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Resources - Page 19

A collection of posts on Resources

ResourcesSep 8, 2016
How to Curate Content: The Secret Sauce to Getting Noticed, Becoming an Influencer, and Having Fun Online

How great is the Internet! One of the most impactful, viral, influential services you can perform online is to read stuff and tell people what you like. It’s true! If you’re looking for a competitive edge, a way to establish your authority, a way to get more followers, one of the best, proven paths to online success is content curation. It’s both as simple and as difficult as finding great content and sharing it with your audience. The difficult part is that there is a lot that goes into a wo

ResourcesSep 6, 2016
Instagram Zoom: How to Get the Most From Instagram’s New Feature (Plus Inspiration From 10 Awesome Brands)

Over the past six months, Instagram has released some exciting updates, from a new logo to longer videos and even a new way to share everyday moments with Instagram Stories . Recently, Instagram announced another interesting (and long-awaited) feature: the ability to zoom in on photos and videos. Instagram users can now pinch photos and videos to zoom in and take a closer look. This

ResourcesSep 1, 2016
Getting to Inbox Zero: A Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, we discussed tips for getting to inbox zero with our guest, Scott Greenstone ! Our community talked about what “inbox zero” meant to them, shared advice for email productivity, and much more. Read on to find out all of the great tips and tricks that were shared during the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday

ResourcesAug 31, 2016
The Top Marketer’s Guide to the 30 Best Books for Business, Marketing, and Social Media

Most everything I’ve learned (and continue to learn) about marketing and the web has come via the inspiration and example of others—reading amazing blogs, learning from great content, and diving deep into favorite books. I’d love to share, in particular, the books that have been most influential to me and other digital marketers. I’ve put together a list of 30+ that include some of my personal favorites, some favorites from my Buffer teammates, and some favorites from a handful of the best mar

ResourcesAug 25, 2016
11 Simple Design Tips to Enhance Your Social Media Images

Humans are, by nature, very visual beings. In the brain itself, there are hundreds of millions of neurons devoted to visual processing, nearly 30 percent of the entire cortex , as compared with 8 percent for touch and just 3 percent for hearing. Each of the two optic nerves, which carry signals from the retina to the brain, consists of a million fibers, compared to the auditory nerve carrying a mere 30,000. That’s all to say that soci

ResourcesAug 25, 2016
Improving Teamwork: A Bufferchat Recap

This week in #bufferchat, we talked about ways to improve teamwork, strategies for keeping teams on track, how to find your role on a team, and much more! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and networking with nearly 400 other smart marketers and community managers. Same topic, same place, just at different times – feel free to join whichever

ResourcesAug 24, 2016
There’s No Perfect Headline: Why We Need to Write Multiple Headlines for Every Article

Most people don’t read content online. In fact, eight out of ten people will only read the headline . For content writers, that fact is alarming. But it also places extra importance on the headlines we choose for our content, as headlines have the power to influence readers even if they don’t read any more of the article. I don’t believe the perfect headline exists,

ResourcesAug 18, 2016
Becoming a Thought Leader: A Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, we discussed what it means to become a thought leader with our guest, Emad Rahim ! We talked about our definitions of thought leadership, when and how we consider someone to be a thought leader, and much more. Explore the recap below for lots of wonderful insights from the chat! Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesda

ResourcesAug 18, 2016
Event Marketing 101: How to Keep Attendees Engaged Before, During and After Your Event

Taking an event from idea to sell-out is no easy feat. And half the battle of organizing an event is marketing it. When it comes to the marketing channels that drive attendance, hype, and engagement, social media is right near the top. Best of all, social media event marketing isn’t as time-consuming as you may think. You can do it! One of the greatest feelings in the world is walking into one of your own

ResourcesAug 17, 2016
How I Grew My Traffic By Almost 50% in Just 30 Days Using Twitter

One of the great joys of working with my marketing clients has been helping them grow their Twitter followers and implement consistent tweet schedules . Meanwhile, my own account has collected dust with a lame, month-old tweet sitting at the top. Until recently. I first joined Twitter over seven

ResourcesAug 16, 2016
Why We’re Taking a Break from Snapchat

1/6/2016: We’re excited to share an update to this article about our Snapchat strategy here at Buffer. All of the details are below. In short, we’ve felt encouraged to see the strides Snapchat has made with diversity and inclusivity initiatives, and we’re eager to return to the network! How we came to the decision to rejoin Snapchat In August of last year, we chose to take a break from Snapchat (details in the full article below). Over the course of the last few months we’ve kept up with the t

ResourcesAug 12, 2016
How This Agency Onboards New Teammates, Collaborates on Content, and Gets Results for Its Clients

One of the keys to moving fast and being successful as a social media team is to have everyone on the same page, using the same voice, and sharing in the same style. But is it really possible to share a brain with a team of fellow marketers? The good news is, yes, it’s possible. And the even better news is, you betcha, it can be done a lot faster than you might think. The team at Torchbox is a prime example. They

ResourcesAug 12, 2016
Working Smarter, Not Harder: A Bufferchat Recap

This week in #bufferchat, we all talked about working smarter and not harder! We discussed what “work smarter, not harder” means to us, how we manage our energy and be productive, our favourite ways of taking breaks and making time for ourselves and much more. Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and networking with nearly 400 other smart marke

