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10 Handy Twitter Tip Posts

May 12, 2011 3 min readTips / How To
Swiss Army Knife of Twitter Tips

Over the past few months there were quite a few guestposts I wrote for several reputable Social Media sites.

I thought summing them up for you in a concise way here might be a good resource to check on some of them.

Thankfully they all received very good exposure and feedback from readers. So hopefully some of them will be useful for you too:

1.) Are Your Twitter Efforts In Vain? on Social Mouths

This post talks about which goals you are setting yourself on Twitter. Are you here to get more followers? More Clicks? More sales? Or are these not quite the best objectives to build your Twitter strategy one? I reflected on which behaviours helped me to both realize and state goals clearly to work with them.

You can read more here.

2.) 5 Dead Simple Ways To Spark Up More Conversations On Twitter on Social Glitz

With this one I tried to point you towards some actionable practices you can start doing right away. The title describes it well, as those are tips on getting your conversations started in a hassle free way.

You can read more here

3.) How To Build Your Twitter Tribe on Social Media Examiner

The post on Social Media Examiner talked about how you can best organize and gather a following around your Twitter account. Doing this both efficiently and smartly so your network has an impact when it grows was my main goal to outline.

You can read more here.

4.) Are You Really Getting Noticed On Twitter? on SiteSketch 101

Nicholas kindly invited me over to his blog to share a few practices you can use to make the most of Twitter via one simple technique: Noticing others. Buffer’s feature to highlight quotes in texts and making these your tweets came in handy.

You can read more here.

5.) Automation on Twitter – Should you Do it? On AskAaronLee

This was an exciting post to write as it is a very controversial topic. Should you schedule tweets? Or even automate the process completely via RSS tweeting apps? The post centers around staying personal and focuses on which things might work and which won’t.

You can read more here.

6.) 5 Ways To Freshen Up your Tweets on SpinSucks

One of the most recent posts is on Gini Dietrich’s Spinsucks blog. This is some easy going and straight forward advice on how to spice up your tweets with a few simple strategies. They are supposed to offer you a chance to get more exposure through providing fresh and unique content.

You can read more here.

7.) How to Write Kick-ass Tweets that Stand out on TrafficGenerationCafe

This is a post giving more advice on which steps you can take to write tweets in a unique and personal manner to get a wider reach. Putting more “You” in your tweets is mostly subject of this post.

You can read more here

8.) 5 Simple Twitter Tips for More Effective Tweeting on UberGlobal

This is a post written for the UberGlobal blog focusing mostly on tips for small and medium sized businesses. If you can’t spend a considerable amount of resources on your twitter efforts here are a few basic tips you can consider.

Read more here

9.) 10 New Twitter Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier on Six Revisions

Here is one, where I had the chance to guestpost for a large designblog on various up and coming Twitter tools. It is a concise list focusing on help with various Twitter efforts containing everything from analytics to more engagement.

You can read more here

Finally, there is a startup tip post I wrote for Aaron Lee. It gives you an insight on how I go about approaching bloggers. In case you are building your own product or service, take a look, there might be a few handy tips in there for you too.

You can read more here

Ok, that’s it. Since these are amongst the most reshared posts I ever wrote, I thought having them in one place might be helpful.

Do you like any of these? Or are there a few great Twitter Tip posts you recently read? Please share them with me below.

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