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Small Business - Page 6

A collection of posts on Small Business

Small BusinessFeb 15, 2022
How to Launch a Kickstarter Campaign, Hit Your Goal, and Build a Brand in the Process

Suann Song set a goal to raise $25,000 on Kickstarter in 30 days. She ended up hitting that in a week and ultimately raising more than $50,000. Here’s how she did it.

Small BusinessJan 25, 2022
10 Small Businesses on How They’re Doing Marketing Differently in 2022

The start of a new year is a great time to reassess your marketing strategy. To help you try some new strategies, we talked to 10 small business owners to learn how they’re doing marketing differently in 2022.

Small BusinessJan 18, 2022
Ask Buffer: Should I Post Personal Content on My Business Account?

For small business owners, who are deeply connected to their companies but not the sole defining element of them, it can be hard to know how much personal content to share on a business account. We’re breaking down your options in this guide.

Small BusinessJan 5, 2022
How to Build a Meaningful (and Massive) Community, From Someone Who’s Done it Twice

Want to build a thriving following for your brand—but have a tiny budget? Learn affordable yet effective community-building strategies from the marketing expert behind the communities at theSkimm and JIGGY puzzles.

Small BusinessJan 3, 2022
Personal Brand, Meet Business Brand: How Small Business Owners Can Make Them Work Together

Separating your personal brand from your business both strengthens your business and allows individual autonomy and professional growth. A branding expert shares how to build them both, strategically.

Small BusinessDec 20, 2021
21 Small Business Brands We Love

A list of 21 small businesses that have really impressed us this year.

Small BusinessDec 15, 2021
How to Hire a Social Media Manager: Our Exact Process and Job Description

I’ve recently been going through the process of hiring a new social media manager for Buffer so I wanted to share what I’ve learned so far to help anyone else who wants to bring on a social media manager for their team.

Small BusinessDec 10, 2021
The Stories That Matter for Your Business: A Framework That’ll Help You Influence, Engage, and Connect

Collecting and telling your Origin, Adversity, and Innovation stories is a powerful way to build an authentic brand that connects more deeply with the people you serve. Here’s how.

Small BusinessDec 8, 2021
How Small Business Owners Can Find Balance in an Always-on World

If you’re seeking a bit more balance while simultaneously wanting to continue growing your business, this article is for you.