Social Media Marketing - Page 19

A collection of posts on Social Media Marketing

Inside Buffer’s Social Media Strategy: Stats and Key Takeaways for Marketers

Wow, how time flies! It’s been just over a year since we shared a behind-the-scenes look at Buffer’s social media strategy and stats The feedback from the community on that post was amazing, and we learned so much from the comments, many of which ended up shaping future Buffer articles like “How to Create a Social Media Report and Explain It to Your Boss or Client” and “What $5 Per Day Will Buy You on Facebook Ads. Since then, we’ve tried our best to learn about what’s working well for us on s

7 Powerful Social Media Experiments That Grew Our Traffic by 241% in 8 Months

If you’ve asked this before… “How can we get more visitors to our website?” … You’re certainly not alone, as increasing traffic is often the number one problem faced by marketers today. The bad news? Saying “get more traffic” is easier said than done. You could write guest posts (Leo wrote 150 articles in 9 months when Buffer first launched), optimize for SEO traffic [

How the Pros Get Leads from Social Media

I’ll sometimes find myself inspired by how jampacked and successful some people seem to be on social media, and I can’t help but thinking: What’s their secret? How’d they get so many leads and how can I do things exactly the same way? Well, thank you, Internet! Turns out the majority of these secrets are sitting out there in blog posts and email newsletters and everywhere else that these generous experts in lead collecting tend to share their best stuff. I’ve collected some of the best ideas

How to Build Social Media Into Your Sales Funnel

How great would it be if customers showed up in your store or on your website with a sandwich board on their shoulders, advertising their level of interest in what you have to offer. “I’m keen to buy now!” “I’m in research mode.” “I’m totally just browsing.” Well it might not be a sandwich board, but there are some ways get a good sense for this buyer intent. Today’s marketing specialists have a great grasp on sales funnels, the way that customers move from awareness to purchase (and beyond

Facebook Reactions: Meet Facebook’s New Supercharged ‘Like’ Button

Your Facebook newsfeed is about to get a whole lot more meaningful. After nearly a year of testing in various markets around the globe, Facebook has now released their new, supercharged ‘like’ button. For the first time, Facebook users globally can now react to status with more than just a thumbs up. Facebook Reactions enable you to express yourself with five additional emojis, alongside a “like.” The new Reactions are: ‘love,’ ‘haha,’ ‘wow,’ ‘sad,’ and ‘angry.’ Curious to learn more about t

20 Metaphors That Explain Social Media Perfectly

We talk about Social Media a lot! Everyone wants to be part of it, everyone tries to keep up with it and understand it, and everyone tries to find the latest tips and tricks to be better at it. But what is social media really like? How does it feel to be part of it? What if an alien came to earth and you had to explain social media and what it feels like to them, how would you do it? We have gathered 20 metaphors that we feel explain social media perfectly (okay, technically they are similes,

The 50 Things I’m No Good At With Social Media

I am no good at a lot of social media things … which is a bit tough to admit as a social media marketer! I don’t use a smartphone . I’m scared of Snapchat . I’m not entirely sure what WhatsApp does. I can think of 50 social media things (and probably more) where I could improve. The things I am good at—mostly the things that Buffer helps me with, like scheduling, c

The #1 Mistake We All Make on Twitter (It’s Probably Not What You’re Expecting)

This is how most companies tackle Twitter: start an account, follow a bunch of people, send a few Tweets about their business and hope for the best. And in some ways there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. These steps are necessary to get up and running and learn the ropes on Twitter. But, the biggest mistake we’re all making is not using two extremely simple Twitter features to their full potential. Replies and mentions. Replies and mentions are two of Twitter’s most powerful features. T

We’ve Lost Nearly Half Our Social Referral Traffic in the Last 12 Months

This is a little tough to admit. I’ve been failing at social media marketing. It feels weird admitting this, too: We as a Buffer marketing team—working on a product that helps people succeed on social media—have yet to figure out how to get things working on Facebook (especially), Twitter, Pinterest, and more. And that’s super scary to admit. What’s happening? I wish I knew! We’ve got lots of theories as to what’s be

Social Media Advocacy Is the Future (Just Not the Way I Was Doing It)

I’ve never quite been able to wrap my head around social media advocacy. It’s scary for me to admit that because I write about social media for a living. I should know these things. I should have everything figured out. And I don’t. Social media advocacy has eluded me. Though that hasn’t stopped me from experimenting. I’ve muddled my way through what I believed social media advocacy to mean, and I went so far as to implement advocacy strategies – though not even sure I was doing it right. An

Social Strategies To Try Today: A Bufferchat Recap

Our own Kevan Lee stopped by #bufferchat to share his most actionable social tips that you can apply to your social strategy today. Catch our weekly Twitter chat, #bufferchat, every week on Wednesdays, 9 am PT/Noon ET/4 pm GMT, for valuable industry insights and networking with nearly 400 other smart marketers and community managers. Where do you look to find new strategies to test and try on social media? How do you

The 4 Biggest Pinterest Marketing Mistakes We Made (And How You Can Learn From Them)

