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Welcome to the New Buffer Blog

Jun 25, 2012 1 min readBuffer News
Brush in can of paint

Here at Buffer we’ve always been very proud of our blog and that has been mainly down to you guys. It has served us well for more than a year and over that time we’ve had many guest authors, over 200 posts as well as thousands of likes and comments from the incredible community that has formed. The blog definitely wouldn’t be where it is today without your discussion and insights!

But, as with all good things there comes a time for a bit of a change and we’re excited to unveil a fresh look and a new direction for the blog going forward!

Why the Change?

Glad you asked! Many moons ago Buffer was born as a tool for scheduling tweets, nothing more, nothing less. The Buffer blog has been known as the “Twitter tips blog” ever since, but as Buffer has grown and branched out into the sharing platform it is today we were starting to feel a little constrained by this title – really we want to be able to blog about lots of great things, including but definitely not limited to Twitter…

As the Buffer team has grown from just Joel and Leo to six people today we want to make sure that everyone on the team feels comfortable to join in and write a post whenever they like. This also means including more of the range of topics that our team is passionate about.

So, What’s Next?

Apart from the snazzy green, what’s changed? You’ll start to see posts from different members of the Buffer team with more personal insight and on a much broader range of topics! We’ll be sharing thoughts on personal productivity, life hacks, customer happiness, business and much much more.

Photo credit: Jennifer L

We would love to hear what you think of the new look and can’t wait to get to work on some amazing posts. Let us know any thoughts in the comments!

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