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A collection of 2,539 blog posts

Self-ImprovementDec 8, 2015
The Healthy Uncomfortable

I am quite possibly the world’s biggest fan of being comfortable. The word, to me, conjures up an image of a big comfy couch, a roaring fireplace, and maybe a sleepy puppy to curl up with. What could be better? So it has been a challenging, repeated lesson for me to learn that feeling uncomfortable is pretty much the only way to experience real personal growth. I didn’t want to believe this for much of my life, and I often still rail against it no

ResourcesDec 8, 2015
43 Best Websites To Learn Something New About Marketing

Whether you want to learn more about A/B testing, conversion rate optimization, content marketing or paid ads, there’s a wealth of marketing knowledge being shared online every day. Today I’m excited to share 43 of the best websites to learn something new about marketing. These websites will teach you practically anything you’d like to learn. Ready to dive in and pick up something new? Let’s go! Company Blogs Unbounce The Unbounce blog offers expert advice on landing page and conversion opti

Self-ImprovementDec 7, 2015
What Is Empathy, Anyway? 14 Great Books, Video and Images That Help Explain It

I was catching up with our team’s messages on Discourse recently when I came across a unique message thread. It wasn’t about trial numbers, FAQs or monthly recurring revenue . It was about empathy. Empathy feels so crucial to the Buffer culture, and yet the word doesn’t appear anywhere in our values right now. Maybe

Tips / How ToDec 7, 2015
Be the Shakespeare of Facebook: The Enormous Guide to Writing Spectacular Social Media Updates

Very few writers really know what they are doing until they’ve done it. – Anne Lamott This quote from Anne Lamott resonates with me quite a bit. I seldom know what I’m doing until I’ve done it. I also seldom know what other writers are doing either. I recognize what I enjoy reading … aaaaand I’ve little idea why I enjoy it. That’s what makes the topic of linguistics and language so fascinating to me because it helps explain

Tips / How ToDec 3, 2015
12 Tiny Buffer Tweaks to Shave Even More Time Off Your Social Media Sharing

Hi there! Buffer has evolved a lot since we wrote this blog post back in 2015. Some of the content and screenshots are now out-of-date. Check out the new-and-improved Buffer at We do not often write articles focused on Buffer here on the social blog, but we wanted to try something different this time around and hope you will find it useful! If you are already using Buffer to share on Social Media (THANK YOU!!) and are looking for some tiny tweaks that could make the experience bett

BufferchatDec 3, 2015
Personal Branding on Social Media: A Bufferchat Recap

This week, Carlos Gil stopped by #bufferchat to share his insights about personal branding on social media. The community discussed why cultivating a personal brand is important, what authenticity looks like, how to overcome challenges when it comes to managing a personal brand, and much more! Catch ourweekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, every week on Wednesdays, 9 am PT/Noon ET/5 pm UTC, for valuable industry insights

Case StudiesDec 2, 2015
Here’s How a Fast-Growing SaaS Company Shares to Social Media

Whether you’re a startup, a small business, an agency, or a brand, there’s always such value to be had in going to the drawing board with social media marketing. Setting a mission. Defining goals . Choosing the tools and workflows that’ll get you there. Campaign Monitor , a simple email marketing solution for businesses and professionals, has taken this bottom-u

Self-ImprovementDec 1, 2015
12 Chrome Extensions to Motivate You With Each New Tab

At this exact moment, I have 16 tabs open in my browser. How about you? With the full power of the internet at our disposal, it can be pretty easy to waste precious moments navigating to the…let’s say, less-than-productive corners of the web. I’m as guilty of this as anyone—I’ve even shared extensively how often I get sucked into Facebook! So it’s great that there are quite a few folks out there focused on helping us keep track of what really matters as we surf the web. There’s a particularl

ResearchNov 30, 2015
Why Building An Audience Is So Hard (And Why I’m Still Trying)

It’s easy to feel like you can grow a loyal audience in no time using the latest growth hacks or Twitter and Facebook tricks. But the truth is, it’s not that simple. Growing an audience is hard. You have to have talent. You have to put in a lot of work. And there’s no 1–2–3 solution. In this post, I’m happy to share some of our experiences from building an audience at Buffer alongside six key ingredients to successfully building an audience. Let’s get started! Why it’s difficult to build

BufferchatNov 26, 2015
Exploring Gratitude: A Bufferchat Recap

This week, the #bufferchat community came together to discuss how they experience gratitude. Through exploring gratitude, the community opened up about how acts of kindness and difficult challenges have made a positive difference in their lives, and it was amazing to hear everyone’s stories! Catch ourweekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, [

OpenNov 24, 2015
Introducing the New Buffer Salary Formula, Calculate-Your-Salary App and The Whole Team’s New Salaries

Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Learn more about the latest formula and see all the team’s current salaries here . It’s been over 2 years since we first shared our transparent salary formula ; we’ve be

ResearchNov 23, 2015
3rd Party Facebook Publishing Tools Aren’t Penalized: Debunking An Age Old Social Media Myth

If you search for information on how Facebook’s Newsfeed algorithm treats posts from 3rd party publishing apps, you’ll find plenty of content suggesting that reach and engagement will be lower through 3rd party posting. As a subject very close to our hearts here at Buffer, we wanted to dive in and share our own thoughts and experiences in this area. The TL;DR version, is that posts from 3rd tools are not penalized and will perform just as well as posts shared natively to Facebook. If you’d li