I’m a bit embarrassed to share my early Pinterest Pins. But here they are anyway. A pin loaded with hashtags , a really odd-sized image , an image with a one-word description , a Pin with no description at all . I’ve made a lot of mistakes with Pinterest, both in the Pins I’ve created and in

15 New Social Media Templates to Save You Even More Time With Your Marketing

Imagine having a quick and fast way to get up to speed with social media or to get your work done in less time (and with more confidence). When I’m in a pinch or into something new, one of the first places I turn is toward a template. I’ve built a stash of headline formulas, social media updates, and more to help organize my mind when it comes to working fast and learning something new. Templates can be a lifesaver and a time-saver. Once you’ve got your templates, we’d love to help schedule a

The Best Typography, Colors, and Templates Used in the Highest-Converting Social Media Images

If you’ve been looking to supercharge your social media strategy , you probably know a lot about the benefits of using images . But, how much do you know about actually creating scientifically shareable images? Turns out, there’s tons of actionable, research-backed advice on how to create social media images that get shared—the ideal colors, fonts, text, and mo

33 Social Media Groups and Chats You Should Know About

Whether you’re a community manager, a social media marketer, a PR pro or a digital strategist, chances are good you could use a sounding board once in a while. Joining a group of likeminded professionals is a great way to bounce around ideas, ask and answer questions and share industry news and tips. Luckily, there are lots of communities out there where both new and seasoned pros can go to talk shop and get help—whether your preferred network is Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or Google+! Here’s

15 Inspiring Entrepreneurs Who Built Careers Around Their Passions Through Social Media

Have you heard this advice before: “Follow your passions!” “Do what you love!”? And have you thought, what if my passions are my hobbies? Things that I could never be paid for? For some, the advice to “do what you love” seems possible only if you have a passion for things like finance or accounting or coding. Well, I’ve been happy to find that it’s possible to follow your passions into a career, no matter what those passions may be. With social media, you now have a platform to do what you lov

The Definitive List of Social Media Acronyms and Abbreviations, Defined

Just today, I found out what SOV means. Researching this post, in fact, was the first time I discovered the definition (SOV = “Share of Voice,” by the way!). I had seen it on social media articles and updates and never knew what it meant. Do you have similar acronyms or abbreviations you’ve wondered about? Our social media shorthand is amazingly extensive. We have acronyms and abbreviations for not only the marketing terms that we use but also the w

10 Things We’ve Learned About Social Media in 2014

One of the best ways I’ve found to learn new things on social media is to try new things. We experiment, we make mistakes. We succeed, and we fail. And we get a better feeling for how things might work and the best strategies, ideas, and experiments to try next. I’ve had the privilege of trying out a number of these new strategies and experiments this year, learning tons about the best way to share on social media. I’d love to share with you what I’ve learned! Keep reading for my list of the

Building Your Social Media Strategy for the New Year

Social media expert Rebekah Radice joined us for Bufferchat to look back at social media trends in 2014 and look ahead for the best tips for your 2015 strategy. Check out the full Storify recap here! Why is a social media strategy important? From Rebekah: * A social media strategy allows you to be intentional and strategic, giving you focus and purpose. * Strategy m

10 of Social Media Marketing’s Most Frequently Asked Questions

When it comes to hearing great social media advice, I seem to have a bit of a preference: I quite enjoy finding the advice that fits my questions specifically. And wouldn’t you know, my questions are likely to be different than your questions and yours different than the next person’s. Social media is a brilliant puzzle to solve, and we often seem to be working on different parts of the picture. So what are social media’s biggest questions? To find out, we asked. We solicited feedback and qu

The Science of Building a Strong, Lasting Community on Social Media

How do your interactions differ between the online world and the offline? Away from the computer, we may have a better feeling on how to interact with one another and build relationships. Online? It’s a bit of a different world. As a distributed team at Buffer—meaning we all work from wherever we’re happiest—our interactions together and our relationships with one another take place online. The same goes for many of the connections we make on social media. So it seems worthwhile to have a bet

The 10 Latest & Greatest Social Media Strategies to Boost Your Results and Save You Time

I’m constantly amazed and inspired by the way that others go about experimenting, testing, and trying out new methods to get more value out of their social media marketing. Constant testing is something we love to do at Buffer. So I’m always keen to hear about new tests to try. There’s no shortage of intriguing new social media strategies. I’m excited to share 10 of the latest ones I’ve been interested to try here at Buffer. Do you think these might work for you and your social media marketin

17 Quick Wins to Boost Your Social Media Marketing Right Away

When I set up a daily to-do list , I often have a spectrum of tasks that need to get done. There are the big projects that figure to take multiple days to complete. There are medium-sized tasks that will require some long stretches of intense focus. Then there are the quick wins. I love the quick wins. These are the tasks that can be done in a matter of minutes. They’re super fast fixes or experiments that

30+ Ultimate Headline Formulas for Tweets, Posts, Articles, and Emails

A headline can serve either as an apple pie on the windowsill of your content or as its bouncer. It’s all in the way you phrase things. Fortunately for us, many people have found headlines that work wonders, consistently, time after time. And they go well beyond the saturated listicle or clickbait. Why not take some inspiration from the best headlines of the best headline writers? The blueprints exist to get your tweets, emails, updates, and articles clicked. I collected a trove of interesti