Join us as we share what we’re learning as we build a company that approaches work from a fresh perspective. We write about workplace culture, our finances, and our business decisions and strategies.

OpenNov 12, 2014
How to Live Your Passion and Love What You Do: Advice from Career Coach DJ Waldow

Speaker, podcaster and career coach DJ Waldow recently joined us for #bufferchat to discuss living your passion. See the full Storify recap here. What does it mean to live your passion? From DJ: * “Living your passion: Do What You Love | Love What You Do – This@ugmonk t says it all:“ * “If you are LIVING YOUR PASSION (or know someone who is) I’d love to have you on my podcast “ Other great insights: * “Living you

OpenNov 11, 2014
Good Things Happen When Developers Work with Customers

At Buffer and many other customer-centric startups, the product, marketing, and engineering teams all listen to customer questions and answer them directly. I’ve often been floored by how much of their personal time our customers will take to help us think through challenges, suggest improvements, and share ideas. Our Uservoice page is regularly updated with votes and comments. It’s incredibly fun to watch. How all our Buffer team members work with customers has changed through the years as th

OpenNov 10, 2014
Buffer in October: $391K MRR ($4.7M ARR), Fundraising, Buffer for iOS 8 & iPad, New Product Push

In October, Buffer announced a new funding round, launched the new Buffer for iOS 8 and iPad, and laid the groundwork to hire for many new positions! Here are our latest numbers as of the end of October: * New users: 76,973 (Total: 1,861,443 from 1,784,516: +4.3%) * Daily active users: 43,231 (up from 41,647: +3.8%) * Monthly active users: 174,121 (up from 166,511: +4.6%) * Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): $390,752 (ARR: $4,689,024: +6.9%) * Cash in bank: $1,004,862 (last month: $846,145)

OpenNov 5, 2014
5 Continents, 14 Cities, 24 People: How We Work As a Distributed Team Spread Across the Planet

There are a lot of ways to have a great day at Buffer. Between our value of positivity, our awesome team, our be-your-own-boss decision maker structure and our pro-naps policy, it’s downright tough to have anything but a good day. And exactly what that day looks like is totally up to each of us. One of the biggest freedoms of our team is that we’re fully distributed around the world, so we each make our own schedule in the place that makes us happiest. That means there’s no wrong way to wor

OpenNov 4, 2014
17 Top Tools for Remote Workers and Digital Nomads

You might have noticed that we’re big fans of tools at Buffer. We’ve written about tools for mobile marketing. Tools for Facebook. Tools for SEO. Of course, we make tools for social media management, so there’s a chance we could be a bit biased. But we see online tools and apps as a key part of our philosophy of working smarter, not harder. It’s also a lot of fun to find a great new tool! So when the tool-finding team at Product Hunt asked us at Buffer to curate a list of our top tools for re

OpenNov 3, 2014
How to Move to San Francisco: Flying 2,300 Miles to Live the Buffer Values

“You choose to be at the single place on earth where you are the happiest and most productive, and you are not afraid to find out where that is.” This beautiful sentiment comes from the Buffer culture slidedeck , the document that defines the values behind everything we do at Buffer. One of the 10 Buffer values is to “Live smarter, not harder,” and this involves finding that single place on earth where you can be your best. A few months a

OpenOct 28, 2014
Can You Be Happy All the Time? How Buffer’s Value of Positivity Works on “Bad Days”

If you look at our culture deck on Slideshare , you’ll quickly find that our first and likely most pronounced value is “Always choose positivity and happiness.” We have this as a very central theme in the way we work, live and how we hire here at Buffer. It’s one of the things that gives me the most fulfillment of working towards. It’s also one of the hardest and most aspirational values to live up to.