OpenNov 23, 2015
Question Your Goals

I’ll be the first to admit it: When I first got hooked on the idea of startups, the goal in my mind was monetary. I wanted to be “financially free” so that I could do all the things I wanted to do but was unable to do due to money. So my first startup was a “big idea.” It could change the world (or at least I thought so), and I would be rewarded enormously for what I would do — given time. After trying a few different ways in order to reach the success I had in mind, I realized that I was unh

ReportsNov 20, 2015
Buffer in October: $7.8M Annual Revenue, Pablo 2.0 Launch, Customer Happiness at 95%

October was an unusual month for us, numbers-wise, as a result of us moving from 7-day to 30- day trials of Buffer for Business. Here’s more about that and everything else going on at Buffer in our October 2015 investors’ report. Key metrics * 2,841,519 total registered users (+3.0%) * 226,445 monthly active users (+3.0%) * 55,460 average daily active users (+2.0%) * $650,478 monthly recurring revenue (+1.0%) * $7.81M annual recurring revenue (+1.0%) * $2,546,589 cash in bank * 56 team

Tips / How ToNov 19, 2015
How to Develop and Perfect Your Social Media Sharing Schedule (It Could Double Your Traffic!)

Nowadays, in order to grow an audience on social media, it’s not as simple as just posting when you feel like it. Audiences have become more sophisticated over time and as a result it is important to have some sort of social media strategy . In order to start implementing that strategy , a schedule is a must for a lot of businesses. A sharing schedule can help you doubl

Self-ImprovementNov 19, 2015
There Is No Backup Plan

I was talking with Leo the other day about plans to launch a new Buffer feature when he said something that totally rearranged my mind. He diplomatically opened the conversation with an “If we can…” type statement and I immediately keyed in on the uncertainty I heard in that “if”, asking about alternative dates and plans, the likelihood of this or that. Leo quickly corrected what I had heard: “It’s going to happen. There is no backup plan.” And immediately, my brain calmed. Shifted. Crystalli

BufferchatNov 19, 2015
Staying Up to Date on Twitter: A Bufferchat Recap

David Larson has been operating @TweetSmarter for 8 years, and stopped by #bufferchat to share his awesome insights on the best practices for staying up to date on Twitter. We chatted about strategies for keeping tabs on great content, organizing lists and more! Catch ourweekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, every week on Wednesdays, 9 am PT/Noon ET/4 pm GMT, for valuable indust

The #1 Mistake We All Make on Twitter (It’s Probably Not What You’re Expecting)

This is how most companies tackle Twitter: start an account, follow a bunch of people, send a few Tweets about their business and hope for the best. And in some ways there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. These steps are necessary to get up and running and learn the ropes on Twitter. But, the biggest mistake we’re all making is not using two extremely simple Twitter features to their full potential. Replies and mentions. Replies and mentions are two of Twitter’s most powerful features. T

ReportsNov 17, 2015
Why We Ask Our Team to Grade Us Every Month: Buffer’s October Hiring Report

For the first time in October, we saw Buffer’s total team members (bootcampers and full time) rise above 60. The Buffer team has more than doubled since our last retreat in Iceland, and we’re always giving thought to how to better cultivate the Buffer culture. As a result, October’s hiring report focuses on some pretty big changes, including asking the whole team to give us a grade each month so we can keep improving. Read on for all the numbers, experiments and changes in hiring this month!

Why We Have Paid, Paid Vacation and Give Teammates an Extra $1,000 to Take Time Off

Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Go here to view the latest version of this post. When I first started working on Buffer and learning on sites like TechCrunch about the kinds of amazing perks and benefits some startups provide, I thought unlimited vacation time sounded like such a great idea. Giving everyone the opportunity to unplug w

OpenNov 16, 2015
The Unexpected Challenge of Unlimited Vacation Time

Hi there! This is an out of date post that we’ve kept around for transparency purposes. Go here to view the latest version of this post. What job perk could possibly be better than unlimited paid vacation days? Just picture the perfect work/life balance , the quality time you’d spend with family and friends

Content MarketingNov 16, 2015
How to Write a Content Marketing Strategy Step-by-Step [w/ Strategy Template!]

The good news: your boss or client is totally on board with your running content marketing. (SCORE!) The challenge: she wants to see a content marketing plan . . . and you have NO IDEA what that’s supposed to look like. I’ve been there. It’s a tough situation, because you’ve been doing content marketing with your gut this whole time, and now you’re being asked to put all that into a document. (And the gut-to-document process can be pretty painful.) Plus, you know that awesome content marketin

Buffer NewsNov 12, 2015
Introducing the Social Media Calendar by Buffer: The Natural, Visual Way to Easily Manage All Your Social Accounts

Editor’s Note: This is an older post, check out our new social media calendar here. Imagine you could plan and manage your social media updates the same way you do your Google or Outlook calendars. We wanted to bring the ease of scheduling events on your calendar right into your Buffer account. Sharing with Buffer will never be the same! Introducing the Social Media Calendar for fully managing all

What Michigan Wolverines Basketball Taught Me About Hiring at Buffer

I’ve been a college basketball fan for as long as I can remember. Sports teams are like any other organization: They strive to organize individuals to accomplish shared challenges and goals. As a Michigan Wolverines fan, I’m continually inspired by how Michigan’s coach, John Beilein , accomplishes these goals. Beilein is the only active collegia