Leo Widrich
A collection of 186 posts by Leo Widrich - Page 8
This is just a quick update on the latest happenings over here at Buffer. The browser extensions (Chrome, Safari, Bookmarklet) just received a major revamp and the changes are now available for you to use. You DON’T have to do anything, your extension is updated automatically. ? The 3 major new things are: 1.) The Buffer Box is now draggable We thought that sometimes you might want to add something to your tweets that the Buffer Box is hiding. So from now on drag the box across the page as y
The other day Joel and I went to the beach for a quick break in between work on Buffer. At home I love to do a few pull-ups in my breaks, but I forgot to bring my pull-up bar to Spain. So instead we would every few days cycle to the beach where there is a playground right next to it. It has a somewhat similar installation to a pull-up bar built for children to play on and jump around. This time there was a bunch of children playing vividly and it didn’t make the impression they wanted to take
Today is the kick off of our post series on new quotes. They are now officially added to Buffer Tweet Suggestions. Take a look below, I hope they inspire you and make you laugh in the same way they did for me. Your life is an occasion. Rise to it. – Suzanne Weyn ~ Via @BeingSridhar Great twitterer show their greatness by the way they treat new twitterers ~ @RuhaniRabin Via @AnnTran_ Joke: Wife said “Honey, take me someplace expensive.” Husband took her to the gas station… L☺L! !!! By @aska
Yes, yes, I know, Joel and me are running a Tweet Scheduling App , so the answer to the above question might be well anticipated. Yet this post is about to drift off in a quite different direction. I want to share my thoughts with you about how perception of using optimization or automation on Twitter changed. [blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/#!/marketingwizdom/status/60088402967666688″] This quote from Robert Clay, someone I truly respect for his fine thoughts on S
You have most likely noticed our built in “Tweet Suggestion” feature, which is a set of quotes Joel and me have collected, which we found truly inspirational. Now, how could it be otherwise, one of our users approached us with an amazing suggestion. Jonny Rowntree alias @JonnyRowntree sent me an email saying: “Why not make this a crowd sourced project everyone can participate in?” Hell yes, I thought. So here we are offering anybody and everyone the chance to suggest tweets we will make part
Here is just a quick post for you to tell you about the latest happenings over here at Buffer. We have upgraded the Free Plan and the Pro Plan so you can now set an unlimited number of daily timeslots in your Buffer. This means you can go to your “Settings” page and set as many timeslots as you wish tweeting as frequently as you want. Why did we do it? Joel and me are convinced that by continually improving our free version we can improve the experience people
We have another feature ready for you. From now on you can “Tweet Now” via Buffer with both the browser extensions and from your home account. Here’s how it looks: Why did we do it? From the outset of the Buffer journey we always stated we wanted to stay on the genuine side of things and help make Twitter easier to handle. Therefore the step to real time tweets was a logical one for us as it helps everyone to create either real-time or Buffered tweets. This means we can help you to optimize fu
If you want to walk fast, walk alone – If you want to walk far, walk together ~ Chinese Proverb 1.) Becoming Part of Aaron’s Tribe Starring Aaron Lee alias @AskAaronLee If you are only slightly interested in the things going on around Twitter and Social Media I am sure you came across Aaron already. Either via his great resources on his blog or his insightful Twitter account. I like to say that Aaron is Gary Vaynerchuck focusing on Social Media instead of wine. The e
Update: We have brand new email version ready for you! You can now include which account it goes into and customise your message a lot better than before. You can find your personal details by simply heading over to Buffer Email Function. After lots and lots of you have checked in with us for when a mobile version will be ready, we have good news for you: You can now add to your Buffer via mobile. How? “Add to Buffer via Email” is our first step towards making Buffer awesome to use on all mob
It was something I have asked myself a lot recently: Can a Social Media Tool, as powerful as Twitter might be really help you with personal development and make you a better person? The short answer I concluded: Yes, it most certainly can. Here are 5 reasons that make me think it does: 1.) Everything is public – Being nasty can backlash. Twitter’s openness is the first and foremost reason I believe it makes as better and nicer people to converse with. We can develop a manner of appearance wh
As some of you might know we are currently residing in Javea, Spain for two weeks in order to do two things: * Fully focus on Buffer. * Have a great time in the sun. The mantra we are embracing is very simple: “We do what we love and do it where we love to be” Joel has also reflected more thoroughly on this in his recent blog post , explaining how this can pay off with an increased efficiency and love of life overall. So without f
“Let other companies, brands, apps battle with one another over who has the most awesome product, while the REAL battle is over who has the most awesome users.” ~ Kathy Sierra 1. From great encouragement to job promotion Starring Janet Aronica alias @JanetAronica Being able to meet some of our users for more than a quick “Hi!” is really what makes us get up every morning. The conversations and connection enable us to make the Buffer service better every day, but more importantly, we lear
Here is just a quick video of a not very well known Buffer feature I am using very heavily though. I think it can add a lot of value to your tweets. It really helps to make your tweets stand out from others as you are not plainly tweeting the page title and link as everyone else is: What do you think about that? Could it be useful for you too to try tweeting some things other than the headline sometimes?
Why are you on Twitter?As regards Twitter I am not an early adopter, I have to admit. Actually I am a super late adopter. It was not until spring 2010 that Twitter put its magic spell on me. I found the reasons for spending time on Twitter are very varied and differ from person to person. Here are a few reasons which motivate me – are they the same reasons for you? To learn and to grow One of the foremost reasons that triggered me to join is to learn. What better place is there than Twitter? I
“It’s never the platform, it’s always the message” – @GaryVee Gary Vaynerchuck’s quote couldn’t fit any better to kick off the series of posts we are calling Amazing Twitter Stories. There have been so many amazing encounters and conversations we have had on Twitter so far. So many truly great people that have joined us on our Buffer journey, so we’ve decided we wanted to give something back to them. We were trying to think how we could do that in a manner which would truly express h
We’re really excited to let you know that we’ve just hit a big milestone here at Buffer. Our lovely users have sent out a combined total of 10,000 tweets. We’re delighted to be helping people send so many tweets ? We’re particularly happy about the curve that all these tweets is generating, so we want to share it with you. Take a look: This is of course due to all of you Buffering great tweets every day. As can be seen below, Buffer is currently sending close to 500 tweets every day: The only
Here are 7 people we thought can add value to your everyday timeline on Twitter and beyond. Beware, they range in seriousness and frequency of tweets. 1. Aaron Lee Aaron is a Social Media superstar. Not only does everything he tweets or blogs make a lot of sense, but he is simply a down to earth guy who didn’t get carried away with his success. That he is “an average Joe” according to his bio, says it all. Join him in his conversations @AskAaronLee . Main rea
Then we have something you may want to take a look at. We call it Buffer and it is an intuitive product that will help you tweet more consistently all day round, all week long. Buffer solves a problem many of us face. Even though you like twitter for its spontaneous nature, for the interaction and dynamic it provides, there is one issue. You have to be on Twitter doing that. If you are busy with other things, you are no longer part of the conversation. With Buffer, however,