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Social Media Marketing - Page 17

A collection of posts on Social Media Marketing

The Psychology of Change: How We React When Our Favorite Social Networks Shift

Instagram changed its logo on Wednesday, and as with almost any significant change to a popular social network, the internet was split. Some loved it. Others disliked it. And the memes started flowing . The Facebook-owned company moved on from its old-fashioned camera icon and embraced a new, minimalist design across its suite of products: Instagram,  Layout, Boomerang, and Hyperlapse. The design changes swept through

How to Create Engaging Images for Social Media: A Simple Guide For Non-Designers

A great social media marketer today and an awesome advertiser in the 1960s have much in common. David Ogilvy, the father of advertising, was famous for spending an inordinate amount of time on headlines. Why? Because that’s the line that people read the most, so it mattered a lot. Ogilvy was a master at stuff like this — prioritizing what was really important. If he lived through the age of social media, I’m fairly certain Ogilvy would say something like: On the average, many more people e

How to Get Your Ideas to Spread with Influencer Marketing

When 50 fashion influencers on Instagram posted a picture of themselves in the same Lord & Taylor dress, it sent out signals that this dress was a must have fashion piece. The following weekend the dress was completely sold out. This Lord & Taylor campaign is a perfect example of the power of influencer marketing. 65% of brands now run influencer campaigns and according to an infographic by The Shelf, 92% of consumers trust recommendations from other people—even if they don’t know them person

Solving the 10 Most Common Social Media Marketing Challenges

Today, there are 2.307 billion active social media users around the world. That’s nearly one-third of our planet’s total population of 7.125 billion! As social media marketing professionals, we’re lucky to reach even .000001% of that population with any one of our posts. This can feel a bit underwhelming for businesses and marketers looking to demonstrate the true value and ROI of social media. Everywhere we look it appears that brands and companies have it all figured out on social media. Wit

Millenial Marketing Superstar Everette Taylor’s Top Snapchat Tips

This interview is an excerpt from our Complete Guide to Snapchat, originally published on February 23, 2016. Snapchat is one of the fastest growing and most exciting social networks for marketers at the moment and the app now boasts over 100 million daily active users and 7 billion video views, daily! But with any growing social media platform, it can be a little hard to figure out where to get started. In order to deliver the best, most actionable Snapchat tips, we teamed up with Everette Tay

F8 Update: 10 New Facebook Features Every Marketer Should Know

F8 2016 is in the history books, and there was certainly no shortage of brilliant new Facebook features and ground-breaking announcements from the social media giant. In his Keynote, Mark Zuckerberg took us through Facebook’s 10 Year Plan with an emphasis on “developing a family of apps to share anything they want with anyone.” And although many of Facebook’s goals sounded highly ambitious, the company has already laid a solid

Facebook Instant Articles: What They Are, How They Work and 5 Things You Need to Know

Facebook has opened up Instant Articles to publishers of all sizes. In this post, we’ll guide you through the ins and outs of Facebook’s publishing platform and how to get started. The announcement that Instant Articles were being opened up to all publishers came in February 2016, and they were officially opened for all on April 12, at Facebook’s F8 conference. A Facebook-native publishing platform has been rumored since the social network changed its News Feed algorithm to favor “quality conte

The Biggest Internet Phenomenon Since The App Store: How Messaging Apps Are Changing Social Media

With the rise of messaging apps and bots, the way many of us use social media to share and interact is fundamentally changing. As we progress through 2016, and beyond we’ll start to notice most social activity is no longer going to happen in public, instead transitioning to private groups and messaging apps. This represents a significant change in what “social media” is. This is a change that will challenge everything we’ve learned about social media over the past decade-or-so. Until now, stand

Big Changes Coming to Facebook: Everything Marketers Need to Know About F8

Update 4/14/2016: F8 is complete and so many great new Facebook features have emerged onto the social media scene. For a top 10 list of new Facebook features, check out our post here ! One of the most highly anticipated conferences of the year, Facebook’s F8 , is almost here! Taking place on April 12 and 13 in Fort Mason, San Francisco, F8 is sure to deliver excitement for marketers, publishers, and developers alike. And if

The Law of the Double-Peak: How to Maximise the Marketing Potential of Any Social Network

Over the past few years, social media marketing has shifted a great deal, and we’ve almost reached a point where what works to drive engagement and clicks on a social network one day, may not the next. This fast paced movement and rapid change isn’t an accident. It’s an essential part of any social network’s progression. If you look closely at the evolution of the biggest social networks out there, a trend emerges and two clear periods of opportunity stand out for marketers. We call it the law

How to Keep Your Social Media Images Looking Fresh (Even if You’re Posting Every Day)

Consistently posting high-quality content is the lifeblood of a great social media strategy. But it’s easier said than done. Not only do you have to post consistently to gain traction, the content has be to timely, relevant to your audience, and engaging. Social media is for conversations after all, not megaphones. Whether it’s a plane in the Hudson River or a crying boy hugging a p

Snapchat Chat: Everything You Need to Know About Snapchat’s Excellent Messaging App

Snapchat is growing up pretty quickly. What started out as a way to share photos that self-destruct in 10 seconds, has evolved into one of the most complete and engaging communication platforms on the market today. On March 29, Snapchat unveiled a major overhaul of its chat platform, enabling a whole bunch of new multimedia options for users. For the first time, users can now make audio and video calls through the app, as well as choose from over 200 stickers to send in messages and simultaneou