ResourcesAug 10, 2016
Point of View Marketing: How Taking a Stand Wins Raving Fans

It’s hard to believe that this used to be a totally acceptable way to advertise a product in America: Thankfully, our world has taken quite a few steps forward since this ad of the 1950s. Today, the marketing that wins hearts and minds is likely to look more like this: Even as “masculine” a pursuit as beer-drinking is getting in on the act, with Budweiser going from an ad like this in the 1980s: …to an equal pay ad in 2016. Beer ads that support equal pay? Feminine hygiene brands redefining

ResourcesAug 10, 2016
The Psychology of Social Media: Why We Like, Comment, and Share Online

What would happen if you were to “like” everything you saw on social media? The developer Rameet Chawla found out when he built a script that liked every photo that passed through his Instagram feed. * He grew his followers by about 30 a day * He got invited to more parties * He got stopped on the street by people who recognized him from Instagram * He got message after message from friends encouraging him to post more. He said it was “almost like they were frustrated, like they were longi

ResourcesAug 9, 2016
The Complete, Always-Updated Guide to Facebook Advertising

Social media has been found to be the most effective digital advertising channel for getting more impressions, clicks, and conversions. Facebook in particular stands out — in some cases, 7x cheaper than the next most affordable social media ads channel (Twitter). You can spend as little as $5 per day on Facebook advertising [

ResourcesAug 5, 2016
Creating Brand Awareness: A Bufferchat Recap

This week in #bufferchat, we all talked about creating brand awareness! We discussed the components of a memorable brand, ways to build and measure brand awareness, how to involve the community to share about a brand and much more. Catch our weekly Twitter chat , #bufferchat, at TWO times every Wednesday for valuable industry insights and networking with nearly 400 other smart marketers and community managers.

ResourcesAug 2, 2016
Instagram Stories: The Complete Guide to Using Stories

Instagram Stories is a feature that lets users post photos and videos that vanish after 24 hours. The feature feels much like Snapchat Stories, a Snapchat feature that was introduced in 2013 and a pivotal part of the company’s growth. And like Snapchat, the photos and videos shared in your Instagram Story are ephemeral and can’t be viewed once 24 hours have elapsed. Content shared to stories also won’t appear on your profile grid or in the main Insta

ResourcesAug 2, 2016
9 Unique Ways to Explain Social Media Marketing to Pretty Much Anyone (Even Your Boss)

Quick quiz for social media marketers: Raise your hand if you’ve ever been asked, “So, you get paid to go on Facebook?” Probably quite a few of us, right? People get social media. But it seems many are still bewildered by social media marketing. So how can you explain the value of what you do, to those who matter most to you? To be sure, social media marketing is an incredibly new (and ever-changing) industry, unlike finance, engineering, sales, law, medicine, and more established fields. Pl

ResourcesAug 1, 2016
How to Grow a Twitter Chat to Reach 1 Million People: Learnings From Two Years of #bufferchat

From productivity and social media strategy to self-care and reflecting — even gifs! — we’ve had a blast getting to join with our community every week for the past two years in #bufferchat. More than one hundred chats later, #bufferchat has turned two! ? What began as a curious community experiment has grown into a pillar of our community efforts. We are so grateful to have an amazing community who keeps coming back each week, offers a breadth of knowledge and drives us to be a better company

ResourcesJul 28, 2016
The Business of Blogging: A Bufferchat Recap

This week on #bufferchat, Val Geisler of ConvertKit stopped by to share her expertise and advice on the business of blogging! We discussed strategies for building an engaged readership , tips for creating a content plan , suggestions for multiple revenue streams, and much more! Catch our weekly Twitter chat [

ResourcesJul 27, 2016
Why Snapchat Memories Will Be Pivotal (And Why Marketers Are So Excited)

If you could travel back in time to when Facebook or Instagram first started grabbing mainstream attention, knowing what you do now about the opportunity they hold for brands, you’d jump aboard, right? Well, that opportunity is now on Snapchat. Snapchat, a platform built on short ephemeral messages, seems destined to become a long-lasting social media powerhouse. This future seems all the more realistic with the addition of Snapchat Memories — a way to share photos and videos captured outsid

ResourcesJul 26, 2016
Take Back Your Time With These 10 Ready-Made Spreadsheet Templates (And Our Top Tips and Time-Savers)

One of our cultural values at Buffer , is to live smarter, not harder. We like to think this extends into our workflows as well. This is why marketing spreadsheets have been such a boon for us, helping us to track important social media metrics , see our blog growth , and get more work don

ResourcesJul 21, 2016
7 Types Of Awesome Social Media Content Your Brand Can Be Creating Right Now

Have you ever wondered why people love eating at buffets? It’s not because all-you-can-eat options are better for your wallet; in fact, economists have proved ordering traditional dishes is actually cheaper . Humans crave variety. With a buffet ticket, you can try the dumplings, the salad, the spare ribs, brussels sprouts, and the pasta—and that variety makes you feel good [https://