Leo Widrich
A collection of 186 posts by Leo Widrich - Page 6
Here is just a quick update for you on some of the latest changes we have made to Buffer to make your life easier. For a long time we have automatically shortened links when sharing from all of our browser extensions, as of today we have took shortening even further and links will now be shortened as you type in both the dashboard and browser extensions! Of course, sometimes you don’t want links shortened – in this case just hit the toggle switch next to the post but
Yes, it is finally here! The long awaited Buffer iPhone App is in the App store with the latest update as of this week. It has certainly been the most awaited feature and there wasn’t one day, someone nudged us on Twitter or via email. And that’s awesome. Having you and others on board, who tell us what they would like to see next is what keeps us going. With Buffer , we aim to give you a new and smarter way
One of the things I love about being on Twitter is the fact that it is the most open platform I know. You can quickly ask anything to all your followers and in most cases get a reply faster than googling. Twitter has developed its own hashtag, similar to a code for answering these questions. The hashtag used for whenever people ask general questions they need help with is #lazyweb. I am sure you have come across it before. An example I have used myself a lot in the past is to ask for tools of
Getting the timing of your posts on Facebook, Twitter and your blog right, isn’t always easy I found. Fortunately, Dan Zarrella, Social Media Scientist has now done a great comparison of the four key things to get right in Social Media: When should you post to Twitter, Facebook, on your blog and send emails? He dug deep into the numbers to find out, when it is most favorable to post on each of them. Whilst we recently wrote about a great way to find your best times to Tweet, Dan also looks at
Whilst in the past week, I wanted to focus on tips to help you get the most out of Twitter and using Facebook, there is something quite different about today’s post. How does predicting the future with the likes of Twitter and Facebook sound for you? Personally, I think this is really fascinating. At over 250 million Tweets sent every day, there is a hell of a lot of information out there. A few smart people have said, that analyzing all these messages can give a significant insight over what
There were two very interesting events happening today. First, Mari Smith posted an update, where she mentioned this : The News Feed is *clearly* favoring posts and activity from friends and subscriptions (vs. fan pages) — it’s becoming increasingly difficult to get fan page content seen in the News Feed. A few hours later, Pat Flynn posted something very simil
So when it comes to Twitter, I recently read a fantastic post from Lance Ulanoff, editor of Mashable about the topic. In his post he head one resolution that went like this: I want to double my Twitter audience in 2012 He said that he didn’t quite know how to achieve this. Yet having a larger audience that is interested in what he is doing, would be very interesting to him. Heck yes I thought, that’s a wonderful goal to have. We aren’t talking about mindlessly increasing a number here. Much
This is a guest post by James Mignano . More about him at the bottom of this post. Of all forms of social media, blogging is definitely my favorite. It gives people the chance to really show off what they know in an easily readable and shareable form. The key to maintaining a blog, though, is engaging an audience. If nobody reads what I’m writing, my blog becomes nothing but a personal diary… except without the need for a good hiding spot. I’ll eve
Ever wondered what your truly best times to Tweet are? Knowing when you can reach most of your friends and followers can have a huge impact. We found that it can increase the number of clicks by 200%, double your retweets and considerably increase your Klout score. So, over the past few weeks, we over here at Buffer sat down with the team from SocialBro and brainstormed a solution for you. SocialBro is a wonderful Social Media dashboard that gives you a huge amount of information about your Tw
Update: There were 2 amazing posts on GigaOM and TechCrunch featuring our story, check it out. Today is an amazing day. We are happily announcing the closing of our seed funding round of Buffer. We set out with the vision to make sharing content on Social Media a lot smarter and more efficient. And we were fortunate enough to have 19 awesome investors and advisors who shared this vision with us and came on board. Instead of the usual funding announcement, I wanted to to give you a complete ins
Twitter was most recently crowned “the most buzzing network of 2011” . And I think rightly so. Most of Twitter’s recent changes are amazing I believe and make it my personal top Social Network to use. Yet, Twitter is still quite small compared to Facebook. Whilst everyone already has Facebook, the question of “should I use Twitter?” is often hard to answer. Personally, I would go with this
When we launched our button last week with 15 amazing partners , we added a bunch more blogs that you can all Buffer from now. In fact, there are close to 800 blogs out there with the new Buffer button . And we are adding a ton more every day. Since then, we had some of the most awesome bloggers out there put the Buffer button on. If you aren’t using Buffe
