Brian Peters
A collection of posts by Brian Peters
A collection of 98 posts by Brian Peters - Page 3

Is social media best used for sales or for brand awareness and engagement? The age-old question that marketers have been debating even before Mark Zuckerberg started TheFacebook in his tiny Harvard dorm room back in 2004. So what’s the right answer? Is there one? Many marketers lean towards the side of brand awareness and engagement, while others can’t quite see the point of social media unl

Do you remember your first social media profile? Or, how about your first social media post? My first profile was on Myspace, my first friend was “Tom from Myspace,” and my first post was something like, “Myspace is awesome!” The rest is history. Social media has changed and evolved so much since the early days, it’s almost hard to believe how far we’ve come. How people use social media has changed as well. Gen Zs (now beginning to enter the workforce) only know a world with social media, com

What’s working for you on social media these days? One of our goals at Buffer is to always be iterating and experimenting with what we do on social media and in marketing. Whether it’s cutting our posting frequency, curating content, or creating square videos , we’re always up for trying new strategies ! Lots of times these experi

For all of history creativity has, in a sense, been taken advantage of by business. Look at any musician’s record deal. Or any painter who has found someone to represent them and put their work in galleries. Or the author whose book you see atop the NY Times Bestseller list. It’s a perfect symbiotic relationship. Well, that is, until recently. Over the last decade,

Quick note: This post was written in May 2017 and updated in March 2018. The tips and strategies listed below continue to work for us despite the recent changes to the Facebook algorithm . Enjoy! In October of 2016 we dramatically changed our Facebook posting strategy. A gradual, but noticeable shift in the Facebook and Instagram algorithm, plus an influx of

Social media offers a huge opportunity for you to reach and connect with people in creative ways. Via great content. Hilarious cat GIFs. Amazing brand stories. But sometimes it can be a challenge to find the time or the right tools to build a successful social media program that works both short and long-term. We know the feeling! That’s why we’re super excited to share a brand new Minisode with you all about how you can utilize Buffer to get the most out of your social media marketing. The

Is it possible to create the perfect Facebook ad ? One that increases brand awareness, drives engagement, and leads to sales all in one go? We’d like to think so! But we needed a true expert on Facebook advertising to find out. One that really knows their stuff. That’s where VP of Marketing at DigitalMarketer , Molly Pittman [https://www.linkedin.com/in/molly-pit

Negativity. It’s human nature. At least that’s what research shows! Researchers have demonstrated repeatedly that negative information has a greater impact on the brain than positive information. So much so that we now call this common occurrence “negativity bias”. That negativity bias is a result of the of the fight-or-flight response that is activated only during negative experiences. But we wanted to know: Is it possible to rewire your brain for positivity and happiness? Storyteller and so

Did you know that there are more than 1.97 million blog posts published online every single day? And that’s on WordPress alone! Not to mention the millions upon millions of social media updates that are sent out to accompany those blog posts. GIFs , photos, videos , and Stories fill our feeds with enough content (surely) to last a lifetime. Bu

In an effort to get to the bottom of what makes videos successful on social media, we set out to answer two not-so-simple questions: * Where does video perform best? * In what format does video perform best? What we found is that there are so many ways to go about it! Video format, length, content, captions, and graphics (to name a few) all play a big part in the success of your video content [https://buffer.com/library/video-market

All eyes on video marketing. The subject that has taken the social media world by storm is now being implemented by brands everywhere. From increasing brand awareness to generating leads, the importance of video in your overall strategy is becoming apparent no matter which way you slice it. In 2016, TechCrunch found that more than 8 billion videos [https://buffer.com/resources/social-media-vi

At heart, I’m a running purist. No headphones. No waistband for water bottles. No activity monitor or GPS tracker. Just my trusty Asics Trainers and a $10 Casio watch for pace. Seven hundred miles. At seven minutes per mile, that equates to roughly 4,900 minutes, 81.6 hours, or 3.4 days. That’s a lot of time to think. One of the secrets to running is the ability to lose yourself in positive thought; Brainstorming, reflecting, strategizing, and conjuring up crazy ideas while endorphins are go

