Hailley Griffis

Hailley is the Head of Communications and Content at Buffer and Co-Creator of MakeWorkWork.

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A collection of 104 posts by Hailley Griffis - Page 3

OpenJun 24, 2019
We Gave $473,996 to Teammates and Non-Profits: Here’s Our Profit-Sharing and Charitable Contributions Formula

When Buffer succeeds, we believe everyone on the team should benefit. One of the ways we make this happen is by sharing some of our profits based on our annual financial results. We haven’t always been profitable – here’s a look at our net profit numbers from the last four years: * 2015: $17K * 2016: Loss * 2017: $2.41M * 2018: $3.29M Over these last two years of profitability, we’ve put in place a profit-sharing plan for the whole team, as well as set aside a chunk of money for charitab

OpenJan 27, 2019
How Individuals Advance at Buffer, Without Becoming Managers

The concept of a career path at Buffer has changed a lot over the past seven years. We’ve gone through various phases as an organization: beginning as an early-stage startup where everyone did a bit of everything, then to a period when we decided against having managers and leaned into a flat structure , and now to a lean level of management

OpenDec 13, 2018
Babies, books, and more: Buffer’s 2018 in numbers

One of our favorite year-end activities — and one of our favorite everyday cultural values — is to pause and reflect on all that we’ve seen and done at Buffer over the past twelve months. (You can check out our reflections on the past two years: 2017 and 2016 .) We’ve done the same year-in-review again for 2018 , and having gathered this data for three years in a row now, we are able t

OpenSep 12, 2018
How to Run a Workplace with Office and Remote Workers: An Interview with the CEO of RemoteYear

When we give remote work advice , we tend to give it from our own perspective, which is that of a fully, 100-percent remote team. However, this way of working isn’t the norm — or even the standard. In our inaugural State of Remote Work study, we learned that most of the companies who support remote work are not fully remote; 65 percent of them have a combination of office-based employees and remote employees

Self-ImprovementSep 7, 2018
Why We Prioritize Reading at Buffer and the 19 Most-Read Books From Our Team

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. —Joseph Addison We’re a remote team that loves reading (and self-improvement ). In fact, through the first nine months of 2018, we’ve read over 1,000 books! So when International Literacy Day popped up on the calendar, we wanted to get involved. International Literacy Day, celebrated annually on September 8 ,

Z - PopularAug 27, 2018
Everything We Know About Remote Work

Remote work has been the norm at Buffer for many years now; we ditched our office in 2015 and have been hiring remote teammates since 2011. We now have over 85 teammates spread across 10 different time zones. Over the years, our team has experimented and learned tons about productivity, tools, collaborating, communicating, and disconnecting as they each relate to remote work. Here’s a full list of all of our resources on remote work. Comment below if you have a question and we haven’t written

OverflowAug 13, 2018
Churn Prediction: First Contact

There’s a lot written about churn. A quick google search returns several blog posts with various definitions and types of churn. That said, not a lot of what’s written is in form of code. At least not open source code. Since the definition of churn depends on the domain and company, a few companies share how they predict churn. At Buffer , we decided to spend a few weeks trying to predict when our customers are going to stop paying for a specific subscription. We called that

Where the Buffer Team is Speaking in 2019: Conferences, Meetups, and More

Hi there! This is an older post that we’ve kept around for transparency but that means that sometimes the information is no longer accurate. Head to our homepage to view our most recent posts. We love conferences, and who doesn’t? They’re a great place to connect with like-minded individuals. Over the years as the Buffer team has grown, we’ve not only been attending more conferences, but we’ve started seeing more and more Buffer speakers as well. Speaking has so many benefits for the Buffer t

How We Do Team Benefits As a Remote and International Company

Prefer to listen? Here’s the audio version of this post: Being a remote team and international company comes with a lot of things that are non-traditional, things like getting 80 people on remote all-hands meeting. We’ve talked about several aspects that are quite unique to the business side of an international company, too, like paying employees and when to give people holidays. In this post, we’re going to dive into another big part of working at and running Buffer, which is employee benefits

OpenJun 6, 2018
How to Disconnect When Your Devices Are Your Office

Prefer to listen? Here’s the audio version of this post! Disconnecting from devices is a challenge for most people. A study of Americans found they check their phones on average 80 times a day! For remote workers, it’s especially difficult if there’s no separation between work and home and your devices become your office. In fact, this is so much of a challenge that there is a law in France [https://www.npr.org

OpenMay 30, 2018
Most Companies Have Off-sites. Here’s a Look at Buffer’s ‘On-sites’

At Buffer we love working as a distributed team , but we also cherish the times we get to meet up in person . Since the early days at Buffer, retreats have been a core part of our culture and a part of why we’re able to keep working remotely as a company. In their current state, retreats at Buffer happen once a year. We set aside a budget [https://buffer.gho

OpenMay 10, 2018
How We Structure All Hands as a Fully Remote Team

Prefer to listen? Here’s the audio version of this post! All Hands, town hall, tea time — there are many names for the meeting where everyone comes together for company updates and announcements. For us, All Hands is not only an exciting time to see everyone’s smiling faces at once but also a big part of our value to default to transparency . Buffer’s All Hands meetings are a great place to openly communicate with the whole company at once. As a fully-remote c

