Buffer News - Page 3
A collection of posts on Buffer News

Managing a social media strategy is consistently challenging for individuals and businesses of all sizes. There’s the art of uncovering when to post your content. Continually measuring your ROI and social analytics. And, of course, the constant demand for fresh, engaging content to be shared. Added to that, each major social network has continued to diverge both in how they are set up and what your audiences expect on each one. Each different platform also has its own set of character limits,

Having a team of people helping with your social media strategy can be a crucial asset in achieving your social media goals. Not only can it help you tap into multiple points of view and perspectives to bring a fresh take to your social media content – having a team of people contributing content to your social accounts can help you save a ton of time with content curation. Oh, and having a second set of eyes for proofreading always help too ? So how do you go about working with a team to exec

Instagram has fast become one of the largest, most lucrative social networks: 400 million people use the app every day, more than 15 million businesses use Instagram and Instagram’s users spend more in purchases than any other major social network. That’s a huge audience and a huge opportunity! We’re thrilled at the chance to help you succeed there. There are many different tactics and strategies for finding success on Instagram—timing, consistency, hashtags, links, and more. Being able to ac

It’s been an exciting month at Buffer – Tons of fun social media initiatives, experiments, and thinking ahead on innovative ideas to continue to grow on all of our channels. Ideas like: * How can we best market our new Buffer CultureLab podcast? * What does our audience enjoy on Snapchat ? How can we grow and stand out? *

It is our greatest marketing asset. And we just keep changing it. Kevan Lee, October 2015 And now things have changed again. We’ve flipped the switch, and our new design is here. From where it started with Leo over five years ago to where it stands today, the Buffer Social blog has evolved a great deal over the years, and we’re extremely grateful to have built up a great reputation and sizeable audience along the way. The Buffer Social blog now attracts over 850,000 readers and averages ove
Our community has always been great at driving us forward, suggesting new tools , helping us better understand the challenges and workflows of a daily social media user . Listening to our community is perhaps our best source of information and ideas, so when you asked for the ability to add feeds within Bu

Editor’s Note: Reply was sunset in May 2020, read more about the decision here. As social media has evolved, our use of social networks has changed: We’ve found new ways to use Twitter, Facebook, and more to share, to communicate, to talk about our favorite things. We engage more than ever with brands and businesses – brands and business like you and yours! At Buffer, we’ve been fortunate to have a front row seat to watch this evolution of social media for businesses, as it’s expanded f

How much time do you spend creating a social media image? Two minutes? Twenty minutes? An hour or more? I’ve done it all! I’ve been down those rabbit holes when you suddenly realize that you’ve been searching for the perfect picture or agonizing over the best font for forty-five minutes (yikes!). We know that social images are important but they can also be really time consuming. That’s why we created Pablo [h
Editor’s Note: This is an older post, check out our new social media calendar here. Imagine you could plan and manage your social media updates the same way you do your Google or Outlook calendars. We wanted to bring the ease of scheduling events on your calendar right into your Buffer account. Sharing with Buffer will never be the same! Introducing the Social Media Calendar for fully managing all your social accounts, at-a-glance! With the social media calendar, you can plan ahead,

Since we launched our Pablo image creation product in the spring, Pablo designers have created more than 500,000 images! And we’ve been excited to work toward making Pablo even more useful. Today we’re thrilled to announce Pablo 2.0 , the simplest way to create beautiful images that fit every social network perfectly. We’ve expanded Pablo’s function
We’ve been studying and learning the best ways to reach a social media audience on mobile—where 60 percent of social media time is spent! How does one go about implementing mobile into a social media marketing plan? To really get to know the best strategies and workflows on mobile, we asked. A half dozen Buffer for iOS users were so kind to share how they go about mobile social media, using Buffer’s app for iPhone and iPad (newly updated to version 5.0!). We’d love for you to have a look at t
Social media evolves every day. We’re constantly learning more about how to connect better, empathize more deeply and create more lasting relationships. At Buffer, we’re so grateful to be part of social media’s rapid evolution, and we’re so inspired by all the tactics and strategies we hear from you, our audience, on your social media journey. As a result, we’re able to grow Buffer’s product and make it even more useful for you. Here are 10 new elements you can find in your Buffer account rig

