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The Buffer Guys in Spain [PICS]

Apr 11, 2011 2 min readBuffer News

As some of you might know we are currently residing in Javea, Spain for two weeks in order to do two things:

  • Fully focus on Buffer.
  • Have a great time in the sun.

The mantra we are embracing is very simple:

“We do what we love and do it where we love to be”

Joel has also reflected more thoroughly on this in his recent blog post, explaining how this can pay off with an increased efficiency and love of life overall.

So without further ado, here’s a glimpse of what we’re up to: working hard and resting hard in Javea.

This is where we are working together

We are living at the bottom right of this picture, about 5 minutes walk from the beach.

We are living right in the heart of Javea

Here is Joel dipping his toes in the sea at the beach in Javea.

Joel dipping his toes in the sea. It’s quite icy and very refreshing ?

I think there are three things to note. The first one is Joel’s smile, whilst working  ;). The second one is his notebook for ideas –> we aren’t 100% digitalised. Oh and then there is my laptop open with Tweetdeck, just so you know, we are always only one click away from you :).

Joel in the midst of new Buffer features

That’s myself rushing out of the icy sea after a quick swim.

Going for a quick swim!

That’s it guys, we plan on staying here in Spain for another week or so, before we fly back to Birmingham, UK. The next journey is already planned, stay tuned for more soon.

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