Yes, there is an incredible amount of tools out there that help you understand more about how well your website performs, where your users come from and more. One thing I realised though is that they are also very complicated to use. The Google Analytics of the web are powerful, but it might not be always what is right for the job. In the past few weeks, I found myself using a few tools that are taking a rather different approach. They aim to educate you about your blog or website without dumpi
Here is just a quick update of another integration that has gone live recently with Buffer. Edocr , a great app that helps you upload documents and allows you to share them publicly with anyone, just like Slideshare does with slideshows, now has a Buffer button. When you first sign up and wish to add all your new document uploads right into your Buffer account, simply head to your My Account page. From there, on the right hand side, you will see the Buffer icon. Simply click i
Have you ever wanted to browse your Twitter stream and filter the best Tweets to be scheduled and retweeted later on? For long, this was one of those things that I always wanted to do. Whilst it is very easy to do this if you are using Twitter.com, it is a lot harder to schedule any retweets from our great dashboards at TweetDeck, HootSuite, Twitter for Mac or any other client you might be using. Fortunately, there is an awesome way for you to do exactly this: schedule retweets from any Twitte
Things are moving very fast here at Buffer and we are excited to roll out the next big thing for you. A few weeks back we launched the Buffer button in a beta version. With the Buffer Button, you can add any article straight to your Buffer, for it to be Tweeted or posted to Facebook at a better time, well spaced out over the day. As we have shown to increase clicks on Tweets by 200%, I believe this should be a major benefit for any blogger too of course. With over 300 blogs using the button al
Yes, there are that many reasons your next job should be found through Social Media. In fact, this is the number of people that have used either Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook for finding a job this year in America alone. Personally, I think that this is a mindblowing number. It’s also interesting that LinkedIn comes in 2nd after Facebook on top and Twitter third for getting you a job. Here is the breakdown in numbers: * 18,400,000 people found a job through Facebook * 8,000,000 people found
Last night, we had another one of our weekly Buffer meetups here in San Francisco. Klaus (@cavemanklaus), one of our awesome Buffer friends asked us a question that I originally thought might be much easier to answer: What is the best way to retweet someone? Klaus mentioned he sees a ton of different ways people are doing retweets these days. What is the best way to go about it? What are the advantages of doing a Twitter native retweet? What are the disadvantages of doing an “RT” retweet? Whi
We are thrilled to announce our latest partnership with ifttt today. Although TechCrunch beat us to the punch , I wanted to walk you through the features of the amazing new feature for you here. What is ifttt (If this then that)? Ifttt (If this then that) is a fantastic new way to connect any two web services together. Say, if there is a new photo tak
This is a guestpost and in fact incredible story from Eddy Weiss, CEO at Chasing4Life. When Eddy approached me and told me how Buffer has helped him, I was blown away. Here is his story, it is amazing: It was a scary night and the sounds of sirens kept you and your family awake. Luckily, your home sustained minimal damage, but upon arriving at the office, you realize that the problem there is much larger. Trees are down, power lines are down, and it appears that a portion of the office building
This is a guestpost by Mandy Kilinskis (@ImAmandaJulius) from Quality Logo Products, more about Mandy at the bottom of the post. One of the earliest Twitter lessons for me was this: Twitter is a two way street. Even though it’s a great resource for spreading opinions, blog posts, and other content, you also need to know when to take a step back and just listen. What’s going on in your industry? What’s the latest innovation in social media? What does your audience want to know? Once you take t
This is one of the those posts I have been looking forward to sharing with you for a long time. Mashable, amongst all top tech news site, sets itself miles apart. And the reason for this is their amazing understanding of growing and nurturing a community I believe. If you look at how Pete Cashmore has handled things, it is just amazing how every step he took is to first and foremost benefit the community. The most exciting part is that despite its skyrocketing growth, this community driven focu
Yes, I admit it. For a long time, I couldn’t imagine the thought of meeting someone that I only met online. However I believe that things have changed considerably over last few years and it has actually become one of the most natural things for me to do. With last weeks BlogWorld expo happening and also our weekly Buffer meetup here in San Francisco, I found that meeting people offline can have a lot of benefits to you. So here are 6 reasons why it
This is a guestpost by Mariana Ashley, writing about online colleges. More about her at the bottom of the post. Sure, like me and many others, you might use Twitter for personal pleasure, keeping up with friends and the latest happenings in the world at large. Or perhaps you use Twitter for marketing purposes or some other professional pursuit. But how often is it that Twitter has substantively changed someone’s life? Apparently, more often than you would think, as the new Twitter Stories site