When I first started out with digital marketing, I was blown away by the sheer amount of online social media and marketing courses available! I read hundreds of articles and enrolled in as many marketing courses that I could possibly get my hands on. Even today, millions of resources continue to be published online every month. It’s enough to wonder … Where can you go for the best, most useful marketing information? I’ve had the chance to test out and research a huge amount of resources, and

Social media algorithms are a lot like “Dog Years.” They seems to progress and change at a rate of seven years for every one year on the human calendar. We’ve seen first-hand the dramatic declines in traffic and organic reach over the last two years as so many businesses have. But despite the challenges that marketers face with social media algorithms, there is still a way to overcome them and share your content with the world. Michael Stelzner

Video marketing is one of the most-talked about subjects in social media right now. Marketers, brands, and businesses everywhere are all jumping aboard this incredible trend that has truly begun to take take over our social news feeds. But despite its growing relevance, one of the questions we get most here at Buffer is: How do I get started with video marketing ? With more than 70,000 subscribers on Y

Video marketing has taken the social media world by storm. People watch more than 100 million hours of video on Facebook. YouTube brings in nearly 4,950,000,000 video views daily. Time spent watching video on Instagram is up more than 80% year over year What was just a blip on the radar a few years ago is now a top content marketing priority for brands and influencers everywhere. Yet the barrier to creating video marketing content that resonates with audiences can still feel high. You need …

What started as a simple app to send disappearing videos to friends, Snapchat now attracts some of the biggest brands and influencers in the world. More than 300 million people use the app every month – generating an astounding 10 billion videos views per day! Which is why Snapchat presents a huge opportunity for businesses and brands to get in on a platform that is growing exponentially by the day.

We are excited to share our fifth, very special bonus podcast episode with you on the 9 essential social media manager skills and qualities found in top industry leaders. These bonus episodes offer a fun change of pace from our traditional “interview-style” episodes on The Science of Social Media . Get to know the hosts Hailley, Kevan, & Brian as they share thoughts on the state of social media, ground-breaking tips and tricks to make your marketing more effective, a

Spectacles are the first hardware product from the company formally known as Snapchat. The camera-equipped glasses were announced in September 2016, at the same time as Snapchat became Snap Inc. and rebranded itself as “a camera company.” From the moment they were announced, Snap had the marketing industry, and more importantly, their key 16-24-year-old demographic, clamoring to get their hands on Spectacles. But, in what turned out to be one of the most creative marketing campaigns of 2016, Sp

Do you have big goals you’d like to achieve in 2017? We do, too. In fact, this is our vision for Q1: Establish Buffer as the premier social media tool for businesses and teams via a focus on branding, content, and community. That sounds pretty broad, right? And how can social media help us to achieve that vision? The answer is goal-setting. The great thing about social media is that you can achieve so many different types of incredible results. From acquiring new customers to using social

Malcolm Gladwell once wrote in his book, Outliers, that the key to achieving world-class expertise in any skill is, to a large extent, practicing the correct way for a total of around 10,000 hours. No matter which way you slice it, that’s a lot of practice. When setting out on the path to becoming a master at anything, big goals and great habits must be formed in order to lay the foundation for long-term success. Or, in Malcolm Gladwell’s case, big goals and great habits on the way to 10,000 h

Did you know that more than 30 billion pieces of content are shared on Facebook every single month? That’s a lot of content! As marketers and brands, we sure have our work cut out for us in terms of getting our content in front of potential customers. Even the best of the best pages are only organically reaching around 2% – 8% [http://www.business2commu

We are excited to share our fourth, very special bonus podcast episode with you on our 3 favorite (and incredible) social media campaigns from and what we learned as marketers from them! Our bonus episodes offer a fun change of pace from our traditional “interview-style” episodes on The Science of Social Media . Get to know the hosts Hailley, Kevan, & Brian a bit better as they share thoughts on the future of social media – complete with actionable takeaways and usef

What strategies does it take to effectively grow your Instagram account? Today, there are more than 500 million people across the globe using Instagram to not only share photos of their lives, but to connect with personalities, brands, and businesses in meaningful ways. Now is a perfect time for marketers to learn the ins-and-outs of Instagram Marketing so that you can take advantage of an opportunity that is growing by the minute. In this episode, we had the pleasure of speaking with The Ins