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You can now add to our “Suggested Tweets”!

Apr 18, 2011 1 min readBuffer News

You have most likely noticed our built in “Tweet Suggestion” feature, which is a set of quotes Joel and me have collected, which we found truly inspirational.

Now, how could it be otherwise, one of our users approached us with an amazing suggestion. Jonny Rowntree alias @JonnyRowntree sent me an email saying:

“Why not make this a crowd sourced project everyone can participate in?”

Hell yes, I thought. So here we are offering anybody and everyone the chance to suggest tweets we will make part of our Buffer Tweet Suggestions.

How does it work?

It works super simple, all you have to do is copy and paste a tweet you found inspirational, motivating, funny or outstanding in any other way. Then put it into the box below.

Quotes and proverbs with or without sources are most welcome. Also if you find a timeless article, that made your day, we strongly encourage you to put it in as well below.

Why should you do it?

It would be really great to see others participating in this and adding more tweets to our list of “suggested tweets”.

Every week we will pick 5-10 tweets. These will be wrapped up nicely in a post including your Twitter Username and a big thank you. Of course your tweet will then officially be added to Buffer’s “Tweet Suggestions” and others can find your contribution in there.

What do you say? Could that be interesting?

For now it is just a box here, but we want to have dedicated site and box available on the Buffer homepage for it soon, so you don’t have to go back to this post.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Or if you already have a great tweet ready, just insert it in the box!

Photocredit: Michael Heiss

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