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Ash Read

A collection of posts by Ash Read


A collection of 112 posts by Ash Read - Page 2

To Give Your Marketing Meaning, Start With Your Mission

The greatest marketing campaigns are the ones that connect with us, inspire action and leave a lasting impact. Think Casey Neistat’s ‘Make It Count ‘ collaboration with Nike, Airbnb’s ‘Belong Anywhere ‘ or Patagonia’s ‘ Fighting for Public Lands ‘. Very few businesses ever achieve anything that connects with their audience like these campaigns. In fact,

FacebookAug 9, 2018
Why the News Feed is Becoming Less Important for Facebook Pages

Facebook has made some big changes to business Page s in order to better support small and local businesses. Over 80 million businesses use Facebook Pages, with more than 1.6 billion people around the world are connected to them. And each week, two out of three people on Facebook visit a local business Page or an Event P

News and TrendsJun 21, 2018
With IGTV, Instagram is Becoming Television for the Mobile Generation

Too busy to read? Just click the play button below to listen to Hailley and Brian discuss the Instagram algorithm on our podcast. How to listen: iTunes | Google Play | SoundCloud [

How Facebook Marketing is Changing (And How to Be Prepared)

Too busy to read? Just click the play button below to listen to this post. Facebook, as a platform, is barely recognizable from the social network that launched to connect Harvard University students in February 2004. And looking ahead, the Facebook of five years from now is highly unlikely to resemble the product that 2.2 billion people use every month right now. That’s no bad thing. If Facebook is to thrive over the next 5, 10, 15+ years, it’ll need to evolve. Here’s where we think it’s

News and TrendsMay 18, 2018
How to Share Posts From the Instagram Feed to Stories

Instagram has released a new way for users to easily share feed posts to stories. More than 300 million users now use Instagram stories daily and this update will enable them to share any post from their Instagram feed directly to stories. In the feature’s launch blog post Instagram explained : When you come across something in feed that inspires you — like a post from

AdvertisingMay 9, 2018
How the Miami Dolphins Generated $4 Million in Sales Using Facebook Video

Lead generation is an important task for any marketing department. And for most companies lead generation means focusing on creating lead capture forms and driving traffic back to those forms. But that’s not the only way to generate new leads for your business. Nowadays, social media content can play an integral role in lead generation for businesses of all sizes. But how does someone go from viewing a piece of content on Facebook to making a purchase? Look no further than the NFL’s Miami

5 Important Announcements From F8 2018: A Focus on Smaller Communities And The Future of the News Feed

F8 is one of the most important conferences of the year for the social media world. And over the past couple of days, Facebook has announced a ton of huge updates for its suite of products including Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger, Oculus, and more. With so much going on, and so many updates and launches, it can be hard to keep up with. So with F8 2018 in the history books, we thought it’d be useful to recap some of the most important announcements Facebook made during its flagship co

News and TrendsApr 30, 2018
Facebook F8 2018: What Marketers Need to Know Ahead of Facebook’s Annual Conference

F8, Facebook’s annual developer conference, returns this week (May 1 and 2) in San Jose, CA at the McEnery Convention Center. F8 offers developers, marketers, and anyone with a keen interest in the future of social media, a glimpse into what’s ahead for Facebook in both the short and long-term. Last year, Facebook wowed onlookers with a range of eye-catching VR features, Messenger updates, and camera upgrades. So what’s ahead for this year’s conference? Recap: Check out our full F8 2017 rundo

Tips / How ToMar 19, 2018
How to Schedule Instagram Posts: The Complete Guide

As Instagram has grown it’s become an integral marketing channel for more than 5 million businesses worldwide 3Instagram business blog , September 2017. But as a busy social media manager, it can be difficult to find the time to consistently post to Instagram. This is where scheduling comes in. Learning how to schedule Instagram posts is one of the biggest time savers and productivity hacks for social media managers to

5 Facebook Advertising Tips to Help You Maximize Your Budget

If you want to be successful on Facebook, you’ll need more than just incredible content. In fact, Facebook marketing success is as much about distribution as it is content. Especially as organic reach in Facebook’s News Feed continues to decline for many Pages. So how do you get your Facebook content in front of more people? And not just any people, the right people — your target audience. In 2018, many businesses are turning to Facebook ads as a way to boost the performance of their content.

ResearchJan 18, 2018
The State of Social 2018 Report: Your Guide to Latest Social Media Marketing Research [New Data]

We’ve just launched out 2019 State of Social report: Check out the latest social media data, and learnings here. What’s in store for the social media industry in 2018? The way consumers use social media channels is constantly evolving and as marketers and entrepreneurs, we need to adapt to these changes. To better understand these changes, plus what’s ahead for 2018 and beyond we teamed up with Social Media Week to collect data from over 1,700 marketers and create the State of Social Media 20

Online MarketingDec 7, 2017
7 Tips for Building a Career in Marketing (Advice and Insights From Top Founders and Investors)

“How did you get into marketing?” At Buffer, members of our marketing team are often asked this question. And the truth is, the path looks different for each of us: * Alfred was in the army * Arielle was a health coach * Kevan, our Marketing Director, was a sports reporter But for those of you out there who want to start a career in marketing or maybe build from where you are in 2018, we’d love to help you figure out: * How can you transition from your current role into marketing? * Wha

