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Buffer Reply’s 2017 Roadmap, Plus Facebook Comments are Here!

Jan 13, 2017 3 min readReports

Buffer Reply Report

December 2016



Paying customers

87 (+8%)

Bugs fixed


As 2016 comes to a close, it’s a great time for us at Buffer Reply to look back on the past 12 months and reflect on what we’ve accomplished as both a new team and a new product within Buffer. And of course, to begin thinking about our plans for what we want to achieve in 2017.

Buffer Reply in 2016 and our long-term plan for the year ahead

Our goal with Buffer Reply has always been to help companies get closer to their customers and build lasting relationships. And in 2016, Buffer Reply helped companies engage with over 2.5 million customers!

From re-launching a product we acquired in 2015 to rapidly learning from customers and then launching again with Buffer Reply 2 – it was a jam-packed year full of exciting milestones. Here are a few:

  • We kicked off our Customer Support Academy.
  • We launched Buffer Reply 2, providing an improved and refined experience for customers.
  • We added support for Facebook, helping Buffer Reply become a more complete social customer care platform.
  • We shared our transparent product roadmap to be more open and inclusive with our customers about our plans for Buffer Reply.

As our team looks to 2017, we’re excited to help teams can do great work, effortlessly. To do that, we’ll break down customer information silos (between multiple tools like Stripe, HelpScout, internal dashboards to get the full picture), bring customer data together and support more communication channels.

Facebook comments have arrived

While we’ve had robust support for Twitter, we’ve set our sights on expanding upon that and becoming a more complete social customer care platform.

With the increasing fragmentation of communication channels, it’s important that companies have the tools they need to support their growing customer base — no matter where they engage.

In December, we continued to improve our Facebook integration, and with our latest update we now support Facebook comments too.

Companies using Buffer Reply can now support their customers across Twitter and Facebook both publicly (though tweets and comments) and privately (though DMs and private messages).

Here’s to even more channels like Instagram planned for 2017 ?.

New updates: Copy link to tweets, follow from within Buffer Reply

In December, we wrapped up a number of small improvements for customers. Most notably:

Copying a direct link to Tweets (great for sharing on Slack, etc):


And directly following Twitter users right from within Buffer Reply:


A huge thanks to our incredible customers

2016 was an incredible ride for the Buffer Reply team. We’ve learned a ton through building, shipping and supporting a product that is critical for our customers and their businesses. Every day our team comes to the virtual office, from three different continents, to deliver the best experience we can.

We wouldn’t exist or be here without our wonderful customers. We’re so thankful for your support. It allows us to continue our mission and do what we love every day ?

The Buffer Reply team:


Over to you!

Is there anything you’d love to learn more about? Anything we could share more of? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!

Check out more reports from December 2016:

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