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5 Ways To Battle Social Media Fatigue

Oct 10, 2011 3 min readTips / How To

This is a guestpost from Holden Page, Marketing Manager at

Maybe the numbers aren’t rolling in as much as you would like. That tweet you sent out isn’t getting the same number of CTR’s as the same tweet would a month ago, or you’ve simply ran out of ways to write about improving the Twitter experience.

I know how you feel; I’ve been through it a few times before. All the tweets in your timeline are looking the same, and the tweets you are sending out aren’t improving the situation.

You’re in a rut, tired, and ready to call it quits. There’s nothing wrong with feeling this way, and it is often times an unspoken truth amongst the Twitterati. So how do you battle through this stage of your social media management and experience? Here are a few tips that I’ve found help a lot, and keep you going when nothing is looking up.

1. Stop Tweeting and Start Communicating

You keep tweeting what you feel are the gold standard of 140 characters for your Twitter followers, and yet, no one is responding. You’re at a loss as to why this could be, and continue to tweet feverishly in order to make up for the lack of response for previous tweets.

STOP. You’re only digging yourself a hole.

Instead, start joining in the conversation by joining a hashtag event or two a week. They are a great and intimate way to communicate with other Twitter users in a semi-closed environment, and to allow them to get to know you, and your tweets better. This will eventually lead to a community of people willing to support you, and your future tweets.

It is an easy, and supportive, and reinvigorating way to get caught up within your old love for Twitter.

2. Draw Inspiration from People You Respect

Take a break from what you’re doing, and look at what everyone else is doing. Often times, if I am having a rough day, I take a step back and observe what people like Jure Klepic are doing to keep up the excitement, and draw inspiration from them.

People like Jure are always tweeting, always communicating, and always giving in unique ways. Take some of their signature moves, and make your own adaptation to them. Not only will this keep you inspired, but it will also keep your own followers inspired to view and shares your tweets.

3. Deviate from the Standard

Louis Gray, a prolific social media blogger, Google employee, and in general great guy blogs about Startups and Google… a lot. But you know what else he blogs and tweets about?

His family, his past work experiences, and his love for baseball. While Louis does focus on Startups and social media news most of the time, he is not afraid to deviate from his standard and let us know what his other passions are.

This keeps his tweets and posts fun, interesting to watch, and more likeable. After all, we all have other interests besides just Twitter, be human and let people know about them every now and then.

Not only does this keep your followers/readers interested, but it also is a good reminder for yourself that there are other aspects of your social media presence people value.

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4. Persevere

5. Take a Break!

If all else fails, sign out, and press that power button with gusto.

Impossible! I say nay. Sometimes a break away from your shiny LCD screen, and that endless Twitter timeline is the best way to get over social media fatigue. It allows you to recharge your batteries, think about other things, and prep yourself for a “fresh” start. Plus, with tools like Buffer and, keeping up appearances and following the news when you get back is not only easy, but encouraged.

What other tricks do you use to avoid, and overcome, your social media fatigue? Let us know in the comments.

This is a guestpost from Holden Page. Holden is Marketing Manager of, a unique reader for your Tweets. He blogs more Social Media insights on the blog.

Are you interested in writing a guestpost for the Buffer blog too? Reach out to me anytime.

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