Leo Widrich
A collection of 186 posts by Leo Widrich - Page 7
Wow, this is one of the most exciting updates coming from Facebook in a long time. When it became clear after a recent study that Facebook penalizes 3rd party Apps significantly, there was a lot of uproar. A large number of publishers were facing a strong disadvantage when it came to posting updates. In a recent study it was revealed that engagement with posts from these 3rd party Apps can drop up to 80% [http://edgerankchecker.com/blog/2011/09/does-using-a-third-party-api-decrease-your-engagem
Here at Buffer HQ, we had our heads focused on baking the next hot thing for you. And we now have it ready. Fresh out of the oven, Buffer for Facebook is now available for everyone. Buffer for Facebook has been the top requested feature and we were keen to give it the looks and functionality it deserves for you to use it. Little things and attention to detail with picture and thumbnail preview as well as editing of summary and the full word count were key. Largely developed and designed by our
This is a video from Mark Jeffries (@Markjeffries1) at one of the largest Marketing Executive conferences in San Diego a few weeks ago. Mark hit a great nerve with his talk when he spoke about the importance of your personal online brand besides your business brand: Your Personal Online Brand from Mark Jeffries on Vimeo . Most important bits Mark talks about * Building your online brand a
It continually amazes me how such a large company with over 600 employees like Twitter, can continue to launch new features so fast. We and lots of others have just spotted 3 new Twitter features that should help you find the most relevant people faster and more accurately. At over 250 million Tweets posted daily, Dick Costolo has unveiled a few weeks back already that Twitter will focus on surfacing the best content from these
This is a guest post by Gregory Ciotti, more about him at the bottom of the post. With the worldwide presence of Facebook, and the recent release of Google+ to the public , you’d wonder what’s the point of marketing on Twitter anymore… But you’d be dead wrong if you thought Twitter was a platform that has passed. Twitter grows in popularity by the day, and is still one of the biggest traffic sources for sites all over the world, and in every niche you can imagine. Thus, it is obvious that goi
There are so many people who continue to support and shout for us wherever we go on the internet. This is just amazing! So I thought, it’s time to give back. The thing is, it’s not just that they are supporting us, they are actually teaching us, what it really means to create a lasting presence on Twitter. I tried to think hard about what that one thing is I appreciate the most, that I want to tell you about them So here are the top 25 people that continue to teach and remind me, what it means
Ever wondered what it takes to make your content or marketing message go viral? Look no further than this. Our friends over at KISSmetrics have created a wonderful cheatsheet for you to help you succeed with this task. After browsing through this there are two most crucial aspects that one has to focus on in order to create a viral marketing element. The “emotional hook” together with the “technical hook”. What does that mean? One of the most viral marketing messages of all times captured this
Yes, it is ready. One of the most awaited products our awesome users wanted to have has been released. Buffer for Android is out and you can grab it from the Android market. Developed by the one and only aimee daniells (you can give her a shout @sermoa) we did a complete overhaul. Our goal was to bring you the simplest way to share updates and Tweets with highest i
Wow, what can I tell you guys? Last night’s #ToolsChat has just been completely out of control. Not only did Klout’s CEO Joe Fernandez join us to explain the recent changes, but the stream and discussion from everyone joining in was purely amazing. After Joe joined, everything got seriously heated up. People, pro and con Klout joined in from all sides. Here is a summary and highlights from the chat for you: What has changed? Joe explained [http://corp.klout.com/blog/2011/10/a-more-accurate-t
There were some great conversations I had led recently with people in the startup scene here in San Francisco. Quite a few people, for both their personal and business use haven’t “gotten” into Twitter yet. Words they mentioned were that “I heard Facebook works a lot better than Twitter” or “I am not sure I have enough time to be on Twitter too.” We spoke further and I jotted everything down which I thought could use a little further explanation. From our research we found that Twitter is hand
So my all time Nr.1 Twitter mentor Dave Larson from @TweetSmarter recently nudged me with a fantastic suggestion. Why not start a conversation around the already established #GreatThingsTwitterHelpsMeToDo hashtag? The hashtag is a great way to get to know what motivates and helps people on Twitter. I thought a lot about how to best make use of it and found, why not ask people this question and turn all the great responses into a blogpost. The feedback was amazing and here are the top 5 and rath
HOT Update: Siri for iPhone4 is being tested. All the buzz that has been happening around Apple’s new personal assistant was quite overwhelming. The things Siri can and can’t do have been documented very widely. The one question, we Buffer guys asked ourselves obviously was: How can I Tweet using Apple’s Siri? And fortunately there is already a solution for this, which is quite simple: 1.) Connecting your phone number with Twitter The first thing you need to do is go to your Twitter.com p