Tips / How ToJun 29, 2017
The Complete Guide to Using Stock Photos in Your Marketing

When you hear the term ‘stock photo’, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? My hunch is it’s probably a photo of a group of friends awkwardly laughing, business people staring at charts on a wall, or something along those lines. Probably not the best connotations, right? Used correctly, though, free stock photos can really bring your ads, blog posts, and content to life. And at Buffer, we use stock photos daily. Here’s why: * Stock photos are cost effective (mostly free ?) * If you

Buffer NewsMay 18, 2017
How to Craft the Perfect Post on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

Managing a social media strategy is consistently challenging for individuals and businesses of all sizes. There’s the art of uncovering when to post your content. Continually measuring your ROI and social analytics. And, of course, the constant demand for fresh, engaging content to be shared. Added to that, each major social network has continued to diverge both in how they are set up and what your audiences expect on each one. Each different platform also has its own set of character limits,

OpenMay 16, 2017
How We Manage Our Editorial Schedule Remotely

It’s 10:00 a.m. here in England. Alfred and I have just finished our weekly content sync. Alfred is a content crafter here at Buffer and does an amazing job producing most of the content we post on our Social blog and I’m an editor focusing on our content strategy. We catch up for an hour every Tuesday to discuss the various pieces of content and projects we’re working on for Buffer’s Social blog. Alfred is based in Singapore, where it’s 6:00 p.m. for him when it’s 10:00 a.m. for me. He’s about

ResourcesApr 13, 2017
7 Secrets of Super-Successful Video Marketing

By now, it’s clear that video is an essential channel for marketers. But what makes a great video? And what keeps viewers engaged? Is it a good story? Or maybe it’s all about reaching the right audience at the right time. We teamed up with Wistia and sought to find out. We looked at some of our favorite examples of video marketing and uncovered some traits they have in common. Here are 7 secrets to creating successful video content. We hope these tips will help you as you plan and create your

The News Feed is Outdated: How Stories Changed the Way I Think About Social Media

Right now, the standards we expect on the web are being re-written for mobile. The rise of stories across Snapchat, Instagram, Whatsapp, Messenger and Facebook is the perfect example of this. The News Feed is outdated and stories are becoming the default for content consumption. Very few formats, features, apps, or services are truly unique. Facebook, for example, didn’t invent the vertical scrolling feed. For decades, way before Mark Zuckerburg even enrolled in Harvard, online content has b

News and TrendsMar 28, 2017
Facebook Stories: Everything You Need to Know About Facebook’s Latest Feature

Facebook Stories are short user-generated photo and video collections that can be viewed up to two times and disappear after 24 hours. The story format, originated and made famous by Snapchat , has been on Facebook’s radar for some time, with the Menlo Park-based company first testing a Snapchat Stories clone within Messenger in September 2016. Now, Facebook users can share s

Getting to Know the Ghost: The Complete Beginners Guide to Snapchat

This post has been refreshed for 2017. Snapchat is the latest platform taking the social media world by storm. Since its launch, in September 2011, Snapchat has shown incredible growth. The Venice, California-based company now boasts over 161 million daily active users and 10 billion video views , daily. And with consumer attention comes ad dollars, with many major brands turning to Snapchat as a

Tips / How ToFeb 9, 2017
Everything You Need to Know About Snapchat Geofilters (And How to Build Your Own)

Did you know you can now create your own Snapchat Geofilters? It’s only been a few months since Snapchat debuted this feature , and there are already some amazing results flowing in for businesses and brands of all sizes (we’ll share a few quick case studies in this post). Right now, Snapchat Geofilters can offer an enormous competitive advantage because 1) not a lot of brands are using them and 2) Snapchat users love to share f

Why There’s No Perfect Time to Post on Facebook

Finding the best time to post to Facebook can massively help your business stand out and reach more of your audience—even as Facebook organic reach continues to decline. But knowing the best times to post, can be a challenge and we’d love to help. In this guide, we’ll share exactly how you can find the best time to post content on your Facebook Page for maximum reach, exposure, and engagement. Ready to jump in? Is there a best time to post on Facebook? There probably isn’t a single best time

News and TrendsNov 21, 2016
Instagram Launches Live Video on Instagram Stories: Here’s All You Need to Know

Instagram has today released two major updates to their product: Instagram live video and disappearing photos and videos for groups and friends in Instagram Direct. Instagram Live lets you broadcast video to your followers in real-time as part of Instagram Stories — a feature that launched in August and is now used by 100 million people every day [

Where Social Media Is Headed in 2017: The Biggest Trends to Watch For

What does the future look like for social media? That’s a question we regularly discuss here at Buffer and one we’re not quite sure anyone has a concrete answer to. However, there are some clues out there as to what the future in 2017, and beyond, may look like. As part of our State of Social Media week, it feels like a great time to sit back and reflect on the social media landscape and what may be ahead. So let’s take a look at some of social media’s biggest platforms (Facebook, Instagram, S

ResearchNov 14, 2016
The Future of Social Media (And How to Prepare For It): The State of Social Media 2016 Report

Imagine being able to predict the next big thing on social media, knowing what social media will look like in 2017 and beyond and how will brands use social platforms to connect with their audience. As someone who works with social media every day, this information would be invaluable. At Buffer, we’re always eager to dig up new research into social media marketing — things like how marketers are using social media and what they’re excited about heading into 2017. To better understand how soc