OpenOct 27, 2014
We’re Raising $3.5m in Funding: Here is the Valuation, Term Sheet and Why We’re Doing It

Update: We closed a first syndicate on AngelList today, October 27th. We have opened a new one with VegasTechFund now here. Update 2: All our public AngelList syndicates have been oversubscribed and are now closed. The full $3.5m is now committed. What’s left is for us to finish the due diligence process with our lead investor (Collaborative Fund) in order to hopefully close out the funding, then have the money wired. We’ll update you once this is all done. Than

OpenOct 22, 2014
An Inside Look at the New Buffer for iPhone And iPad

Since the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference in June, I have been working hard on our iOS 8 update. And now, the new Buffer for iPhone and iPad is live to all our customers! Not only have we added support for the amazing new features available to us in iOS 8, but we’ve added universal support for iPad for the first time. Download the free app for iPad and iPhone! I thought I would publish a little inside look at the additions to Buffer for iOS for v4.0—including some things you might n

OpenOct 14, 2014
What Happens When Startup Advisors Advise the Whole Team

One of the things that has fascinated me most about ancient Greece and Rome has always been the idea of oracles. If you’ve seen the movie 300, you might remember the scene in which Leonidas has to consult the oracle, which will decide whether the Spartans will go to battle or not. You can almost grasp the frustration of the Spartan king. He’s not in control. He has to rely on the priests and only the priests are able to understand the oracle’s advice. He feels powerless, as he has to follow wh

OpenOct 9, 2014
How a 10-Person Team Gives Voice to 1.8 Million Customers: Buffer’s September Happiness Report

Happy October! In September, our entire team traveled to New York, NY, to work and play all together for our semi-annual company retreat. (Retreats occur every 5 months, so that they fall on a different month each time. This alleviates one of the challenges of scheduling everyone to travel. This way, if retreat falls over an important personal date or event like a family member birthday, it will change the next year.) Similarly to April, this put a big dent on our customer service numbers. We f

OpenOct 6, 2014
24 People, No Managers: Our New Experiment in Getting Work Done at Buffer

A few months ago, Joel discovered a fascinating book that he shared with all of us on the team. The title of the book was “The Decision Maker ” and it proposed a radically different idea to how companies are run. In short, it put traditional management on its head. Instead of higher-ups making decisions, often far removed from the real problems that

OpenSep 29, 2014
Fast Customer Development: How We Use Twitter to Build Products People Love

Hi there! This is an older post that we’ve kept around for transparency but that means that sometimes the information is no longer accurate. Head to our homepage to view our most recent posts. At Buffer, we’ve recently made a big change to how we build products and use the Lean Startup methodologies much more closely. It followed what I’d call a phenomenon that Hiten Shah, one of our closest advisors mentioned to us in a mentoring session: At Buffer, we have always taken a lot of pride

OpenSep 25, 2014
The Happiness Hero Approach to Customer Service: A Bufferchat Recap

On September 10th, with all of the Buffer team members gathered in New York for our working retreat, the team of Happiness Heroes joined forces to lead a #bufferchat discussion on customer service (and cute animal gifs). Connect with the dynamic individuals offering support and smiles to Buffer’s community every day: (in order of photo, left to right) Dave , Colin (the Happiness Engineer), Adam , Nic

OpenSep 24, 2014
Yoga (and Mindfulness) is in Everything We Do

The other day I was discussing with my teammate and friend Carolyn how it had been months since the last time I attended a yoga class. I’ve been thinking about it occasionally and getting annoyed with myself for not practicing—almost feeling stressed. Like many other things—for example, blogging—I often ind it incredibly hard to get back to things that I “should” be doing. The stress increases and an inside feeling of pressure happens. Then I realized, yoga is in everything that I do. I took s

OpenSep 23, 2014
Zero Notifications: The Phone Hack That Could Change Your Productivity Forever

A while back, my co-founder Leo gave me an interesting suggestion: he said I should try disabling all notifications on my iPhone. I find this suggestion especially interesting because it is one that goes against the normal phone setup. It’s so usual to stick to how things are, and with iPhone apps the easiest thing to do is to “allow” all those notifications. It seems almost odd to even consider doing things any other way. I chose to go along with Leo’s suggestion, although I was admittedly q

