Join us as we share what we’re learning as we build a company that approaches work from a fresh perspective. We write about workplace culture, our finances, and our business decisions and strategies.

OpenOct 2, 2013
The Complete September Stats for the Buffer Blog

Note from Leo: The below is an email Belle sent to the whole Buffer team on the 1st of October. It features our latest thoughts, ideas and questions about content and the Buffer blog . Since we default to transparency with our culture , we thought making this public could be useful for others too. Quick Summary In September we published 15 posts on the Buffer blog, 3 of which were guest posts. Our total uniques we

OpenSep 13, 2013
How we reply to 52% of support emails within an hour: The August Buffer Happiness Report

At Buffer, we try to be transparent about everything, and our customer support processes and successes (and failures!) are no different. Here’s a snapshot of how we did in August. August was a unique month at Buffer, because it began with the first-ever all-hands company retreat. Although this provided a unique challenge for the support team, it was absolutely amazing to have all of the full-time staff together. More on that in a bit. :) In August, we chose to focus on one key metric: response

OpenSep 9, 2013
Brian Lovin is part of the Buffer Team

I’m happy to share that Brian Lovin has finished the 45 day Buffer Bootcamp* and just accepted our invitation to join the Buffer team full-time. I just hit send on an email to the whole team and we’re in the midst of a GIF party in HipChat :) Brian will be working out of Waco, Texas as part of the fully distributed Buffer team . Since he started working with us, he has impac

OpenSep 5, 2013
Brian M. Roff is part of the Buffer Team

This week we welcomed Brian M. Roff (BMR) to the Buffer team! I just hit send on an email to let the whole team know that BMR has accepted our offer and is now on board full-time at Buffer. BMR has recently crossed his 45 day mark in the intro period.* BMR is joining the Buffer team from Massachusetts. BMR has become a core part of the Happiness team serving customers with speedy and delightful responses to emails and Tweets. He also has paved the way on some rece

OpenSep 3, 2013
How Our Traffic Grew by 118% in 1 month: The August Stats From the Buffer blog

Note from Leo: The below is an email Belle sent to the whole Buffer team on the 1st of September. It features our latest thoughts, ideas and questions about content and the Buffer blog. Since we default to transparency with our culture, we thought making this public could be useful for others too. Quick summary In August we published 18 posts on the blog, 6 of which were guest posts. After July’s 59% increase in traffic, August blew that away with a 118% increase. Our top post for the month hit

OpenAug 28, 2013
Buffer Happiness Report: July 2013

Here at Buffer, we strive to track our progress toward our vision of setting the bar for great customer support. And, since we probably have a lot of the same goals and challenges as other customer-facing teams out there, we’d love to share how we’re doing each month and what we’re trying next. It would be awesome to hear from you, too. How Support Works at Buffer Our current set-up includes three members of the Happiness team, some help from the rest of the Buffer team and the following tools,

OpenAug 12, 2013
Belle Beth Cooper is part of the Buffer Team

Today we welcome Belle Beth Cooper to the Buffer team. I just hit sent on an email to let the whole team know that Belle has accepted our offer and is now on board full-time at Buffer. Belle had recently crossed her 45 day mark in the intro period.* Belle is joining the Buffer team from Melbourne, Australia. Belle will continue to write amazingly awesome blog posts as she has so far (this one got 41,000+ likes [

OpenAug 12, 2013
How Our Traffic Grew by 59% in 1 month: The July Stats From the Buffer blog

The below was originally an email that was sent out to the whole Buffer team So, powered by one of our 9 Buffer values – “Default to transparency”, we wanted to do the same here and be 100% transparent about our blog traffic in July Quick summary In July we published 16 posts on the blog, 4 of which were guest posts. Our blog traffic jumped by 59% from June, and our top post hit almost 30,000 unique views

OpenMay 23, 2013
The slide deck we used to raise half a million dollars

This article appeared in full form on OnStartups and you can read the post “The Pitch Deck We Used To Raise $500,000 For Our Startup ” there. When Joel and I first arrived in San Francisco around 2 years ago, we had absolutely no idea about fundraising. Even the term “pitch deck” was something copmletely new to us. One lessons, that we quickly learned, however, was that it’s a big no-no to

OpenApr 11, 2013
Growing the C-Suite – On leadership and titles in Startups

Today is an exciting day at Buffer. We’re now a team of 11 people working full-time on the product, and we are preparing to grow the team towards 15 people fairly rapidly (our first step is to find someone to write great content for our main blog ). With this growth, my co-founder Leo and I started to think about some changes to our leadership structure which would help us to be best placed to both move faster day-to-day and