Social media has entered the video era. In 2015 we’ve seen the addition of video on Twitter and a giant push by Facebook to make video a major component of the News Feed . Check out some staggering social media video stats: * The number of videos in Facebook feeds has grown by 360% [http://media.fb.com/2015/01/07/what

Imagine having a quick and simple way to instantly increase the engagement on your social media posts. We’ve found that oftentimes images are the hook that draws more clicks, shares, and favorites on social media. And a number of marketing studies report the same: * Blog posts with images receive 94% more views than those without images * Having at least one image in a post leads to more than double the shares on Facebook and Twitter * Using an image on Twitter increases retweets by 28% and

We’ve been having a lot of fun hearing some of the amazing feedback on how many of you are using Buffer. One of the key areas that we heard about where we felt we could improve was our social media analytics area. We then reflected and brainstormed with many customers about how we could make analytics better. Today, I’m really excited to unveil one of a series of planned analytics improvements for paying Awesome [http://bufferapp.com/awesome?utm_source=socialblog&utm_medium=launchpost&utm_
Your sharing schedule is as unique as you. Content finds you when you’re sitting down to work, when you’re flipping through your phone, and when you’re kicked back on the couch. Inspiration comes, regardless of the device you’re holding. How great would it be to schedule and share whenever these moments arrive? We’d love to do our part to help make sharing to social media even easier, from wherever you are. We’re excited to deliver even more of our simple-to-use Buffer app that fits the way yo

Social media managers work pretty darn hard. You’re keeping up with all the latest changes to Facebook and Twitter (and LinkedIn and Pinterest and Instagram). You’re checking out emerging new platforms. You’re posting links, answering questions, and engaging communities all over the place. And when you’re doing all this with an ever-growing list of social media accounts, things can get kinda crazy. We wondered if we could make things a little easier for all you hard-working, multi-tasking soc
Important update: We’re retiring the Daily app and Suggestions feature – beginning August 1, we’ll start turning off Suggestions in phases. Read more… Buffer’s mission has always been to do one thing really well: make it super easy to share great content. We think our web app and mobile app make it pretty easy to share, so what about the second part of our mission? How can you stock up on great articles and photos to share? Finding great content—the kind that moves you, makes you think, or st
Social media sharing doesn’t just happen at a desk. It happens in the car, on the train, during a holiday – anywhere and everywhere. At Buffer, our goal is to provide you with the easiest possible way to share to your social accounts – even on-the-go. That’s why today we’re ecstatic to show you a project that’s been five months in the making here at Buffer: the completely redesigned Buffer app for iOS 7. Complete details on all the app’s upgrades are below – or if you just can’t wait, download
We recently launched Buffer for Business and have been really excited to see how people are using it to manage social media for their businesses. Our aim is to make it the most robust tool for managing social media, while maintaining its simplicity. Today we have some great additional features to announce as part of our social media management for business plan. Google Analytics integration First up, we’re excited to offer Go
Today we’re thrilled to tell you about the next big thing we’ve been working on here at Buffer: Buffer for Business. It’s a brand new Buffer product, geared towards small, medium and larger businesses to make social media publishing a whole lot easier! It comes with the same, simple and intuitive Buffer user interface, that so many of you have come to enjoy. On top of that, we’ve also added considerable power for you to help your social media management take off. Here is a quick overview of w
You may have heard about the recent security breach that affected many Buffer users. This is something we would have hoped to never face in our lives. And yet, through the experience of the hack, we’ve had a unique opportunity to learn about security and safety on a level that we would have likely never explored before. On top of that, we were incredibly amazed by how supportive our customers (you!) were through the whole process of recovery. With all that trust given to us, despite the big m
As the Buffer team grows we’ve been able to make some awesome adjustments to our mobile apps, including some great new features. In case you missed some of the recent additions, I’ve collected a run-down for you of how they work in our Android and iPhone apps. We’ve also included a few features that are easy to miss and might be a good bonus, which should make your Buffering much easier. Look f
When Joel started Buffer , its aim was to help you schedule Twitter updates for smarter sharing. It’s come a long way since then, and now we have lots of features to help you improve your social media presence across a whole bunch of networks. To help you get the most out of Buffer, we collected 10 of the most useful features together into this post. 1. Using Feedly and Buffer [https://buffer.com/resources/feedly