OpenSep 22, 2014
Anything Is Possible: How to Achieve Your Goals and Chase Your Dreams

Rest, and think. What does your ideal day look like? When do you wake up? Who do you spend time with? What do you do? What does your ideal work look like? What do you create? How does it make you feel? Where are you when you’re creating it? What is your ideal life? Picture it. Embrace it. Bearhug the living daylights out of it. Then go out and get it. You can be anything you want to be This seems impossible, right? At the very least impractical. People don’t just visualize what they want

OpenSep 17, 2014
SEO Mysteries, Content Upgrades and More: The Buffer August Content Report

Note: Updated Sept. 18 based on more details from Google’s John Mueller in the comments. Thanks again, John! We’re so grateful for Google’s help and guidance in solving our mystery and fixing our errors so quickly! The month of August gave the Buffer Crafters an unexpected SEO mystery to solve. When Google announced that https would become a ranking signal, we switched our Buffer Social blog over to https—and subsequently lost about 90% of our organic traffic! Here’s a look at our organic traf

OpenSep 10, 2014
43 Science-Backed Health Hacks for Busy People

Have you ever discovered a life hack just when you needed to hear it? The timing and the solution perfect, and the next step so obvious that you acted immediately and have stuck with it ever since? When it comes to health, sweeping life changes are especially difficult to implement and even harder to sustain. But in my experience, it’s the small changes you adopt, maintain, and love that add up to a meaningful long-term difference. I’ve been collecting a list of these kinds of fitness, diet, h

OpenSep 9, 2014
6 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in Urban Homesteading

In February, my husband and I jumped head-first into urban farming — starting our summer garden from seeds. It then developed into an even larger endeavor when we added 13 chicks into our home. And then four ducks. And then three more chickens… The past several months have been a blur between brooding chicks, building coops, free-ranging, fixing fencing, gardening and finding eggs. As I look back upon these summer months, several distinct themes come to mind — and boy, do they ripple beyond ou

OpenSep 8, 2014
Buffer August Update: $338K MRR ($4M ARR!), New Team Structure, Exploring a Small Funding Round

In August I think we really found our stride in a lot of ways, and hitting $4M is a huge milestone. At the same time, our MRR growth the last two months has been a lot lower than we’d like – 5% or 6% is not ideal for us. I’m confident with our hard work and new teams set up we can pull that up. (I also want to share some of July’s numbers—I went on vacation right at the start of the month and let the update slip by.) Traction update July * New users: 65,712 (Total: 1,663,761, from 1,598

OpenSep 8, 2014
How To Be Happier, More Influential and Well-Liked: 7 Tricks From Non-Fiction that Make Life Easier

My world at Blinkist revolves around books: self-help books, psychology books, books on business and marketing and persuasion. They’re full of colorful anecdotes and tried-and-true strategies for making just about anything in life easier or better. While having multiple options for mastering a skill is a nice luxury, too much of a good thing is still just that. At Blinkist, we condense nonfiction books into 15-minute summaries; even so, if you tried to read the entirety of the library, the onsl

OpenSep 3, 2014
The Healthiest Way to Work: Standing vs. Sitting and Everything in Between

Five or more hours of sedentary sitting, according to Dr. David Agus, is the health equivalent of smoking a pack and a quarter of cigarettes. Yikes. Yet, sitting around is something we get plenty of practice at. Reading and writing and creating on a computer makes for big chunks of sedentary time. If you’re reading this post right now, are you sitting down? How long have you been sitting? It’s a topic that I think of often. We’ve all kind of taken a shining to it on the Buffer team, being more

OpenSep 2, 2014
Mike San Román is Buffer’s Newest Web Developer

I’m so happy to announce that Mike San Román will be joining our team as our next web developer! Mike will be focusing on our Buffer for Business offering. In the short time Mike has been working with us, he’s accomplished quite a lot. Mike focused on understanding our Business customers through survey forms and running various experiments. He’s also implemented some key performance improvements including client side caching with IndexedDB. Since launching our Business offering last December,