Facebook Pages to Watch + 16 Amazing Pages That We Draw Inspiration From Every Day

The truth is, there’s so much to do on social media that, as a social media manager, I have to choose my battles wisely when it comes to steering my time and deciding which creative strategies to pursue. Luckily, there are an unlimited amount of resources out there to help social media marketers like us to decide which strategies will provide the biggest payoff when it comes to Facebook marketing. But, more often than not, those

The Always-Updated Guide to Social Media Logos

Keeping up to date with the latest social media logos can be a challenge. And even once you’ve found the correct logos it can also take some time to understand the brand guidelines: * How much spacing should be around the logo? * What colors should I use? * What size should be it be? etc, To help you save time, we put together this resource to keep you updated on the latest social media logos. Alongside the most recent logos for Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more, we’ve also included the k

Twitter Turns 10: Reflections and Learnings from 10 Years of Twitter

On March 21st, 2006, Jack Dorsey set up his twttr. What followed over the past 10 years, as Twitter has evolved has undoubtedly changed the way we communicate, and in some ways changed the world. just setting up my twttr — Jack (@jack) 21 March 2006 From the Hudson River plane crash , and Obama’s four more years [

Inside Buffer’s Social Media Strategy: Stats and Key Takeaways for Marketers

Wow, how time flies! It’s been just over a year since we shared a behind-the-scenes look at Buffer’s social media strategy and stats The feedback from the community on that post was amazing, and we learned so much from the comments, many of which ended up shaping future Buffer articles like “How to Create a Social Media Report and Explain It to Your Boss or Client” and “What $5 Per Day Will Buy You on Facebook Ads. Since then, we’ve tried our best to learn about what’s working well for us on s

7 Powerful Social Media Experiments That Grew Our Traffic by 241% in 8 Months

If you’ve asked this before… “How can we get more visitors to our website?” … You’re certainly not alone, as increasing traffic is often the number one problem faced by marketers today. The bad news? Saying “get more traffic” is easier said than done. You could write guest posts (Leo wrote 150 articles in 9 months when Buffer first launched), optimize for SEO traffic [

How the Pros Get Leads from Social Media

I’ll sometimes find myself inspired by how jampacked and successful some people seem to be on social media, and I can’t help but thinking: What’s their secret? How’d they get so many leads and how can I do things exactly the same way? Well, thank you, Internet! Turns out the majority of these secrets are sitting out there in blog posts and email newsletters and everywhere else that these generous experts in lead collecting tend to share their best stuff. I’ve collected some of the best ideas

How to Build Social Media Into Your Sales Funnel

How great would it be if customers showed up in your store or on your website with a sandwich board on their shoulders, advertising their level of interest in what you have to offer. “I’m keen to buy now!” “I’m in research mode.” “I’m totally just browsing.” Well it might not be a sandwich board, but there are some ways get a good sense for this buyer intent. Today’s marketing specialists have a great grasp on sales funnels, the way that customers move from awareness to purchase (and beyond

Facebook Reactions: Meet Facebook’s New Supercharged ‘Like’ Button

Your Facebook newsfeed is about to get a whole lot more meaningful. After nearly a year of testing in various markets around the globe, Facebook has now released their new, supercharged ‘like’ button. For the first time, Facebook users globally can now react to status with more than just a thumbs up. Facebook Reactions enable you to express yourself with five additional emojis, alongside a “like.” The new Reactions are: ‘love,’ ‘haha,’ ‘wow,’ ‘sad,’ and ‘angry.’ Curious to learn more about t

20 Metaphors That Explain Social Media Perfectly

We talk about Social Media a lot! Everyone wants to be part of it, everyone tries to keep up with it and understand it, and everyone tries to find the latest tips and tricks to be better at it. But what is social media really like? How does it feel to be part of it? What if an alien came to earth and you had to explain social media and what it feels like to them, how would you do it? We have gathered 20 metaphors that we feel explain social media perfectly (okay, technically they are similes,

The 50 Things I’m No Good At With Social Media

I am no good at a lot of social media things … which is a bit tough to admit as a social media marketer! I don’t use a smartphone . I’m scared of Snapchat . I’m not entirely sure what WhatsApp does. I can think of 50 social media things (and probably more) where I could improve. The things I am good at—mostly the things that Buffer helps me with, like scheduling, c

The #1 Mistake We All Make on Twitter (It’s Probably Not What You’re Expecting)

This is how most companies tackle Twitter: start an account, follow a bunch of people, send a few Tweets about their business and hope for the best. And in some ways there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. These steps are necessary to get up and running and learn the ropes on Twitter. But, the biggest mistake we’re all making is not using two extremely simple Twitter features to their full potential. Replies and mentions. Replies and mentions are two of Twitter’s most powerful features. T

We’ve Lost Nearly Half Our Social Referral Traffic in the Last 12 Months

This is a little tough to admit. I’ve been failing at social media marketing. It feels weird admitting this, too: We as a Buffer marketing team—working on a product that helps people succeed on social media—have yet to figure out how to get things working on Facebook (especially), Twitter, Pinterest, and more. And that’s super scary to admit. What’s happening? I wish I knew! We’ve got lots of theories as to what’s be