3 Awesome New Ways to Share All Day Long With a Full Buffer

Nov 6, 2012 4 min readBuffer News

Every week, over 1 million posts are shared via Buffer. It’s an amount that always blows my mind. At the start of Buffer, it took 6 months to send 100,000 updates. Now there are more than 140,000 posts every single day.

With so many updates being sent through Buffer every day, it can still be difficult to keep your Buffer full, day in day out. So, to make your life easier, we’ve started to get Buffer into various news reading apps you and lots of others have asked for.

Today, I’m super excited to share the insights about 3 brand new integrations to help with your quest of a full Buffer. Let’s jump right in:

1. Trapit – discover great content in a brand new way on your iPad

One of my favorite new apps is undoubtedly Trapit. Let’s start first with what Trapit isn’t: a news reader. Instead, Trapit is completely new way to discover content about topics you are interested in. Content, that you have never even seen or heard about before about your favorite topics.

First you select a list of great topics which will turn into “Traps”. In my case for example, I’ve selected “Startups”, “Blogging”, “Meditation” and “Social Media”. Trapit will then suggest content for you based on these topics. And it’s not the usual stuff you’ve read over and over again in your Twitter and Facebook stream already.

Trapit also comes with a gorgeous Buffer integration. Any article you are browsing in Trapit, just hit the Buffer button and add it to your queue. It makes keeping a full Buffer with awesome content easier than ever before:

2. Feeddler – Awesome RSS reading for your iPad and iPhone

In case you already have a great list of top-notch content you are subscribed to via RSS – fear not, we’ve got a great way for you to stay on top of them. Whilst we talked about Reeder before, today another awesome RSS reader enters the game.

Feeddler gives you an awesome and compact way to read news on your iPad or iPhone without feature overkill. Here is how it looks like when browsing on Feeddler:

Of course, at the same time, Feeddler also comes with an awesome new Buffer integration. The integration happens via a brand new iOS sheet, that is now available to all developers. It gives you an effortless way to integrate Buffer and at the same time keep a super slick interface:

3. AppnetRhino – Buffer your App.net posts and cross post to anywhere on your social accounts

Update: AppnetRhino doesn’t appear to be around any longer ?

There is a brand new social network on the block. It’s called App.net and it’s awesome. Within months of its launch the platform has grown dramatically and also built out an amazing app ecosystem around app.net.

One of the best things that has come of it are awesome iPhone and iPad clients, one of them being a cool new app called Rhino. It gives you a super fast and gorgeous interface to follow your App.net posts, is completely free and comes with lots more details:

As you can already Buffer your App.net posts, Rhino now also features a brand new integration with Buffer. You can easily share all your reposts via Buffer and add them to your queue here:

Of course, any new post you write and want to cross-post to other social networks is also made super easy with the new Rhino – Buffer combination. Take a look here:

With 3 brand new integrations out, there is obviously only one next step to make happen – more awesome integrations. We’ve got a lot more great things lined up for you over the coming weeks. And of course, most importantly would be to learn from you: Which apps do you love and would like to play nicely with Buffer?

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