are changing to Twitter likes. The star is switching to a heart. What might it mean for marketers? We’re thrilled to see the all the latest changes and improvements to Twitter (Twitter hearts come hot on the heels of the announcement for Twitter Polls ), and we’re eager to learn what effect it might have on our sharing, engaging, and marketing. As we start experimenting and testing

How We Explain Stock Options to Team Members & How Much Money They Would Make

A while back Danielle Morill asked this question on Twitter: How many startups provide a spreadsheet explaining exactly what would happen to your options given several possible outcomes for the company — Danielle Morrill (@DanielleMorrill) May 13, 2015 Explaining equity is something we try to do as best as we can at Buffer, which Joel shared in his reply. A big learning we’ve had as we’ve added team members is that understanding stock options and putting them into context is not very easy.

Self-ImprovementNov 2, 2015
My Month Without the Internet: Why I Sailed Across the Atlantic in Search of Disconnected Time

Making time to go offline is never easy. There’s almost never a “right time” to do it; you might lose opportunities or even business while disconnecting. And yet, if you don’t actively look for ways to disconnect, it’s not very likely to happen by itself. We have all accepted that eating well and exercising [https://

Guides & CoursesNov 2, 2015
The Beginner’s Guide to URL Shorteners: How to Shorten and Track Links for Social Media

I sometimes feel like URL shorteners are some of the most understated tools in internet marketing, and there have been more than a few times that I wished I’d had someone share some advice on URL shorteners earlier in my marketing career . For instance: What do you do with really long links? What if you want to track the results? What if the link—long and unwieldy—upstages the content? So, if you’re new to the world of URL shorteners—much

Content MarketingOct 29, 2015
Buffer’s Marketing Manifesto in 500 Words

Treat every piece of content—every tweet, every Facebook post, every CTA, every press outreach email—with the utmost care. There needs to be a bit of an internal struggle when we hit send or publish, if we don’t feel it, I don’t think it’ll be good enough. This shouldn’t be confused with perfectionism, we want to push things out with consistency and without lingering. This is about self-discipline to go through that struggle—even if it’s felt ever so slightly—every single time. We don’t want

Self-ImprovementOct 29, 2015
The Humility-Confidence SeeSaw: The Untold Secret of Great Leaders

Try to think back to a time when you felt incredibly confident. You instinctively knew you could handle whatever came at you. You were on top of things, making all the right moves. You were in the zone. It’s an amazing feeling, and one that we’d probably all like to have more often. The book The Confidence Code gets right to the point of why this element is so crucial in our lives: “Scholars are co

BufferchatOct 29, 2015
Writing and Blogging Tips From the Bufferchat Community

The Bufferchat community gathered to share writing and blogging tips at this week’s Bufferchat. What are your favorite tools? How do you get unstuck? and more! Catch our weekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, every week on Wednesdays, 9 am PT/Noon ET/4 pm GMT, for valuable industry insights and networking with nearly 400 other smart marketers and community managers. Where do you find your writing or blog post ideas? * “When I’m traveling; trying new foods and meeting new people tends to lend i

OpenOct 28, 2015
The Best Time For Transparency Is When It’s The Hardest

When people learn about our devotion to transparency at Buffer, there tends to be one big question that looms large. Here’s the gist of it: “Transparency seems like a great policy when things are going great. But what about when they’re not?” Ed Fry summed up this often-asked question quite perfectly during an “Ask Me Anything” session [

Tips / How ToOct 28, 2015
Marketing Automation: How to Scale Things That Don’t Scale

What sets winning businesses apart from the competition? Automation is one edge. The Lenskold Group found that 63% of companies that are outgrowing their competitors use marketing automation. What is an underrated way to drive more conversions? Again, automation. Companies that use marketing automation also see 53% higher conversion rates than non-users, according to the Aberdeen Group. All of which raises the question: What kind of marketing automation are these winning businesses doing? An

OpenOct 27, 2015
The Untold Story of Buffer’s Values: Why We Created Them, and Why It Hurt