This is a guestpost from Carter Bailey (@carterbailey) and part of our series on “What our users have to say”. More on Carter at the bottom of the post: In the past two years, I got married, moved, and switched jobs three times. The last job move put a large amount of stress on my wife and I, and I realized that it was time to focus on networking among the tech community to avoid any future stress associated with job situations. Now I am searching for local members of the tech community and ma
So, let me share the very first secret with you. I have nearly no insight or idea how SEO works at all. Whilst we have some insights into Single Grain last week, to speak about SEO for Buffer, they already blew my mind. Recently, there was a fantastic video from Rand Fishkin explaining how Twitter can be used very directly to build up links and use it for SEO. Surprisingly, they are very straight forward to use and I have given an example for each one below. 1.) How Serendipitous Conne
This is a guestpost from Holden Page, Marketing Manager at StrawberryJ.am Maybe the numbers aren’t rolling in as much as you would like. That tweet you sent out isn’t getting the same number of CTR’s as the same tweet would a month ago, or you’ve simply ran out of ways to write about improving the Twitter experience. I know how you feel; I’ve been through it a few times before. All the tweets in your timeline are looking the same, and the tweets you are sending out aren’t improving the situati
This is a very tricky headline and an even trickier topic. There are certainly many out there who know a lot more than me about this, yet I have gradually seen a pattern emerge from our own efforts and from observing others. Of course a lot of times the views on being “successful” may differ. I would take a very intuitive approach for this post. If you are a business or individual, success in Social Media means growth, more happy clients or more happy customers. So let’s dive in on this: Wha
Over the past few months there were quite a few guestposts I wrote for several reputable Social Media sites. I thought summing them up for you in a concise way here might be a good resource to check on some of them. Thankfully they all received very good exposure and feedback from readers. So hopefully some of them will be useful for you too: 1.) Are Your Twitter Efforts In Vain? on Social Mouths This post talks about which goals you are setting yourself on Twitter. Are you here to get mor
Yesterday, a very special tweet reached our inbox from @TaureanBryant: “just wanted to say thank you to the guys at @bufferapp my @klout jumped from 12 to 38 in about three weeks.” Immediately I got in touch with him and wanted to hear the full story. Klout? Times 3? With Buffer? You can imagine how excited I was. Joel always had a feeling that to do well on Twitter (whatever your goals), all you have to do is keep sharing good content and care for your followers. That’s why we built Buf
Last week Robert Scoble sent us an email, addressed to all his shareholders on Empire Avenue. What struck me was this very early and spot-on analysis of this newbie in the world of Social Media. Although the site has been around for about 1,5 years it is just now that it is gaining an insane amount of traction. You have probably noticed this. Robert pointed out that we shouldn’t forget that after all it will always be real value that persists in the online world. A game gets old – Is there r
Over here at Buffer, Joel and I want to provide the warmest welcome and the best customer care we can to each and every person using Buffer. Today, we were just completely overwhelmed by our users chipping in and helping us to let everyone new to Buffer feel welcome and cared for. So today this tweet reached our inbox: How our users responded Joel was just about to get in touch with Elisabeth and offer help or the chance to ask any questions if she needed answers. Yet, what he didn’t know w
“Twitter is responsible for getting me my current job” Is what Antonia Harler said when I briefly interviewed her about her recently published book “Twitter as a tool for relationship marketing” and the true power of Twitter. The book, as I like to call it, is actually her Master’s Thesis, which she finished last year and is finally available to the public. What’s in it for me? What struck me whilst reading this piece was that it achieves something phenomenal. It is the first academic paper
Today I wanted to Buffer a few tweets from my Twitter stream. Yet this is not quite how my venture turned out. Here is what happened instead: 1.) Should I Buffer Tweets? I wanted to Buffer a few tweets from twitter.com, and found one interesting user with a blog about Social Media and Web development. So I thought about getting in touch and dropping him an email if he was interested in a guestpost. 2.) Or write an Email? Whilst writing the email, I realized I should send him over a few
We have some more great news for you. Joel has just pushed the latest Buffer feature live. Please note that in it’s first version it will only work if you have the Chrome Extension for Buffer installed. 1.) Add Tweets from Twitter.com It means that you can now add tweets to your Buffer right from inside Twitter.com. If you click it, it will allow you to do old school RTs , so others will see that you have retweete
Here are 10 new quotes by our amazing users and friends. They will all be officially added to Buffer Tweet Suggestions. I hope they give you a boost for your day and set you off to a great weekend: “It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.” – Jim Rohn Via @DanielSharkov “As you walk down the fairway of life you must smell the roses, for you only get to play one round.” Ben Hogan Via @Iconic88 “Your life is your message to the world. M