OpenApr 26, 2018
14 Slack Bots and Apps for Remote Teams to Help With Team Building, Meetings and Celebrations

Being a fully remote team means that we rely heavily on the tools that can help us connect and communicate with each other from anywhere in the world. One of the main tools our team uses for communication is Slack, a tool that allows us to send quick chat messages with each other either in public or private channels or direct messages. While we love and use Slack constantly, we also set firm bou

OpenApr 18, 2018
Diversity in Events: Our Guidelines in Event Planning, Speaking and Sponsoring

At Buffer, we value diversity and inclusion. We’ve made efforts to use diversity as a lens for refining our hiring process, writing a new code of conduct, and several other spots even going so far as to make diversity everyone’s job. Conferences, and especially tech conferences, are an area where there is often still a noticeable lack of diversity in presenters. To combat this, there are several incredible lists of female and minority speakers circling around hoping to present conference organi

OpenApr 10, 2018
Our Latest Pay Analysis: What Women and Men Make at Buffer in 2018

Editor’s Note: Thanks for checking out this post! We’ve released our updated 2021 pay analysis here. At Buffer, we’ve always marched to the beat of our own drum when it comes to how we pay our team. We make our salaries transparent to the whole world. We calculate all salaries with a fully transparent (and publicly available) formula. And we’ve been proud to be part of the Equal Pay Day conversation for the past two years, by sharing our full data in a transparent pay analysis. For Equal Pay D

Why We Believe Meeting In Person Is So Important For a Remote Team (Plus Buffer’s 9th Retreat Location!)

We’re a fully remote team and have been since our start. We’ve also known the importance of meeting in person since the team started growing. For that reason, we never go too long without finding a way to get Buffer teammates together. There’s just something about meeting in person that you can’t replace with video chats. (Maybe with VR one day!) To make meeting in person possible, we set aside a budget every year to send the whole Buffer te

OpenMar 28, 2018
Our Code of Conduct And Why It’s Important For Diversity And Inclusion

We aspire to live by our values at Buffer. This means turning our values into behaviors that positively impact how we treat each other, how we interact with others, and how we see the world. Even still, having values isn’t enough. Especially if we want to create the inclusive organization that we’re striving to become. So to complement our values, we’

Our First Charitable Donation Plus The 7 Charities We’re Supporting

The end of 2017 brought lots of joy at Buffer. It was the best financial position we’d seen ourselves in in a few years and the team was excited to celebrate. Our CEO, Joel Gascoigne , and Director of Finance, Caryn Hubbard added to the celebrations with the wonderful news that they had managed to set aside money for Buffer to donate to charity. The whole Buffer team [https://buffer.com/abo

OpenFeb 27, 2018
State of Remote Work 2018 Report: What It’s Like to be a Remote Worker in 2018

Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Go here to view the latest version of this post. What comes to mind when you think of remote work? In our experience, it’s not only one image. Remote work comes in many different shapes and sizes. We are a fully distributed team at Buffer, meaning that we have no office and everyone chooses to work from where they’re happiest: both geographically (we have teammates across the world) and functionally (we hav

OpenJan 10, 2018
Reflecting on Buffer’s 2017 in numbers

2017 was an exciting year for the Buffer team with some big changes, a few firsts, and some major progress forward. We set a new vision for the company and products , went on our 8th company retreat to Madrid , calculated equal pay at Buffer for the first time, and got to a very healthy place financially, among many other

Closing For 6 Days: Here’s Why We’re Taking The Last Week Of The Year Off As A Company

The end of the year is a wonderful time to focus on reflection and self-care. These are things we’ve been very mindful of at Buffer in the past few years. Everything from encouraging more vacation time to having summer hours have been top of mind for us in creating a company focused on healthy and happy employees. Often times the year flies by so quickly that people don’t take enough vacat

OpenNov 29, 2017
The Science Behind Why We Should Never Work From Bed

There is a lot of imagery that comes to mind when someone says “working from home.” A quick Google Search yields results that are anything from someone working on the floor surrounded by pets, to people holding babies during calls, to someone working in pajamas. Source: Ray Wenderlich A lot of these things (the pajamas and family at least) are things you can’t always do at a regular office. Sometimes the pets

OpenOct 26, 2017
We’ve Never Calculated How Long People Stay at Our Company Until Now – Here’s What We Learned

Hi there! This is an older post that we’ve kept around for transparency but that means that sometimes the information is no longer accurate. Head to our homepage to view our most recent posts. Imagine working at a company where on your first day the CEO says: “We are really excited to have you here. Now, how can I use my personal network to help you get your next job?” That’s exactly how Jon Bischke from Entelo kicks off the first day for his employees on day on

OpenOct 19, 2017
92 Pieces of Advice on Being Productive No Matter Where You Are, Working Remotely, and Digital Nomading

Have you ever been curious about other people’s processes? How they start their day, how they work remotely, or how they focus their energy levels? I definitely have, and I know so many people who feel the same way. After all, what better way to learn than by looking at what is working for others! We’re fortunate to have access to an incredible community at Buffer, and over the years we’ve collected actionable advice from this community during our weekly bufferchat on Twitter [https://buffer.c