What motivates you to do your best work ? In an ideal world, most of us want more from our jobs than just a paycheck. We want things like work satisfaction, a connection to our coworkers and the opportunity to make a difference. What can give us the kind of feeling

Guides & CoursesOct 27, 2015
The Complete Buffer Guide to Social Media Success: A 10-Day Email Course to Boost Your Results

Anyone is capable of mastering social media marketing. You can take a huge leap forward in just 10 days. We’re grateful for the opportunity to be immersed in social media marketing here at Buffer, developing our best processes and systems for building a social media marketing machine. And we’d love to share our blueprint with you. Join us for an action-packed 10-day email course to learn exactly how we manage social media marketing here

OpenOct 26, 2015
The Founder’s Paradox: When Thinking Big Holds You Back

While building Buffer , there have been times when things have started to go a little crazy. It might be being featured in a big blog, seeing lots of tweets about us , or noticing a big influx of signups or upgrades . When this happens, it is very easy for my thoughts to drift off and to start thinking of the big-picture possibilities for us, long into the future. It may

ReportsOct 23, 2015
50 Teammates, 17 Open Roles, New Calendar View & More: Buffer’s September Update

We reached the 50 team members mark in September! This feels like a big milestone and a special moment to reflect on. For me, the most exciting part of this is that 50 people are able to join our journey of working as a fully distributed team, where you choose to live and work from the place which makes you happiest and most productive. We’ve had several examples of teammates moving or traveling to find their happy place, or being able to move easily to help and be with their significant other

Guides & CoursesOct 23, 2015
The Complete Guide to New Twitter Polls: What They Are, How They Work and 9 Ways to Use Them

Twitter has long been the place to turn for opinions on everything from who will win tonight’s game to ideas for your next blog post. And now it’s just become even easier to gather opinions from your audience on Twitter. With the release of its new Polls feature (available to all Twitter accounts in the coming days), you can now create super-simple polls directly on Twitter with just the click of a button or a tap on your phone. We can’

We’ve Lost Nearly Half Our Social Referral Traffic in the Last 12 Months

This is a little tough to admit. I’ve been failing at social media marketing. It feels weird admitting this, too: We as a Buffer marketing team—working on a product that helps people succeed on social media—have yet to figure out how to get things working on Facebook (especially), Twitter, Pinterest, and more. And that’s super scary to admit. What’s happening? I wish I knew! We’ve got lots of theories as to what’s be

BufferchatOct 22, 2015
Building a Productive Daily Routine: A Bufferchat Recap

Chris Winfield stopped by #bufferchat to share his expertise and insights on building a productive daily routine. Catch ourweekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, every week on Wednesdays, 9 am PT/Noon ET/4 pm GMT, for valuable industry insights and networking with nearly 400 other smart marketers and community managers. Why is building a daily routine important? From Chris: * A routine with good habits provides you with stru

OpenOct 21, 2015
How to Work 40 Hours in 16.7 (The Simple Technique That Gave Me My Life Back)

I used to work a lot— 60, 80, or even 100 hours a week… I let my work be a big part of how I defined myself. I wore those insane hours like a badge of honor…I loved telling people how “busy” I was…and how much I “had to do”. Sound familiar? Looking back, I realize I used my work to try and fill a void in myself. The problem was that this void was like a black hole. No matter how many hours I worked [

Tips / How ToOct 20, 2015
The 21 Social Media Conversations You’re Going to Face: How to Master Them All

On social media—whether you’re a business , a brand , or an individual—you’ll likely come across plenty of different conversations — each presenting a unique challenge. For instance: How do you appease an angry commenter? How do you handle a technical question? What to do with a troll? It can feel overwhelming. If you take a step back and examine the emotions

OpenOct 20, 2015
We’ve Changed Our Product Team Structure 4 Times: Here’s Where We Are Today

Hi there! This is an older post that we’ve kept around for transparency but that means that sometimes the information is no longer accurate. Head to our homepage to view our most recent posts. How do people work best together? It’s fun to think about. You may know some things about your own work style and productivity preferences—for example, do you prefer solo or team projects? Being in the middle of many tasks or finishing one before going on to the next? Now, take all those unique factors